all_ablines | Plot vertical, horizontal and diagonal ablines |
arrayplot | Show an image based on row/column information |
auc | shorthand to return the AUC calculated by pROC |
auc.pval | shorthand to return the the p-value of AUC calculated by pROC |
balanceset | Balance samples |
browse | Browse a large object |
calcDif | Create a "difference" gene expression set |
catf | Shortcut with sprintf |
cc | Smart counters for rmarkdown |
centers.predict | useful for predicting cluster membership from cmeans and... |
clustCompPlot | compare different clusters in an overview plot |
clustplot | first attempt at pca/clustering plot (not working?) |
clustsizes | calculate sizes of clusters |
combineTopTableAll | Convert a topTableAll results by gene ID |
confuMat | Calculate a confusion matrix |
copyan | Annotated PDF copy of the graph produced |
dfsearch | Search through a data frame |
ding | Show a zenity dialog "Calculation complete" |
distVI | Calculate the variation of information distances |
dmtx2graph | Convert a distance matrix to an undirected graph |
dotpair | A variant of the pairs plot |
factorsummary | Convert columns of a data.frame to factors and show summary |
fastboxplot | A boxplot consisting of lines only |
fig_label | Create a label at the top left of the graphics device |
genePairs | Pairs plot using smoothScatter |
getGOrilla | Wrapper to run the online GO service GOrilla |
getsubsets | Sample a number of samples by factor levels |
grep.df | Quick grep through all columns of a data frame |
likelihood.test | Likelihood test |
linepairs | Beeswarm with lines linking pairs |
lineq | Parameters of a line drawn on a plot |
lp | Send current graph to printer. |
mkdesign | Quickly make a design |
MSD | Calculate MSD based on logFC and CI |
mybarplot | A variant box and whiskers plot |
myfaces | Chernoff faces |
myfuncs-package | My collection of utility functions |
myfuncs.reload | Reload the myfuncs package |
mykfold | kfold cross-validation with additional features | | Local Polynomial Regression Fitting with Variability bands |
myloo | leave one out cross-validation with additional functions |
mypalette | A nice, pastel color palette |
myPlotDensities | Alternative to plotDensities from the limma package. |
na.lomf | Last observation moved forward |
normtosel | Standarization using a subset of the data |
os | Report memory usage |
pairedLOO | RF LOO removing whole group of subjects |
pairedswarm | Beeswarm with lines linking pairs |
pca2var | Calculate the variance explained for prcomp objects |
pcaR2 | Calculate R-squared for a matrix or principal components |
pcaR2plot | Automatic R2 plot |
plotGenes | Simple function to plot gene expression |
plotMyloess | Plot an object from |
plotROCseries | Plot a series of ROCs |
prcomp2 | A wrapper around prcomp |
prconvert | Convert RF votes to plottable object |
pval2str | Convert a p-value to a character corresponding to p-value... |
qval2signedqval | Change q values to logarithmized signed q values |
repsapply | A more general version of avereps |
rf2pr | Convert random forest to format suitable for rocplot() |
rg2csv | Save an RG object as CSV files |
rocformat | Format AUC from roc() function |
rocplot | Calculate and show ROC curve |
rocseries_boxplot | plot a series of ROC prediction objects as boxplot |
rocseries_table | Return a table with AUC for each prediction in a series |
runSPIA | wrapper for the spia function. |
saveAsCLS | Write pheno data as braindead CLS format |
saveAsGCT | Write expression data in the braindead GCT format |
save.xlsx | Save multiple objects to an excel file |
sdbar | Draw whiskers on a plot |
setColnames | Return the object with colnames set |
setdiff | Set difference operator |
setEdgeAttr | set Edge attributes in an Rgraphviz graph |
shortcuts | Shortcuts for common functions |
show.color | Shows a rectangle colored by that color |
showgene | A combined beeswarm / boxplot |
showGraph | Call RCytoscape functions to display a graph |
simpleGOhyper | simple alternative to hyperGTest |
smoothPalette | Create a gradient corresponding to a numeric vector |
sortby | Shortcuts for sorting data frames |
static_cache | Create a static cache at the specific path |
topTableAll | Create a topTable for all coefficients in a limma fit object |
ttmake | Create a topTable for limma with "msd" based on confidence... |
ttplot | beeswarm for a top table (result of topTableAll) plot |
ttsummary | Print a summary of a top table. |
volcano | volcano plot |
whatabout | Inteligently find significant coefficients for a gene |
xclip | Copy a few history lines to the X primary clipboard |
xpredict | Cross predict from one data set to another |
xpredict.nvar | Determine optimal number of variables |
zz | Save history and data image |
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