
# rm(list=ls())
# library(testthat)
# test_file("tests/testthat/test-inspect.ft.R")
# covr::file_coverage("R/inspect.ft.R", "tests/testthat/test-inspect.ft.R")
# cvr <- covr::package_coverage()
# covr::report(cvr)
# covr::report(covr::package_coverage())

capture.output({  ## stops printing console outputs on assigning

  # Create multicolumn dfs for testing --------------------------------------

    ## versions with various errors
    ## non-numeric in time
    ft_mult_time_nonnum_1 <- as.data.frame(flowthrough_mult.rd)
    ft_mult_time_nonnum_1[432,1] <- "7.2"

    ## inf in time
    ft_mult_time_inf_1 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_inf_1[432,1] <- Inf

    ft_mult_time_inf_3 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_inf_3[432,1] <- Inf
    ft_mult_time_inf_3[624,1] <- Inf
    ft_mult_time_inf_3[724,1] <- Inf

    ## loads - more than 20 to check printing
    ft_mult_time_inf_mult <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_inf_mult[432:461,1] <- Inf
    ft_mult_time_inf_mult[622:671,1] <- Inf

    ## versions with various errors
    ## NaN in time
    ft_mult_time_nan_1 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_nan_1[432,1] <- NA

    ft_mult_time_nan_3 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_nan_3[432,1] <- NA
    ft_mult_time_nan_3[624,1] <- NA
    ft_mult_time_nan_3[724,1] <- NA

    ## loads - more than 20 to check printing
    ft_mult_time_nan_mult <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_nan_mult[432:461,1] <- NA
    ft_mult_time_nan_mult[622:671,1] <- NA

    ## non-sequential in time
    ft_mult_time_nonseq_1 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_nonseq_1[432:433,1] <- c(432,431)

    ft_mult_time_nonseq_3 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_nonseq_3[432:433,1] <- c(432,431)
    ft_mult_time_nonseq_3[752:753,1] <- c(752,751)
    ft_mult_time_nonseq_3[782:783,1] <- c(782,781)

    ft_mult_time_nonseq_mult <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_nonseq_mult[432:461,1] <- ft_mult_time_nonseq_mult[461:432,1]
    ft_mult_time_nonseq_mult[622:671,1] <- ft_mult_time_nonseq_mult[671:622,1]

    ## duplicated in time
    ft_mult_time_dupe_1 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_dupe_1[432:433,1] <- c(431,431)

    ft_mult_time_dupe_3 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_dupe_3[432:434,1] <- c(431,431,431)
    ft_mult_time_dupe_3[752:753,1] <- c(752,752)
    ft_mult_time_dupe_3[782:787,1] <- c(781,781,781,781,781,781)

    ft_mult_time_dupe_mult <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_dupe_mult[432:461,1] <- 431
    ft_mult_time_dupe_mult[622:671,1] <- 622

    ## unevenly spaced in time
    ft_mult_time_uneven_1 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_uneven_1 <- ft_mult_time_uneven_1[-432,]

    ft_mult_time_uneven_3 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_uneven_3 <- ft_mult_time_uneven_3[-432,]
    ft_mult_time_uneven_3 <- ft_mult_time_uneven_3[-752,]
    ft_mult_time_uneven_3 <- ft_mult_time_uneven_3[-782,]

    ft_mult_time_uneven_mult <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_time_uneven_mult <- ft_mult_time_uneven_mult[-seq(432, 472, 2),]
    ft_mult_time_uneven_mult <- ft_mult_time_uneven_mult[-seq(832, 872, 2),]

    ## non-numeric in out.oxy
    ft_mult_out.oxy_nonnum_1 <- as.data.frame(flowthrough_mult.rd)
    ft_mult_out.oxy_nonnum_1[432,2] <- "92.95885"

    ## non-numeric in in.oxy
    ft_mult_in.oxy_nonnum_1 <- as.data.frame(flowthrough_mult.rd)
    ft_mult_in.oxy_nonnum_1[432,6] <- "97.19841"

    ## non-numeric in delta.oxy
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nonnum_1 <- as.data.frame(flowthrough_mult.rd)
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nonnum_1[432,10] <- "-4.239564"

    ## NaN in out.oxy
    ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_1 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_1[432,2] <- NA

    ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_3 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_3[432,2] <- NA
    ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_3[624,2] <- NA
    ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_3[724,2] <- NA
    ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_3[624,3] <- NA
    ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_3[724,3] <- NA

    ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_mult <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_mult[432:461,2] <- NA
    ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_mult[622:671,2] <- NA

    ## NaN in in.oxy
    ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_1 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_1[432,5] <- NA

    ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_3 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_3[432,5] <- NA
    ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_3[624,5] <- NA
    ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_3[724,5] <- NA
    ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_3[624,6] <- NA
    ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_3[724,6] <- NA

    ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_mult <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_mult[432:461,5] <- NA
    ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_mult[622:671,5] <- NA

    ## NaN in delta.oxy
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_1 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_1[432,8] <- NA

    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_3 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_3[432,8] <- NA
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_3[624,8] <- NA
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_3[724,8] <- NA
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_3[624,9] <- NA
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_3[724,9] <- NA

    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_mult <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_mult[432:461,8] <- NA
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_mult[622:671,8] <- NA

    ## inf in out.oxy
    ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_1 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_1[432,2] <- Inf

    ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_3 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_3[432,2] <- Inf
    ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_3[624,2] <- Inf
    ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_3[724,2] <- Inf
    ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_3[624,3] <- Inf
    ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_3[724,3] <- Inf

    ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_mult <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_mult[432:461,2] <- Inf
    ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_mult[622:671,2] <- Inf

    ## inf in in.oxy
    ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_1 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_1[432,5] <- Inf

    ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_3 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_3[432,5] <- Inf
    ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_3[624,5] <- Inf
    ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_3[724,5] <- Inf
    ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_3[624,6] <- Inf
    ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_3[724,6] <- Inf

    ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_mult <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_mult[432:461,5] <- Inf
    ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_mult[622:671,5] <- Inf

    ## inf in delta.oxy
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_1 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_1[432,8] <- Inf

    ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_3 <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_3[432,8] <- Inf
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_3[624,8] <- Inf
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_3[724,8] <- Inf
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_3[624,9] <- Inf
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_3[724,9] <- Inf

    ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_mult <- flowthrough_mult.rd
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_mult[432:461,8] <- Inf
    ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_mult[622:671,8] <- Inf

    ## 2 column input (i.e. time- and calculated delta)
    insp.ft.obj <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                                               in.oxy = 6, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ## multi column input (i.e. time- and calculated delta)
    insp.ft.mult.obj <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                                                    in.oxy = 6:8, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
  # inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = "num.time", out.oxy = 2,
  #            in.oxy = 6)

  # tests -------------------------------------------------------------------

  test_that("inspect.ft - works with NULL inputs and applies defaults correctly",{
    ## time = NULL
    expect_message(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = NULL, out.oxy = 2,
                                               in.oxy = 5, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F)),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Applying column default of 'time = 1")
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = NULL, out.oxy = 2,
                                             in.oxy = 5, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F)),
                 regexp = NA)
    expect_equal(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = NULL, out.oxy = 2,
                                             in.oxy = 5, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))$data$time[[1]],

    # in.oxy = NULL & out.oxy = NULL & delta.oxy = NULL
    expect_message(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                               in.oxy = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F)),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Applying column default of all non-time column\\(s\\) as 'delta.oxy'")
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                             in.oxy = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F)),
                 regexp = NA)
    expect_equal(as.data.frame(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                                           in.oxy = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F)$data$delta.oxy)),

  test_that("inspect.ft - stops if input column numbers found to conflict",{
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:6,
                            in.oxy = 5:9, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: Input columns conflict.")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                            in.oxy = NULL, delta.oxy = 1:10, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: Input columns conflict.")

  test_that("inspect.ft - stops if out.oxy entered and neither or in.oxy or in.oxy.value have inputs",{
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:3,
                            in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: With 'out.oxy' data, paired 'in.oxy' columns or an 'in.oxy.value' is required.")

  test_that("inspect.ft - stops if in.oxy entered and out.oxy does not have input",{
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                            in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: An 'in.oxy' input requires paired 'out.oxy' column\\(s\\).")

  test_that("inspect.ft - stops if both or in.oxy and in.oxy.value have inputs",{
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:3,
                            in.oxy = 4, in.oxy.value = 5, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: Only one of 'in.oxy' or 'in.oxy.value' can be entered.")

  test_that("inspect.ft - correctly accepts and handles in.oxy.value input",{
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                                             in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = 9, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))$dataframe$in.oxy.value,
                 regexp = NA)
    expect_equal(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                                             in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = 9, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))$dataframe$in.oxy.value,
                 rep(9, nrow(flowthrough_mult.rd)))

  test_that("inspect.ft - stops if out.oxy and in.oxy entered, but in.oxy does not have same number of columns or a single column.",{
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                                             in.oxy = 5:6, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F)),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: With 'out.oxy' data, 'in.oxy' must be a single column or an equal number of paired columns.")
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                                             in.oxy = 5:9, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F)),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: With 'out.oxy' data, 'in.oxy' must be a single column or an equal number of paired columns.")
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:3,
                                             in.oxy = 4, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F)),
                 regexp = NA)
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:3,
                                             in.oxy = 4:5, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F)),
                 regexp = NA)

  test_that("inspect.ft - stops if delta.oxy entered and out.oxy, in.oxy or in.oxy.value have inputs",{
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                            in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = 4, delta.oxy = 3, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: With 'delta.oxy' data, 'out.oxy', 'in.oxy' and 'in.oxy.value' should be NULL.")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                            in.oxy = 4, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 3, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: With 'delta.oxy' data, 'out.oxy', 'in.oxy' and 'in.oxy.value' should be NULL.")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 4,
                            in.oxy = 5, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 3, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: With 'delta.oxy' data, 'out.oxy', 'in.oxy' and 'in.oxy.value' should be NULL.")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                            in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = 4, delta.oxy = 3, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: With 'delta.oxy' data, 'out.oxy', 'in.oxy' and 'in.oxy.value' should be NULL.")

  test_that("inspect.ft - stops if x not a dataframe", {
    expect_error(inspect.ft(as.matrix(flowthrough.rd), time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                            in.oxy = 3, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'x' must be data.frame object.")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd[[1]], time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                            in.oxy = 3, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'x' must be data.frame object.")
    expect_error(inspect.ft("blah", time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                            in.oxy = 3, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'x' must be data.frame object.")

  test_that("inspect.ft - stops if column inputs malformed", {
    ## time
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1.1, out.oxy = 2,
                            in.oxy = 3, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'time' - some column inputs are not integers.")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1:2, out.oxy = 3,
                            in.oxy = 4, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'time' - cannot enter more than 1 column\\(s\\) with this input or this dataset.")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 8, out.oxy = 2,
                            in.oxy = 3, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'time' - one or more column inputs are out of range of allowed data columns.")
    ## out.oxy
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2.1,
                            in.oxy = 3, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'out.oxy' - some column inputs are not integers")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 4:9,
                            in.oxy = 3, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'out.oxy' - cannot enter more than 3 column\\(s\\) with this input or this dataset.")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 8:9,
                            in.oxy = 3, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'out.oxy' - one or more column inputs are out of range of allowed data columns.")
    ## in.oxy
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                            in.oxy = 3.1, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'in.oxy' - some column inputs are not integers.")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 4:9,
                            in.oxy = 2, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'out.oxy' - cannot enter more than 3 column\\(s\\) with this input or this dataset.")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:3,
                            in.oxy = 8:9, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'in.oxy' - one or more column inputs are out of range of allowed data columns.")
    ## delta.oxy
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                            in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 4.1, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'delta.oxy' - some column inputs are not integers")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                            in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 2:5, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'delta.oxy' - cannot enter more than 3 column\\(s\\) with this input or this dataset.")
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                            in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 5, plot = F),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: 'delta.oxy' - one or more column inputs are out of range of allowed data columns.")

  test_that("inspect.ft - correctly identifies column name strings", {
    # single time and oxygen columns work without error
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = "time", out.oxy = "oxy.out", in.oxy = "oxy.in", plot = FALSE),
    # delta data
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = "time", delta.oxy = "oxy.delta", plot = FALSE),
    # same as using numbers
    # Everything except the $call should be the same
    expect_equal(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = "time", out.oxy = "oxy.out", in.oxy = "oxy.in", plot = FALSE)[2:8],
                 inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2, in.oxy = 3, plot = FALSE)[2:8])
    expect_equal(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = "time", delta.oxy = "oxy.delta", plot = FALSE)[2:8],
                 inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, delta.oxy = 4, plot = FALSE)[2:8])

    # multiple oxygen columns
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = "time", out.oxy = c("oxy.out","oxy.delta"), in.oxy = c("oxy.in"), plot = FALSE),
    # same as using numbers
    # Everything except the $call should be the same
    expect_equal(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = "time", out.oxy = c("oxy.out","oxy.delta"), in.oxy = c("oxy.in"), plot = FALSE)[2:8],
                 inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = c(2,4), in.oxy = 3, plot = FALSE)[2:8])

    # add.data
    expect_error(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2, in.oxy = 3, add.data = "oxy.delta", plot = FALSE),
    # same as using numbers
    # Everything except the $call should be the same
    expect_equal(inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2, in.oxy = 3, add.data = "oxy.delta", plot = FALSE)$add.data,
                 inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2, in.oxy = 3, add.data = 4, plot = FALSE)$add.data)


  test_that("inspect.ft - outputs correct warnings", {

    ## time nonnum
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_nonnum_1, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Time column not numeric. Other column checks skipped.")
    ## time Inf
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_inf_1, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Inf/-Inf values detected in Time column. Remove or replace before proceeding.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_inf_3, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Inf/-Inf values detected in Time column. Remove or replace before proceeding.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_inf_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Inf/-Inf values detected in Time column. Remove or replace before proceeding.")
    ## time NA
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_nan_1, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "NA/NaN values detected in Time column.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_nan_3, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "NA/NaN values detected in Time column.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_nan_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "NA/NaN values detected in Time column.")
    ## time non-seq
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_nonseq_1, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "Non-sequential Time values found.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_nonseq_3, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "Non-sequential Time values found.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_nonseq_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "Non-sequential Time values found.")
    ## time duplicates
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_dupe_1, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "Duplicate Time values found.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_dupe_3, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "Duplicate Time values found.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_dupe_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "Duplicate Time values found.")
    ## time uneven
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_uneven_1, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "Time values are not evenly-spaced")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_uneven_3, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "Time values are not evenly-spaced")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_uneven_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "Time values are not evenly-spaced.")
    ## out.oxy nonnum
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_out.oxy_nonnum_1, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 6:8, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Oxygen column\\(s) not numeric. Other column checks skipped.")
    ## out.oxy Inf
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_1, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Inf/-Inf values detected in Oxygen column\\(s). Remove or replace before proceeding.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_3, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Inf/-Inf values detected in Oxygen column\\(s). Remove or replace before proceeding.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Inf/-Inf values detected in Oxygen column\\(s). Remove or replace before proceeding.")
    ## out.oxy NA
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_1, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "NA/NaN values detected in Oxygen column\\(s\\).")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_3, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "NA/NaN values detected in Oxygen column\\(s\\).")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "NA/NaN values detected in Oxygen column\\(s\\).")
    ## out.oxy nonnum
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_in.oxy_nonnum_1, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 6:8, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Oxygen column\\(s) not numeric. Other column checks skipped.")
    ## in.oxy Inf
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_1, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Inf/-Inf values detected in Oxygen column\\(s). Remove or replace before proceeding.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_3, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Inf/-Inf values detected in Oxygen column\\(s). Remove or replace before proceeding.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Inf/-Inf values detected in Oxygen column\\(s). Remove or replace before proceeding.")
    ## in.oxy NA
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_1, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "NA/NaN values detected in Oxygen column\\(s\\).")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_3, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "NA/NaN values detected in Oxygen column\\(s\\).")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                              in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F),
                   regexp = "NA/NaN values detected in Oxygen column\\(s\\).")

    ## delta.oxy non-numeric
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_delta.oxy_nonnum_1, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 8:10, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Oxygen column\\(s) not numeric. Other column checks skipped.")
    ## delta.oxy Inf
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_1, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 8:10, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Inf/-Inf values detected in Oxygen column\\(s). Remove or replace before proceeding.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_3, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 8:10, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Inf/-Inf values detected in Oxygen column\\(s). Remove or replace before proceeding.")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 8:10, plot = F),
                   regexp = "inspect.ft: Inf/-Inf values detected in Oxygen column\\(s). Remove or replace before proceeding.")
    ## delta.oxy NA
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_1, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 8:10, plot = F),
                   regexp = "NA/NaN values detected in Oxygen column\\(s\\).")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_3, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 8:10, plot = F),
                   regexp = "NA/NaN values detected in Oxygen column\\(s\\).")
    expect_warning(inspect.ft(ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                              in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 8:10, plot = F),
                   regexp = "NA/NaN values detected in Oxygen column\\(s\\).")

  test_that("inspect.ft works with 2-column data", {
    expect_error(inspect.ft(sardine.rd[,1:2], plot = F),
                 regexp = NA)
    expect_equal(ncol(inspect.ft(sardine.rd[,1:2], plot = F)$dataframe),

  test_that("inspect.ft works with multi-column data", {
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                                             in.oxy = 5:7, plot = F)),
                 regexp = NA)
    expect_equal(ncol(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                                                  in.oxy = 5:7, plot = F))$dataframe),
                 7 + 3) # 7 inputs, 3 delta calcs

  test_that("inspect.ft outputs plot", {
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                                             in.oxy = 5, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = T)),
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)

  test_that("inspect.ft outputs plot with 'add.data' input", {
    expect_output(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                                             in.oxy = 5, delta.oxy = NULL, add.data = 15,
                                             plot = T)))
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                                             in.oxy = 5, delta.oxy = NULL, add.data = 15,
                                             plot = T)),
                 regexp = NA)
    # multi cols
    expect_message(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:3,
                                             in.oxy = 5:6, delta.oxy = NULL, add.data = 15,
                                             plot = T)),
                   "plot.inspect.ft: Additional data source cannot be plotted for multiple columns.")
    expect_error(suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:3,
                                             in.oxy = 5:6, delta.oxy = NULL, add.data = 15,
                                             plot = T)),
                 regexp = NA)

  test_that("inspect.ft outputs plots with different 'wdith'", {
    expect_output(plot(insp.ft.obj, width = 0.4))
    expect_error(plot(insp.ft.obj, width = 0.4),
                 regexp = NA)

  test_that("inspect.ft outputs plots when 'pos =' option is used", {
    expect_output(plot(insp.ft.mult.obj, pos = 2))
    expect_error(plot(insp.ft.mult.obj, pos = 2),
                 regexp = NA)
    expect_output(plot(insp.ft.mult.obj, pos = 2))
    expect_error(plot(insp.ft.mult.obj, pos = 2),
                 regexp = NA)

  test_that("inspect.ft message with multiple plots and add.data", {
    # object with multiple delta cols but also add.data
    obj <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(flowthrough_mult.rd, time = 1, delta.oxy = 10:12, plot = F, add.data = 15))

                   "plot.inspect.ft: Additional data source cannot be plotted for multiple columns.")

  test_that("inspect.ft does not plot when 'pos =' input too large", {
    expect_error(plot(insp.ft.obj, pos = 9),
                 regexp = "plot.inspect.ft: Invalid 'pos' input: only 1 data inputs found.")
    expect_error(plot(insp.ft.mult.obj, pos = 9),
                 regexp = "inspect.ft: Invalid 'pos' input: only 3 data inputs found.")

  test_that("inspect.ft - mean S3 returns message", {
                   "inspect.ft: mean\\() is not available for 'inspect.ft' objects.")

  test_that("inspect.ft objects can be printed, including those which show warnings", {
    ## regular good data
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)

    ## various errors/warnings
    ob1 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                                       in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob2 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_nonseq_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                       in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob3 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_nan_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                       in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob4 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                       in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob5 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_out.oxy_nan_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                                       in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob6 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_in.oxy_nan_3, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                                       in.oxy = 5:7, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob7 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_delta.oxy_nan_1, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                       in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 8:10, plot = F))
    ob8 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_dupe_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                       in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob8 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_dupe_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                       in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob9 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_inf_1, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                       in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob10 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_time_inf_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                        in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob11 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_1, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                                        in.oxy = 6, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob12 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_out.oxy_inf_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                                        in.oxy = 6:8, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob13 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_1, time = 1, out.oxy = 2,
                                        in.oxy = 6, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob14 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_in.oxy_inf_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = 2:4,
                                        in.oxy = 6:8, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = NULL, plot = F))
    ob15 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_1, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                        in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 8, plot = F))
    ob16 <- suppressWarnings(inspect.ft(ft_mult_delta.oxy_inf_mult, time = 1, out.oxy = NULL,
                                        in.oxy = NULL, in.oxy.value = NULL, delta.oxy = 8:10, plot = F))


                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)


                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)
                 regexp = NA)


  test_that("inspect.ft - plot defaults are correctly restored", {

    # reset plotting first
    # save par before
    parb4 <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    # now use a fn with plot
    inspect.ft(flowthrough.rd, 1, 2, 3)
    # save after
    paraft <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    # mai is something changed from the default,
    # so if par settings not restored properly this should fail


}) ## turns console printing back on
januarharianto/respR documentation built on April 20, 2024, 4:34 p.m.