
Defines functions fromJSON toJSON matchSet htmlToText parseAddress regexSub replaceRegexMatches extractRegexMatches fromB64 toB64 canBeNumeric toNumeric naOmit select sourcify rethrow extractErrorMessage indexOf isSame endsWith startsWith composeFormula constructFormula stringify repstr formatElement measureElements nDigits dotPos spaces format cap1st columnTypeRDescription columnType unquote readTextFile stringifyTerm resolveQuo decomposeFormula decomposeTerms decomposeTerm composeTerms composeTerm reject tryNaN isError createError isString isValue tryStack dontTry ignore

Documented in canBeNumeric composeFormula composeTerm composeTerms constructFormula createError decomposeFormula decomposeTerm decomposeTerms endsWith extractErrorMessage format fromB64 isError matchSet naOmit reject resolveQuo select sourcify startsWith stringifyTerm toB64 toNumeric tryNaN

.SUPCHARS <- c("\u1D43", "\u1D47", "\u1D48", "\u1D49", "\u1DA0", "\u1D4D", "\u02B0", "\u2071",
               "\u02B2", "\u1D4F", "\u02E1", "\u1D50", "\u207F", "\u1D52", "\u1D56", "\u02B3", "\u02E2",
               "\u1D57", "\u1D58", "\u1D5B", "\u02B7", "\u02E3", "\u02B8", "\u1DBB")

ignore <- function(...) {
    if (length(args) > 0)
        warning(paste(paste0("Ignoring argument '", names(list(...)),"'"), collapse='\n'))

dontTry <- function(expr, ...) {

#' @importFrom utils head
tryStack <- function(expr, silent=FALSE) {
    byref <- new.env()
    result <- try(withCallingHandlers(
        error=function(e) {
            stack <- sys.calls()
            stack <- stack[-(1:8)]
            for (i in seq_along(stack)) {
                call <- stack[i]
                if (startsWith(call, 'withCallingHandlers(expr, error = function(e) {')) {
                    stack <- stack[-(1:i)]
            stack <- utils::head(stack, -2)
            stack <- paste(stack, collapse='\n')
            stack <- paste0(as.character(e), '\n', stack)
            byref$stack <- stack
    , silent=silent)
    if (isError(result)) {
        attr(result, 'stack') <- byref$stack

isValue <- function(value) {
    if (is.null(value))
    if ( ! is.atomic(value))
    if (length(value) == 1)

isString <- function(value) {
    (is.character(value) && length(value) == 1)

#' @rdname reject
#' @export
createError <- function(formats, code=NULL, ...) {

    message <- format(formats[1], ...)
    error <- simpleError(message)

    for (name in names(formats)) {

        if (name != "") {
            message <- format(formats[[name]], ...)
            error[[name]] <- message

    error$code <- code

#' Determine if an object is an error
#' @param object the object to test
#' @return TRUE if the object is an error
#' @export
isError <- function(object) {
    base::inherits(object, 'try-error') || base::inherits(object, 'error')

#' try an expression, and return NaN on failure
#' if the expression fails, NaN is returned silently
#' @param expr an expression to evaluate
#' @return the result, or NaN on failure
#' @export
tryNaN <- function(expr) {
    result <- try(expr, silent=TRUE)
    if (base::inherits(result, 'try-error'))

#' Create and throw errors
#' These functions are convenience functions for creating and throwing errors.
#' @param formats a format string which is passed to \code{\link{format}}
#' @param code an error code
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link{format}}
#' @export
reject <- function(formats, code=NULL, ...) {
    stop(createError(formats, code, ...))

#' @rdname decomposeTerm
#' @export
composeTerm <- function(components) {

    # handle ~1, ~0
    if (length(components) == 1 &&
        is.numeric(components) &&
        (components == 1 || components == 0))

    components <- as.character(components)
    uniques <- unique(components)
    counts <- integer(length(uniques))
    names(counts) <- uniques
    for (component in components)
        counts[component] <- counts[component] + 1

    components <- sapply(uniques, function(component) {
        if (make.names(component) != component) {
            component <- gsub('\\', '\\\\', component, fixed=TRUE)
            component <- gsub('`', '\\`', component, fixed=TRUE)
            component <- paste0('`', component, '`')

    for (i in seq_along(components)) {
        count <- counts[i]
        if (count != 1)
            components[[i]] <- paste0('I(', components[[i]], '^', count, ')')

    term <- paste0(components, collapse=':')

#' @rdname decomposeTerm
#' @export
composeTerms <- function(listOfComponents) {
    sapply(listOfComponents, composeTerm, USE.NAMES=FALSE)

#' Compose and decompose interaction terms to and from their components
#' @param components a character vectors of components
#' @param listOfComponents a list of character vectors of components
#' @param term a string with components separated with colons
#' @param terms a character vector of components separated with colons
#' @examples
#' composeTerm(c('a', 'b', 'c'))
#' # 'a:b:c'
#' composeTerm(c('a', 'b', 'with space'))
#' # 'a:b:`with space`'
#' decomposeTerm('a:b:c')
#' # c('a', 'b', 'c')
#' decomposeTerm('a:b:`with space`')
#' # c('a', 'b', 'with space')
#' @export
decomposeTerm <- function(term) {

    chars <- strsplit(term, '')[[1]]
    components <- character()
    componentChars <- character()
    inQuote <- FALSE
    inI <- FALSE
    isExp <- FALSE
    componentInProgress <- TRUE

    i <- 1
    n <- length(chars)

    while (i <= n) {
        char <- chars[i]
        if (char == '`') {
            inQuote <- ! inQuote
        else if (inQuote == FALSE && char == 'I' && (i + 1 <= n) && chars[i + 1] == '(') {
            inI <- TRUE
            i <- i + 1
        else if (inQuote == FALSE && inI == TRUE && (char == ')' || char == ':')) {
            if (char == ')')
                inI <- FALSE
            if (isExp) {
                prev <- component
                component <- paste0(componentChars, collapse='')
                exp <- as.numeric(component)
                if (exp > 1) {
                    component <- rep(prev, exp-1)
                    components <- c(components, component)
                componentChars <- character()
                componentInProgress <- FALSE
                isExp <- FALSE
        else if (inQuote == FALSE && inI == TRUE && char == '^') {
            component <- paste0(componentChars, collapse='')
            components <- c(components, component)
            componentChars <- character()
            isExp <- TRUE
        else if (char == '\\') {
            i <- i + 1
            char <- chars[i]
            componentChars <- c(componentChars, char)
        else if (char == ':' && inQuote == FALSE) {
            if (componentInProgress) {
                if (isExp)
                    prev <- component
                component <- paste0(componentChars, collapse='')
                components <- c(components, component)
            componentChars <- character()
            isExp <- FALSE
            componentInProgress <- TRUE
        else {
            componentChars <- c(componentChars, char)
            componentInProgress <- TRUE
        i <- i + 1

    if (componentInProgress) {
        component <- paste0(componentChars, collapse='')
        components <- c(components, component)


#' @rdname decomposeTerm
#' @export
decomposeTerms <- function(terms) {
    decomposed <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(terms))
        decomposed[[i]] <- decomposeTerm(terms[[i]])

#' Decompose a formula
#' @param formula the formula to decompose
#' @return a list of lists of the formulas components
#' @export
decomposeFormula <- function(formula) {

    chars <- as.character(formula)
    term  <- chars[length(chars)]

    chars <- strsplit(term, '')[[1]]
    components <- character()
    componentChars <- character()
    inQuote <- FALSE

    i <- 1
    n <- length(chars)

    while (i <= n) {
        char <- chars[i]
        if (char == '`') {
            inQuote <- ! inQuote
            componentChars <- c(componentChars, '`')
        else if (char == '\\') {
            i <- i + 1
            char <- chars[i]
            componentChars <- c(componentChars, '\\', char)
        else if ((char == '*' || char == '+' || char == ' ') && inQuote == FALSE) {
            component <- paste0(componentChars, collapse='')
            if (nchar(component) > 0)  # skip empty strings
                components <- c(components, component)
            componentChars <- character()
        else {
            componentChars <- c(componentChars, char)
        i <- i + 1

    component <- paste0(componentChars, collapse='')
    if (nchar(component) > 0)  # skip empty strings
        components <- c(components, component)


#' @importFrom rlang enquo
#' @export

#' Evaluates a quosure
#' This is intended for use by classes overriding Analysis
#' @param quo the quosure to evaluate
#' @return the value of the quosure
#' @export
resolveQuo <- function(quo) {
    if (rlang::is_null(quo))
    if (rlang::quo_is_call(quo)) {
        asc <- as.character(rlang::quo_get_expr(quo))
        if (asc[1] == 'c' || asc[1] == 'vars')
    if (rlang::quo_is_symbol(quo)) {

#' Converts a term into a string
#' Converts a term (a vector of components) into a string for display purposes
#' @param components a character vector of components
#' @param sep a separator to go between the components
#' @param raise whether duplicates should be raised to powers
#' @return the components joined together into a string for disply
#' @examples
#' stringifyTerm(c('a', 'b', 'c'))
#' # "a:b:c"
#' stringifyTerm(c('a', 'b', 'c'), sep=' * ')
#' # "a * b * c"
#' options('jmvTermSep', ' * ')
#' stringifyTerm(c('a', 'b', 'c'))
#' # "a * b * c"
#' #' stringifyTerm(c('`quoted`', 'b', 'c'))
#' # "quoted * b * c"
#' @export
stringifyTerm <- function(components, sep=getOption('jmvTermSep', ':'), raise=FALSE) {

    POWER_SUPS <- c('', '\u00B2', '\u00B3', '\u2074', '\u2075',
                    '\u2076', '\u2077', '\u2078', '\u2079')

    if (raise) {
        components <- unlist(components)
        uniques <- unique(components)
        counts <- integer(length(uniques))
        names(counts) <- uniques
        for (component in components)
            counts[component] <- counts[component] + 1
        components <- uniques

    components <- sapply(components, function(x) {
        if (startsWith(x[1], '`') && endsWith(x[1], '`')) {
            x <- substring(x, 2, nchar(x)-1)
            x <- gsub('`', '\\`', x, fixed=TRUE)

    if (raise) {
        components <- paste0(components, POWER_SUPS[counts])

    term <- paste(components, collapse=sep)


readTextFile <- function(...) {
    ch <- readChar(paste0(..., collapse=''), nchars=1e6)

unquote <- function(string) {
    n <- nchar(string)
    if (n < 2)

    if (substring(string, 1, 1) == '"' && substring(string, n, n) == '"')
        string <- substring(string, 2, n-1)


columnType <- function(column) {

    if (inherits(column, "ordered")) {
    } else if (inherits(column, "factor")) {
    } else {

columnTypeRDescription <- function(column) {

    if (is.ordered(column)) {
        return("an ordered factor")
    } else if (is.factor(column)) {
        return("a factor")
    } else {

cap1st <- function(s) {
    paste0(toupper(substring(s,1,1)), substring(s, 2))

#' Format a string with arguments
#' Substitutes the arguments into the argument str. See the examples below.
#' @param str the format string
#' @param ... the arguments to substitute into the string
#' @param context 'normal' or 'R'
#' @return the resultant string
#' @examples
#' jmvcore::format('the {} was delish', 'fish')
#' # 'the fish was delish'
#' jmvcore::format('the {} was more delish than the {}', 'fish', 'cow')
#' # 'the fish was more delish than the cow'
#' jmvcore::format('the {1} was more delish than the {0}', 'fish', 'cow')
#' # 'the cow was more delish than the fish'
#' jmvcore::format('the {what} and the {which}', which='fish', what='cow')
#' # 'the cow and the fish'
#' jmvcore::format('that is simply not {}', TRUE)
#' # 'that is simply not true'
#' jmvcore::format('that is simply not {}', TRUE, context='R')
#' # 'that is simply not TRUE'
#' @export
format <- function(str, ..., context="normal") {

    args <- list(...)

    for (name in names(args)) {
        value <- args[[name]]
        if (grepl("^\\..+", name)[1]) {
            name <- sub(".", "$", name, fixed=TRUE)
            str  <- gsub(name, value[1], str, fixed=TRUE)

    if (grepl("{}", str, fixed=TRUE)[1]) {

        for (token in args)
            str <- sub("{}", stringify(token, context), str, fixed=TRUE)

    } else {

        if (grepl("\\{[0-9]+\\}", str)[1]) {

            i <- 0
            for (token in args) {
                str <- gsub(paste0("{", i, "}"), stringify(token, context), str, fixed=TRUE)
                i <- i + 1

        if (grepl("\\{ *[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]* *\\}", str)[1]) {

            match <- regexec('\\$?\\{ *([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*) *\\}', str)[[1]]
            while (match[1] != -1) {
                name   <- substring(str, match[2], match[2] + attr(match, 'match.length')[2] - 1)
                before <- substring(str, 1, match[1] - 1)
                after  <- substring(str, match[1] + attr(match, 'match.length')[1])
                if (name %in% names(args)) {
                    value <- args[[name]]
                    if (length(value) == 0) {
                        value <- '\u2026'
                    } else {
                        value <- stringify(args[[name]], context)
                } else {
                    value <- '\u2026'
                str <- paste0(before, value, after)
                match <- regexec('\\{ *([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*?) *\\}', str)[[1]]


spaces <- function(n) {
    s <- ''
    if (n > 0)
        s <- paste(rep(' ', n), collapse='')

dotPos <- function(x) {

nDigits <- function(x, negSign=TRUE) {

    # calcs no. digits before the decimal point

    n <- 1

    if (x > 1) {
        n <- base::floor(base::log10(x)) + 1
    } else if (x < -1) {
        n <- base::floor(base::log10(abs(x))) + 1

    if (x < 0 && negSign)
        n <- n + 1


measureElements <- function(elems, maxdp=Inf, type='number', p=FALSE, zto=FALSE, pc=FALSE) {

    sf  <- getOption('digits')
    scl <- 1e-3
    sch <- 1e+7

    # non-scientific
    dp <- 0
    maxns <- 0   # max
    minns <- 0

    # scientific
    maxexp <- 0  # max scientific exponent
    minexp <- 0  # min scientific exponent
    negman <- FALSE  # are any of the mantissas negative

    # string
    maxstr <- 0

    maxsupwidth <- 0  # max superscripts width

    if (zto) {
        dp <- sf
        maxdp <- sf
        scl <- 0
        sch <- Inf

    if (pc) {
        dp <- sf - 2
        maxdp <- sf - 2
        scl <- 0
        sch <- Inf
        maxns <- 100

    for (elem in elems) {

        sups <- integer()

        if (inherits(elem, "Cell")) {
            sups <- elem$sups
            elem <- elem$value

        if (is.null(elem)) {

            maxstr <- max(maxstr, 1)  # width of '.'

        } else if (length(elem) == 0) {

            maxstr <- max(maxstr, nchar(utils::capture.output(elem)))

        } else if (is.nan(elem)) {

            maxstr <- max(maxstr, 3)  # width of 'NaN'

        } else if (is.na(elem)) {

            # do nothing

        } else if (is.infinite(elem)) {

            maxstr <- max(maxstr, 4)  # width of '-Inf'

        } else if (inherits(elem, "character")) {

            maxstr <- max(maxstr, nchar(elem))

        } else if ( ! is.numeric(elem)) {

            maxstr <- 2 + nchar(class(elem)[1])

        } else if (p && elem < (10^-sf) && elem >= 0.0) {

            maxstr <- max(maxstr, sf + 3)

        } else if (elem == 0) {

            if (is.integer(elem))
                dp <- max(dp, 0)
                dp <- max(dp, sf-1)

        } else if (abs(elem) > scl && abs(elem) < sch) {

            # non-scientific values

            if (pc)
                elem <- elem * 100

            if (is.integer(elem))
                dp <- max(dp, 0)
                dp <- max(dp, (sf - floor(log10(abs(elem))) - 1))

            maxns <- max(maxns, elem)
            minns <- min(minns, elem)

        } else {

            # scientific values

            if (pc)
                elem <- elem * 100

            exp <- floor(log10(abs(elem)))
            man <- elem / (10 ^ exp)

            maxexp <- max(maxexp, exp)
            minexp <- min(minexp, exp)
            if (man < 0)
                negman <- TRUE

        if (length(sups) > 0)
            maxsupwidth <- max(maxsupwidth, 1 + length(sups))

    maxnsw <- nDigits(maxns)
    minnsw <- nDigits(minns)

    nswidth <- max(maxnsw, minnsw)  # non-scientific width

    dp <- min(maxdp, dp)
    if (dp > 0)
        nswidth <- nswidth + 1 + dp # add a decimal point

    swidth <- 0  # scientific width
    expwidth <- 0

    if (maxexp > 0 || minexp < 0) {

        expwidth <- max(nDigits(maxexp), nDigits(minexp, negSign=FALSE)) + 2  # +2 for the e and the sign
        manwidth <- sf + 1  # sf + room for a decimal point
        if (negman)
            manwidth <- manwidth + 1  # add room for a minus sign

        swidth <- manwidth + expwidth

    width <- max(swidth, nswidth, maxstr)
    width <- width + maxsupwidth

    list(sf=sf, dp=dp, width=width, expwidth=expwidth, supwidth=maxsupwidth)

formatElement <- function(elem, w=NULL, expw=NULL, supw=0, dp=2, sf=3, scl=1e-3, sch=1e7, type='number', p=FALSE, zto=FALSE, pc=FALSE) {

    sups <- integer()
    supspad <- ''

    if (inherits(elem, "Cell")) {
        sups <- elem$sups
        elem <- elem$value

        if (is.null(w) == FALSE)
            w <- w - supw
        thissupw <- length(sups)
        if (thissupw > 0)
            thissupw <- thissupw + 1  # add 1 for the space

        supspad <- repstr(' ', supw - thissupw)

    if (is.null(elem)) {

        padstr <- spaces(max(w - 1, 0))
        str <- paste0(".", padstr)

    } else if (length(elem) == 0) {

        str <- utils::capture.output(elem)
        padstr <- spaces(max(w - nchar(str), 0))
        str <- paste0(str, padstr)

    } else if (is.nan(elem)) {

        padstr <- spaces(max(w - 3, 0))
        str <- paste0(padstr, "NaN")

    } else if (is.na(elem)) {

        if (is.null(w))
            str <- ''
            str <- repstr(' ', w)

    } else if (is.infinite(elem)) {

        if (elem > 0) {
            padstr <- spaces(max(w - 3, 0))
            str <- paste0(padstr, "Inf")
        else {
            padstr <- spaces(max(w - 4, 0))
            str <- paste0(padstr, "-Inf")

    } else if (inherits(elem, "character")) {

        width <- nchar(elem)
        padstr <- spaces(max(w - width, 0))
        if (type == 'number' || type == 'integer')
            str <- paste0(padstr, elem)
            str <- paste0(elem, padstr)

    } else if ( ! is.numeric(elem)) {

        str <- paste0("[", class(elem)[1], "]")

    } else if (p && elem < (10^-sf) && elem >= 0.0) {

        str <- paste0('< .', paste0(rep(0, sf-1), collapse=''), '1')

    } else if (elem == 0 || zto || (abs(elem) > scl && abs(elem) < sch)) {

        if (pc)
            elem <- 100 * elem

        # non-scientific values
        str <- sprintf(paste0("%", w, ".", dp, "f"), elem)

    } else {

        # scientific values

        exponent <- floor(log10(abs(elem)))

        sign <- ifelse(exponent >= 0, '+', '-')
        mantissa <- elem / (10^exponent)
        exponent <- abs(exponent)

        expstr <- base::format(exponent, scientific=FALSE)

        exppad <- ''
        if ( ! is.null(expw))
            exppad <- spaces(expw-nchar(expstr)-2)  # 1 for the +/-, 1 for the e
        expstr <- paste0('e', exppad, sign, expstr)

        if ( ! is.null(w))
            manstr <- base::formatC(x=mantissa, width=w-nchar(expstr), digits=sf-1, format="f")
            manstr <- base::formatC(x=mantissa, digits=sf-1, format="f")

        str <- paste0(manstr, expstr)

    if (length(sups) > 0)
        str <- paste0(str, ' ', paste(.SUPCHARS[sups+1], collapse=''))
    str <- paste0(str, supspad)


repstr <- function(value, n, join='') {
    if (n > 0)
        return(paste(rep(value, n), collapse=join))

stringify <- function(value, context="normal") {

    if (context == "R") {

        if (is.null(value))

    } else {

        if (is.null(value))
        else if (identical(value, TRUE))
        else if (identical(value, FALSE))

#' Construct a formula string
#' @param dep the name of the dependent variable
#' @param terms list of character vectors making up the terms
#' @return a string representation of the formula
#' @examples
#' constructFormula(terms=list('a', 'b', c('a', 'b')))
#' # a+b+a:b
#' constructFormula('f', list('a', 'b', c('a', 'b')))
#' # "f~a+b+a:b"
#' constructFormula('with spaces', list('a', 'b', c('a', 'b')))
#' '`with spaces`~a+b+a:b'
#' @export
constructFormula <- function(dep=NULL, terms) {
    rhItems <- list()
    for (term in terms) {
        term <- sapply(term, function(component) {
            if (make.names(component) != component)
                component <- paste0('`', gsub('`', '\\`', component, fixed=TRUE), '`')
        rhItems[[length(rhItems)+1]] <- paste0(term, collapse=":")
    rhs <- paste0(rhItems, collapse=' + ')
    if ( ! is.null(dep)) {
        if (make.names(dep) != dep)
            dep <- paste0('`', gsub('`', '\\`', dep, fixed=TRUE), '`')
        formulaStr <- paste(dep, '~', rhs)
    } else {
        formulaStr <- rhs

#' Compose a formula string
#' @param lht list of character vectors making up the left
#' @param rht list of character vectors making up the right
#' @return a string representation of the formula
#' @examples
#' composeFormula(list('a', 'b', c('a', 'b')))
#' # ~a+b+a:b
#' composeFormula('f', list('a', 'b', c('a', 'b')))
#' # "f~a+b+a:b"
#' composeFormula('with spaces', list('a', 'b', c('a', 'b')))
#' '`with spaces`~a+b+a:b'
#' @export
composeFormula <- function(lht, rht) {
    if (missing(rht)) {
        rht <- lht
        lht <- NULL

    rhItems <- composeTerms(rht)
    rhs <- paste0(rhItems, collapse=' + ')

    if ( ! is.null(lht)) {
        lhItems <- composeTerms(lht)
        lhs <- paste0(lhItems, collapse=' + ')
        return(paste(lhs, '~', rhs))
    } else {
        return(paste('~', rhs))

#' Test whether strings start or end with a particular string
#' Same as \code{base::startsWith()} and \code{base::endsWith()} except
#' available for R < 3.3
#' @param x a string to test
#' @param prefix a string to test the presence of
#' @param suffix a string to test the presence of
#' @export
startsWith <- function(x, prefix) {
    return (substring(x, 1, nchar(prefix)) == prefix)

#' @rdname startsWith
#' @export
endsWith <- function(x, suffix) {
    return (substring(x, nchar(x) - nchar(suffix) + 1) == suffix)

isSame <- function(i1, i2) {
    if (is.list(i1) && is.list(i2)) {
        if (base::identical(i1, i2))
        n1 <- sort(names(i1))
        n2 <- sort(names(i2))
        if ( ! base::identical(n1, n2))

        for (n in n1) {
            if ( ! base::identical(i1[[n]], i2[[n]]))


    } else if (base::identical(i1, i2)) {

indexOf <- function(item, array) {
    if (is.list(item)) {
        for (i in seq_along(array)) {
            comp <- array[[i]]
            if (isSame(item, comp))
    } else {
        for (i in seq_along(array)) {
            if (base::identical(array[[i]], item))

#' Extracts the error message from an error object
#' @param error an error object
#' @export
extractErrorMessage <- function(error) {

    if (inherits(error, 'try-error'))
        error <- attr(error, 'condition')

    if (inherits(error, 'error')) {
        message <- error$message

    return('Unknown error')

rethrow <- function(error) {

    message <- extractErrorMessage(error)
    stop(message, call.=FALSE)

#' Converts basic R object into their source representation
#' @param object the object to convert to source
#' @param indent the level of indentation to use
#' @return a string of the equivalent source code
#' @examples
#' sourcify(NULL)
#' # 'NULL'
#' sourcify(c(1,2,3))
#' # 'c(1,2,3)'
#' l <- list(a=7)
#' l[['b']] <- 3
#' l[['c']] <- list(d=3, e=4)
#' sourcify(l)
#' # 'list(
#' #      a=7,
#' #      b=3,
#' #      c=list(
#' #          d=3,
#' #          e=4))'
#' @export
sourcify <- function(object, indent='') {

    if (is.null(object)) {

    if (is.logical(object)) {
        if (length(object) == 0)
        if (length(object) == 1)

        source <- 'c('
        sep <- ''

        for (item in object) {
            source <- paste0(source, sep, item)
            sep=', '
        source <- paste0(source, ')')

    if (is.numeric(object)) {

        if (length(object) == 0)
        if (length(object) == 1)

        source <- 'c('
        sep <- ''

        for (item in object) {
            source <- paste0(source, sep, item)
            sep=', '
        source <- paste0(source, ')')

        if (nchar(source) > 40)
            source <- gsub(', ', paste0(',\n    ', indent), source, fixed=TRUE)


    } else if (is.character(object)) {

        if (length(object) == 0)
        if (length(object) == 1)
            return(paste0('"', object, '"'))

        source <- 'c('
        sep <- ''

        for (item in object) {
            source <- paste0(source, sep, '"', item, '"')
            sep=', '
        source <- paste0(source, ')')

        if (nchar(source) > 40) {
            source <- gsub('c("', paste0('c(\n    ', indent, '"'), source, fixed=TRUE)
            source <- gsub('", ', paste0('",\n    ', indent), source, fixed=TRUE)


    } else if (is.list(object) || is.environment(object)) {

        if (length(object) == 0)

        indent <- paste0(indent, '    ')
        source <- paste0('list(\n', indent)
        sep <- ''

        nams <- names(object)
        if (is.null(nams)) {

            for (item in object) {
                source <- paste0(source, sep, sourcify(item, indent))
                sep <- paste0(',\n', indent)

        } else {

            for (name in nams) {
                source <- paste0(source, sep, name, '=', sourcify(object[[name]], indent))
                sep <- paste0(',\n', indent)

        source <- paste0(source, ')')


#' Create a new data frame with only the selected columns
#' Shorthand equivalent to \code{\link{subset}(df, select=columnNames)}, however
#' it additionally preserves attributes on the columns and the data frame
#' @param df the data frame
#' @param columnNames the names of the columns to make up the new data frame
#' @return the new data frame
#' @export
select <- function(df, columnNames) {
    out <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(columnNames)) {
        columnName <- unlist(columnNames[i])
        if ( ! is.null(df[[columnName]]))
            out[[columnName]] <- df[[columnName]]
    data <- data.frame(out)
    colnames(data) <- names(out)

    # Copy attributes to new data frame
    attributeNamesOld <- names(attributes(df))
    attributeNamesNew <- names(attributes(data))
    for (attributeName in attributeNamesOld[! attributeNamesOld %in% attributeNamesNew])
        attr(data, attributeName) <- attr(df, attributeName)


#' remove missing values from a data frame listwise
#' removes all rows from the data frame which contain missing values (NA)
#' this function is equivalent to \code{\link{na.omit}} from the stats package,
#' however it preserves attributes on columns in data frames
#' @param object the object to remove missing values from
#' @export
naOmit <- function(object) {

    if (is.data.frame(object)) {

        attrList <- list()
        for (name in names(object))
            attrList[[name]] <- base::attributes(object[[name]])

        nRowsBefore <- nrow(object)
        object <- stats::na.omit(object)
        nRowsAfter <- nrow(object)
        nRowsOmitted <- nRowsBefore - nRowsAfter

        for (name in names(attrList))
            base::attributes(object[[name]]) <- attrList[[name]]

        base::attr(object, 'nRowsOmitted') <- nRowsOmitted
    else {
        attrs <- base::attributes(object)
        object <- stats::na.omit(object)
        base::attributes(object) <- attrs


#' Converts a vector of values to numeric
#' Similar to \code{\link{as.numeric}}, however if the object has a values
#' attribute attached, these are used as the numeric values
#' @param object the vector to convert
#' @export
toNumeric <- function(object) {
    if (is.numeric(object))

    if ( ! is.null(base::attr(object, "values", TRUE))) {
        values <- base::attr(object, "values", TRUE)
        class(object) <- "factor"


#' Determines whether an object is or can be converted to numeric
#' @param object the object
#' @export
canBeNumeric <- function(object) {
    is.numeric(object) || ! is.null(attr(object, "values", TRUE))

#' Convert names to and from Base64 encoding
#' Note: uses the . and _ characters rather than + and / allowing these to be
#' used as variable names
#' @param names the names to be converted base64
#' @export
toB64 <- function(names) {
    sapply(names, function(name) {
        if (is.na(name))
        if (nchar(name) > 0)
            name <- base64enc::base64encode(charToRaw(name))
        if (endsWith(name, '=='))
            name <- substring(name, 1, nchar(name)-2)
        else if (endsWith(name, '='))
            name <- substring(name, 1, nchar(name)-1)
        name <- gsub('+', '.', name, fixed=TRUE)
        name <- gsub('/', '_', name, fixed=TRUE)
        name <- paste0('X', name)

#' @rdname toB64
#' @export
fromB64 <- function(names) {
    sapply(names, function(name) {
        if (is.na(name))
        name <- substring(name, 2)
        name <- gsub('.', '+', name, fixed=TRUE)
        name <- gsub('_', '/', name, fixed=TRUE)
        value <- rawToChar(base64enc::base64decode(name))

extractRegexMatches <- function(text, match) {
    match <- match[[1]]
    extracted <- character()
    starts   <- match
    lengths  <- attr(match, 'match.length')
    stops    <- starts + lengths - 1
    for (i in seq_along(match)) {
        piece <- substring(text, starts[i], stops[i])
        extracted <- c(extracted, piece)

replaceRegexMatches <- function(text, match, pieces) {
    match <- match[[1]]
    starts   <- match
    lengths  <- attr(match, 'match.length')
    stops    <- starts + lengths - 1
    for (i in rev(seq_along(match))) {
        start  <- starts[i]
        stop   <- stops[i]
        piece  <- pieces[i]
        before <- substring(text, 1, start - 1)
        after  <- substring(text, stop + 1)
        text <- paste0(before, piece, after)

regexSub <- function(pattern, text, fun) {
    match <- gregexpr(pattern, text)
    pieces <- extractRegexMatches(text, match)
    pieces <- sapply(pieces, fun, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
    replaceRegexMatches(text, match, pieces)

parseAddress <- function(address) {
    if (nchar(address) == 0)
        return (character())

    match <- regexpr('^(.*?)\\/', address, perl=TRUE)
    if (match != -1) {
        n <- attr(match, 'match.length')
        chunk   <- substring(address, 1, n - 1)
        address <- substring(address, n + 1)
        return (c(chunk, parseAddress(address)))


trimws <- function (x, which = c("both", "left", "right"))
    which <- match.arg(which)
    mysub <- function(re, x) sub(re, "", x, perl = TRUE)
    if (which == "left")
        return(mysub("^[ \t\r\n]+", x))
    if (which == "right")
        return(mysub("[ \t\r\n]+$", x))
    mysub("[ \t\r\n]+$", mysub("^[ \t\r\n]+", x))

htmlToText <- function(html) {

    text <- html

    text <- gsub("^\\s*<h[1-9]>", "", text)
    text <- gsub("^\\s*<p>", "", text)

    text <- gsub("<\\/?em>", "*", text)
    text <- gsub("<\\/p>\\s*<p>", "\n\n", text)
    text <- gsub("<\\/h[1-9]>\\s*<p>", "\n\n", text)

    text <- gsub("<\\/p>", "\n\n", text)
    text <- gsub("<\\/h[1-9]>", "\n\n", text)

    text <- gsub("<p>", "\n\n", text)
    text <- gsub("<h[1-9]>", "\n\n", text)
    text <- gsub("<br>", "\n", text)
    text <- gsub("<\\/?[a-zA-Z]+[1-9]*>", "", text)
    text <- gsub(" +", " ", text)

    text <- gsub("&alpha;", "\u03B1", text)
    text <- gsub("&gt;", ">", text)
    text <- gsub("&lt;", "<", text)
    text <- gsub("&ne;", "\u2260", text)

    text <- gsub("^\n+", "", text)
    text <- gsub("\n+$", "", text)

    text <- gsub("\n\n+", "\n\n", text)


#' Determines the index where an item appears
#' @export
#' @param x the item to find
#' @param table the object to search
#' @return the index of where the item appears, or -1 if it isn't present
matchSet <- function(x, table) {
    x <- sort(x)
    for (i in seq_along(table)) {
        row <- sort(table[[i]])
        if (identical(row, x))

#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
toJSON <- function(x) {
    as.character(jsonlite::toJSON(x, auto_unbox=TRUE))

#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
fromJSON <- function(x) {
jamovi/jmvcore documentation built on June 3, 2024, 3:16 a.m.