
#' Function to create tmCorpus
#' @param x source, for package stylo it supposed to be directory with Corpus files
#' @param ... other arguments dependent on package that we use
#' @param package package of reading the data could be tm or stylo
#' @return returns tmCorpus object
#' @examples
#' corp <- tmCorpus(c("This is corp", "Document 2"))
#' corp <- tmCorpus(list("This is corp", "Document 2"))
#' corp <- tmCorpus(VectorSource(c("This is corp", "Document 2")), package = "tm")
#' corp <- tmCorpus(DirSource("directory"), package = "tm")
#' corp <- tmCorpus("directory", package = "stylo")
#' @export
tmCorpus <- function (x = NULL, ..., package = "base") {
  if (package != "base") {
    class(package) <- package
    x <- tmExternalCoprus(package, x, ...)
  } else {
    if (is.null(x)) {
      stop("argument \"x\" is missing")
    doc_list <- lapply(x, function(y) tmTextDocument(y, id = parent.frame()$i[],...))
    x <- structure(doc_list, class = "tmCorpus")

tmExternalCoprus <- function(package, x, ...) {

tmExternalCoprus.tm <- function(package, x,
                                readerControl = list(reader = reader(x),
                                                     language = "en"), ...) {
  x <- tm::VCorpus(x, readerControl)
  x <- as.tmCorpus(x, ...)

tmExternalCoprus.stylo <- function(package, x, files = "all",
                                   encoding = "native.enc", ...) {
  x <- stylo::load.corpus(files, corpus.dir = x, encoding)
  x <- as.tmCorpus(x, ...)

#' Function to create tmParsed
#' @param x source
#' @param package package of reading the data could be tm or stylo
#' @param ... metadata for the tmParsed document
#' @return returns tmParsed object
#' @examples
#' corp <- tmCorpus(c("This is corp", "Document 2"))
#' parsed <- parse(corp)
#' parsed_ngram <- ngram(corp, k = 2)
#' parsed <- tmParsed(list(c("This", "is", "corp"), c("Document", "2")))
#' corp <- tmCorpus("directory", package = "stylo")
#' parsed <- parse(corp)
#' parsed_ngram <- ngram(corp, k = 2)
#' parsed <- tmParsed(source = "directory", package = "stylo")
#' @export
tmParsed <- function(x = NULL, package = "base", ...) {
  if (package != "base") {
    class(package) <- package
    x <- tmExternalParsedCoprus(package, x, ...)
  } else {
    if (is.null(x)) {
      stop("argument \"x\" is missing")
  doc_list <- lapply(x, function(y) tmTextDocument(y, id = parent.frame()$i[]), ...)
  x <- structure(doc_list, class = "tmParsed")

#' Function to create tmWordCountsTable
#' @param x source tmParsed
#' @return returns tmWordCountsTable object
#' @examples
#' corp <- tmCorpus(c("This is corp", "Document two is this"))
#' parsed <- parse(corp)
#' parsed_ngram <- ngram(corp, k = 2)
#' tabled <- make_tabled(parsed)
#' tabled_ngram <- make_tabled(parsed_ngram)
#' corp <- tmCorpus("directory", package = "stylo")
#' parsed <- parse(corp)
#' parsed_ngram <- ngram(corp, k = 2)
#' parsed <- tmParsed(source = "directory", package = "stylo")
#' @export
tmWordCountsTable <- function(x = NULL) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
    stop("argument \"x\" is missing")
  doc_list <- lapply(x, tmTextDocument)
  x <- structure(doc_list, class = "tmWordCountsTable")

#' Function to create single tmTextDocument with meta data.
#' The object can store any from of documents: raw (string), parsed or table of
#' words counts.
#' @param x source
#' @param ... metadata to set. Can be set as language = "pl" or newmeta = "random"
#' @return returns tmTextDocument
#' @examples
#' text <-  tmTextDocument("This is text")
#' text2 <- tmTextDocument("This is text", language = "en", title = "My test")
#' @export
tmTextDocument <- function(x = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
    stop("argument \"x\" is missing")
  x <- structure(list(text = x, meta = tmMetaData(...)),
                 class = "tmTextDocument")

#' Function to create tmMetaData
#' @param id id of document
#' @param language string language of document
#' @param author string authors name
#' @param date Date - date of reading in/date of publication
#' @param title string title of document
#' @param ... other metadata
#' @return returns tmMetaData object
#' @examples
#' tmMetaData(id = 1, author = "Author", newmetadata = "random")
#' tmMetaData(title = "New title")
#' @export
tmMetaData <- function(id = 1, language = "en", author = character(0),
                       date = Sys.Date(),
                       title = paste("Document_", id, sep = ""), ...) {
  structure(list(id = id, language = language, author = author, date = date,
                 title = title, ...), class = "tmMetaData")

tmExternalParsedCoprus <- function(package, x, files = "all",
                                   encoding = "UTF-8",
                                   readerControl = list(reader = reader(x),
                                                        language = "en")) {
  if (package == "stylo") {
    x <- stylo::load.corpus.and.parse(corpus.dir = "tmp")
    names(x) <- NULL
  class(x) <- "list"

tmReadDirCorpus <- function(source, package, parse = F, files = "all",
                            encoding = "UTF-8",
                            readerControl = list(reader = reader(x),
                                                 language = "en")) {
  if (parse == T) {
    if (package == "stylo") {
      x <- stylo::load.corpus.and.parse(corpus.dir = source)
      names(x) <- NULL
  } else {
    if (package == "base") {
      files <- dir(path = source, pattern = "*.txt")
      x <- sapply(files, function(x) read.table(paste(source, "/", x, sep = ""),
                                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
      x <- as.character(x)
    } else if (package == "stylo") {
      x <- stylo::load.corpus(files, corpus.dir = source, encoding)
      x <- as.character(x)
    } else {
      x <- tm::VCorpus(tm::DirSource(directory = source), readerControl)
      x <- sapply(x, NLP::content)
      x <- as.character(x)

tmTopicModel <- function(model) {
  class(model) <- "tmTopicModel"

#' Helper function to use mallet topic modelling with tmCorpus
#' @param doc single document
#' @return returns named character vector
mallet_prepare <- function(doc) {
  x <- getDoc(doc)
  names(x) <- getMeta(doc, parameter = "title")

#' #' Function to create train Topic Model
#' #'
#' #' @param x tmCorpus object
#' #' @param ... settings for mallet.doc.topics and mallet.topic.words
#' #'
#' #' @return returns object of a class tmTopicModel
#' #'
#' #' @export
#' train <- function(x, ...) {
#'   UseMethod("train")
#' }

#' @name train
#' @method train tmCorpus
#' @title train for \code{tmCorpus} object
#' @param x A \code{tmCorpus} object or \code{DocumentTermMatrix} object
#' @param k number of topics
#' @param stoplist_file file direcroty or vector of stopwords
#' @param token_regexp regular expression token
#' @param alpha_opt mallet LDA topic model parameter
#' @param burn_in mallet LDA topic model parameter
#' @param train mallet LDA topic model parameter
#' @param maximize mallet LDA topic model parameter
#' @param package package to train topic mdoel can be set to "mallet" or "topicmodels"
#' @param ... other model arguments
#' @export
#' @export train.tmCorpus
train.tmCorpus <- function(x, k = 20,
                           stoplist_file = "en.txt",
                           token_regexp = regexp_token,
                           alpha_opt = 20,
                           burn_in = 50, train = 200,
                           maximize = 10, package = "mallet", ...) {

  wd <- getwd()
  trained <- try(train_mallet_helper(x, k, stoplist_file,
                                     token_regexp,  alpha_opt,
                                     burn_in, train, maximize))


#' @name train
#' @method train DocumentTermMatrix
#' @title train for \code{DocumentTermMatrix} object
#' @export
#' @export train.DocumentTermMatrix
train.DocumentTermMatrix <- function(x, k = 20, ...) {

  trained <- train_topicmodels_helper(x, k, ...)

train_mallet_helper <- function(x, k = 20,
                                stoplist_file = "en.txt",
                                token_regexp = regexp_token,
                                alpha_opt = 20,
                                burn_in = 50, train = 200,
                                maximize = 10, ...) {
  name_stoplist_file <- stopwords_temp_mallet(stoplist_file)
  text_array <- sapply(x, mallet_prepare)
  if (is.null(names(text_array)))
    names <- 1:length(text_array) else names <- names(text_array)

  mallet.instances <-
    mallet::mallet.import(id.array = as.character(names),
                          text.array = as.character(text_array),
                          stoplist.file = name_stoplist_file,
                          token.regexp = token_regexp)

  topic_model <- mallet::MalletLDA(num.topics = k)

  vocabulary <- topic_model$getVocabulary()
  word_freqs <- mallet::mallet.word.freqs(topic_model)

  topic_model$setAlphaOptimization(alpha_opt, burn_in)


  doc_topics <- mallet::mallet.doc.topics(topic_model, ...)
  topic_words <- mallet::mallet.topic.words(topic_model, ...)

  topic_model <- list(model = topic_model, vocabulary = vocabulary,
                      word_freqs = word_freqs, doc_topics = doc_topics,
                      topic_words = topic_words,
                      doc_names = as.character(meta(x,"title")),
                      name_stoplist_file = name_stoplist_file,
                      stoplist_file = stoplist_file)

train_topicmodels_helper <- function(x, k = 20, ...) {
  model <- topicmodels::LDA(x, k = k, ...)
  vocabulary <- topicmodels::terms(model)
  word_topic_log_prob <- model@gamma
  topic_model <- list(model = model, vocabulary = vocabulary,
                      word_topic_log_prob = word_topic_log_prob)

#' #' Function to predict topic model probabilities for existing topic model
#' #'
#' #' @param topic.model tmTopicModel obiect
#' #' @param x tmCorpus object
#' #' @param stoplist_file directory of file with stopwords
#' #' @param token_regexp regular expression patterns
#' #' @param burn_in parameter of mallet model
#' #' @param sampling_interval parameter of mallet model
#' #' @param n_iterations parameter of mallet model
#' #' @param random_seed parameter of mallet model
#' #' @param change predict structure so it fits normal
#' #'
#' #' @return returns the table of topic probabilities
#' #'
#' #' @export
#' predict <- function(topic.model, x, stoplist_file = "en.txt",
#'                     token_regexp = regexp_token, n_iterations = 100,
#'                     sampling_interval = 10, burn_in = 10, random_seed = NULL) {
#'   UseMethod("predict")
#' }

#' Function to predict topic model probabilities for an existing topic model. 
#' The code snippets for Mallet interface were derived from Andrew Goldstone's 
#' solution, posted at https://gist.github.com/agoldst/edcfd45b5ac371296b76
#' @name predict
#' @method predict tmTopicModel
#' @references \url{https://gist.github.com/agoldst/edcfd45b5ac371296b76}
#' @title predict for \code{tmTopicModel} object
#' @param object A \code{tmTopicModel} or \code{LDA} or \code{jobjRef} object
#' @param x new data to predict probabilities of topics
#' @param stoplist_file file direcroty or vector of stopwords
#' @param token_regexp regular expression token
#' @param n_iterations mallet LDA topic model parameter
#' @param burn_in mallet LDA topic model parameter
#' @param sampling_interval mallet LDA topic model parameter
#' @param random_seed random seed
#' @param ... other motdel arguments
#' @export
#' @export predict.tmTopicModel
predict.tmTopicModel <- function(object, x, stoplist_file = "en.txt",
                                 token_regexp = regexp_token, n_iterations = 100,
                                 sampling_interval = 10, burn_in = 10,
                                 random_seed = NULL, ...) {
  predict(object$model, x, object$stoplist_file, token_regexp, n_iterations,
          sampling_interval, burn_in, random_seed)

#' @name predict
#' @method predict LDA
#' @title predict for \code{LDA} object
#' @export
#' @export predict.LDA
predict.LDA  <- function(object, x, ...) {
  topicProbabilities <- topicmodels::posterior(object,x)
  topicProbabilities <- as.data.frame(topicProbabilities$topics)

#' @name predict
#' @method predict jobjRef
#' @title predict for \code{jobjRef} object
#' @export
#' @export predict.jobjRef
predict.jobjRef <- function(object, x, stoplist_file = "en.txt",
                            token_regexp = regexp_token, n_iterations = 100,
                            sampling_interval = 10, burn_in = 10,
                            random_seed = NULL, ...) {
  wd <- getwd()
  pred <- try(predict_mallet_helper(object, x, stoplist_file, token_regexp,
                                    n_iterations, sampling_interval, burn_in,

predict_mallet_helper <- function(model, x, stoplist_file = "en.txt",
                                  token_regexp = regexp_token, n_iterations = 100,
                                  sampling_interval = 10, burn_in = 10,
                                  random_seed = NULL) {
  name_stoplist_file <- stopwords_temp_mallet(stoplist_file)
  new_texts <- sapply(x, mallet_prepare)

  mallet.instances <-
    mallet::mallet.import(id.array = as.character(names(new_texts)),
                          text.array = as.character(new_texts),
                          stoplist.file = name_stoplist_file,
                          token.regexp = token_regexp)

  comp_inst <- compatible_instances(as.character(names(new_texts)),

  inf <- inferencer(model)
  inf_top <- infer_topics(inf, comp_inst, n_iterations = n_iterations,
                          sampling_interval = sampling_interval,
                          burn_in = burn_in, random_seed = random_seed)
  ml_inst <- as.data.frame(inf_top)

#' Function to calculate topics and words arrays from the mallet model.
#' @param model tmTopicModel mallet type model.
#' @return topics Array of the topics.
#' @return words Array of the most important words in topic.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rJava)
#' x <- tmCorpus(lapply(1:100, function(x) paste(sample(LETTERS, 11),
#'                                               collapse = "")))
#' model <- train(x)
#' new_x <- tmCorpus(lapply(1:100, function(x) paste(sample(LETTERS, 11),
#'                                                   collapse = "")))
#' topic_table(model)
#' y <- DocumentTermMatrix(x)
#' rownames(y) <- meta(x, "title")
#' jss_TM <-
#'   list(VEM = train(y, k = k, control = list(seed = SEED)),
#'        VEM_fixed = train(y, k = k,
#'                          control = list(estimate.alpha = FALSE, seed = SEED)),
#'        Gibbs = train(y, k = k, method = "Gibbs",
#'                      control = list(seed = SEED, burnin = 1000,
#'                                     thin = 100, iter = 1000)))
#' pred_VEM <- predict(jss_TM$VEM, new_x)
#' @export
topic_table <- function(model){
  doc_topics <- model$doc_topics
  topic_words <- model$topic_words

  colnames(topic_words) = model$vocabulary
  rownames(doc_topics) = model$doc_names
  colnames(doc_topics) = 1:length(doc_topics[1, ])

  list(topics = doc_topics,
       words = topic_words)

#' Simple wordcloud visualization of the topics.
#' @param model tmTopicModel object
#' @param topic_id Id of the analised topic.
#' @param k number of words to be ploted.
#' @param rot_per wordcloud param
#' @param random_order order of words
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(rJava)
#' x <- tmCorpus(lapply(1:100, function(x) paste(sample(LETTERS, 11),
#'                                               collapse = "")))
#' model <- train(x)
#' topic_wordcloud(model, topic_id = 2, k = 11)
#' @export
topic_wordcloud<- function(model, topic_id = 1, k = 10,
                           rot_per = 0, random_order = FALSE){
  if(class(model$model) == "jobjRef")
    topic_table <- topic_table(model)
    current_topic = sort(topic_table$words[topic_id, ], decreasing = T
  } else {
    topic_table <- topicmodels::posterior(model$model)
    current_topic = sort(topic_table$terms[topic_id, ], decreasing = T
  wordcloud::wordcloud(names(current_topic), current_topic,
                       random.order = random_order,
                       rot.per = rot_per)

#' Function to plot topic network
#' @param k Number of words from each topic to be included in graph
#' @param model trained tmTopicModel object
#' @return network The graph visualising the network
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- tmCorpus(rep("as, a , a ,s  l k l l k k j h g f f hg j aaa", 100))
#' require(rJava)
#' model <- suppressMessages(train(x))
#' table_topic <- topic_table(model)
#' network <- topic_network(10 ,table_topic$words)
#' @export
topic_network <- function(k, model) {
  if(class(model$model) == "jobjRef")
    topic_table <- topic_table(model)
    topic_words <- topic_table$words
  } else {
    topic_table <- topicmodels::posterior(model$model)
    topic_words <- topic_table$terms
  topic_names <- paste("Topic_", 1:dim(topic_words)[1], sep = "")
  row.names(topic_words) <- topic_names
  frequent_words <- sapply(topic_names, function(x)
    list(sort(topic_words[x,], decreasing = T)[1:k]))
  topic_words <- sapply(frequent_words, names)
  topic_word_values <- sapply(frequent_words, as.numeric)

  word_list <- unique(as.vector(topic_words))

  names <- c(topic_names, word_list)
  groups <- c(rep(20, length(topic_names)),
              rep(1, length(word_list)))
  size <- c(rep(3, length(topic_names)),
            rep(1, length(word_list)))

  Nodes <- data.frame(name = names,
                      group = groups,
                      size = size)

  from <- sapply(topic_words, function(x) which(Nodes == x)) - 1
  to <- rep(0:(length(topic_names) - 1), each = k)
  value <- as.vector(topic_word_values)
  value <- value * 20 / max(value)
  Links <- data.frame(source = from,
                      target = to,
                      value = value)

  network <- networkD3::forceNetwork(Links = Links, Nodes = Nodes,
                                     Source = "source", Target = "target",
                                     Value = "value", NodeID = "name",
                                     Group = "group",zoom = TRUE,
                                     Nodesize = "group", opacity = 0.9)


#' Create textmining Corpus
#' @param x source object, can be tmTaggedText VCorpus or stylo.corpus.
#' @param ... metadata to be added
#' @examples
#' tmCorpus(c("This is new corpus", "And I like It"))
#' as.tmCorpus(c("This is new corpus", "And I like It"))
#' @export
as.tmCorpus <- function(x, ...) {

#' @export
as.tmCorpus.default <- function(x, ...) {
  tmCorpus(x, ...)

#' @export
as.tmCorpus.VCorpus <- function(x, ...) {
  x <- lapply(x, function(y) y$content)
  names(x) <- NULL
  tmCorpus(x, ...)

#' @export
as.tmCorpus.stylo.corpus <- function(x, ...) {
  x <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) paste(x[[i]], collapse = " "))
  names(x) <- NULL
  tmCorpus(x, ...)

#' @export
print.tmCorpus <- function(x, ...) {

format.tmCorpus <-
  function(x, ...)
    c(sprintf("<<%s>>", class(x)[1L]),
      sprintf("Content:  documents: %d", length(x)))

termFreq_tm <-
  function (doc, control = list())
    doc <- tm::PlainTextDocument(x = getDoc(doc),
                                 language = getMeta(doc, "language"))
    .tokenize <- control$tokenize
    if (is.null(.tokenize) || identical(.tokenize, "words"))
      .tokenize <- words.PlainTextDocument
    else if (identical(.tokenize, "MC"))
      .tokenize <- tm::MC_tokenizer
    else if (identical(.tokenize, "scan"))
      .tokenize <- tm::scan_tokenizer
    else if (NLP::is.Span_Tokenizer(.tokenize))
      .tokenize <- NLP::as.Token_Tokenizer(.tokenize)
    if (is.function(.tokenize))
      txt <- .tokenize(doc)
    else stop("invalid tokenizer")
    .tolower <- control$tolower
    if (is.null(.tolower) || isTRUE(.tolower))
      .tolower <- tolower
    if (is.function(.tolower))
      txt <- .tolower(txt)
    .removePunctuation <- control$removePunctuation
    if (isTRUE(.removePunctuation))
      .removePunctuation <- tm::removePunctuation
    else if (is.list(.removePunctuation))
      .removePunctuation <- function(x) do.call(removePunctuation,
                                                c(list(x), control$removePunctuation))
    .removeNumbers <- control$removeNumbers
    if (isTRUE(.removeNumbers))
      .removeNumbers <- tm::removeNumbers
    .stopwords <- control$stopwords
    if (isTRUE(.stopwords))
      .stopwords <- function(x) x[is.na(match(x, tm::stopwords(meta(doc,
    else if (is.character(.stopwords))
      .stopwords <- function(x) x[is.na(match(x, control$stopwords))]
    .stemming <- control$stemming
    if (isTRUE(.stemming))
      .stemming <- function(x) tm::stemDocument(x, meta(doc, "language"))
    or <- c("removePunctuation", "removeNumbers", "stopwords",
    nc <- names(control)
    n <- nc[nc %in% or]
    for (name in sprintf(".%s", c(n, setdiff(or, n)))) {
      g <- get(name)
      if (is.function(g))
        txt <- g(txt)
    if (is.null(txt))
      return(setNames(integer(0), character(0)))
    dictionary <- control$dictionary
    tab <- if (is.null(dictionary))
    else table(factor(txt, levels = dictionary))
    bl <- control$bounds$local
    if (length(bl) == 2L && is.numeric(bl))
      tab <- tab[(tab >= bl[1]) & (tab <= bl[2])]
    nc <- nchar(names(tab), type = "chars")
    wl <- control$wordLengths
    lb <- if (is.numeric(wl[1]))
    else 3
    ub <- if (is.numeric(wl[2]))
    else Inf
    tab <- tab[(nc >= lb) & (nc <= ub)]
    storage.mode(tab) <- "integer"
    class(tab) <- c("term_frequency", class(tab))

# TermDocumentMatrix <- function(x, control = list()) {
#   UseMethod("TermDocumentMatrix", x)
# }

#' @export
TermDocumentMatrix.tmCorpus <-
  function(x, control = list())

    tflist <- lapply(x, termFreq_tm, control)
    tflist <- lapply(tflist, function(y) y[y > 0])

    v <- unlist(tflist)
    i <- names(v)
    allTerms <- sort(unique(as.character(if (is.null(control$dictionary)) i
                                         else control$dictionary)))
    i <- match(i, allTerms)
    j <- rep(seq_along(x), sapply(tflist, length))
    docs <- as.character(meta(x, "id"))
    if (length(docs) != length(x)) {
      warning("invalid document identifiers")
      docs <- NULL

    m <- slam::simple_triplet_matrix(i = i, j = j, v = as.numeric(v),
                                     nrow = length(allTerms),
                                     ncol = length(x),
                                     dimnames =
                                       list(Terms = allTerms,
                                            Docs = docs))

    bg <- control$bounds$global
    if (length(bg) == 2L && is.numeric(bg)) {
      rs <- slam::row_sums(m > 0)
      m <- m[(rs >= bg[1]) & (rs <= bg[2]), ]

    weighting <- control$weighting
    if (is.null(weighting))
      weighting <- tm::weightTf

    .TermDocumentMatrix(m, weighting)

#' @export
'[.tmCorpus' <- function(x, i) {
  class(x) <- "list"
  x <- x[i]
  class(x) <- "tmCorpus"

#' Function to create tmTaggedCorpus
#' @param x source, for package stylo it supposed to be directory with Corpus files
#' @param ... metadata
#' @param treetagger treetagger settings
#' @param lang language
#' @param path treetagger path
#' @param preset language seting
#' @return returns tmTaggedCorpus object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' corp <- tmCorpus(c("This is corp", "Document 2"))
#' tg_corp <- tmTaggedCorpus(corp)
#' @export
tmTaggedCorpus <- function (x = NULL, ..., treetagger = "manual", lang = "en",
                            path = "C:\\TreeTagger", preset = "en") {

#' @export
tmTaggedCorpus.tmCorpus <- function (x = NULL, ..., treetagger = "manual", lang = "en",
                                     path = "C:\\TreeTagger", preset = "en") {
  x <- tagtmCorpus_helper(x, treetagger = treetagger, lang = lang,
                          TT.options = list(path = path, preset = preset))
  doc_list <- lapply(x, function(y) tmTextDocument(y, id = parent.frame()$i[],
  x <- structure(doc_list, class = "tmTaggedCorpus")

#' @export
tmTaggedCorpus.list <- function (x = NULL, ..., treetagger = "manual", lang = "en",
                                 path = "C:\\TreeTagger", preset = "en") {
  doc_list <- lapply(x, function(y) tmTextDocument(y, id = parent.frame()$i[],
  x <- structure(doc_list, class = "tmTaggedCorpus")

#' @export
as.tmCorpus.tmTaggedCorpus <- function(x, column, ...) {
  x <- content(x)
  x <- lapply(x, function(y) paste(y[, column], collapse = " "))
jandziak/textmining documentation built on May 18, 2019, 12:24 p.m.