#' Read a WEPP climate file
#' Reads a Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) climate (*.cli) file.
#' This file contains climate information.
#' @param file A path to the file.
#' @return A list containing the following elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{cligen_version}{numeric, CLIGEN version, e.g. 4.30}
#' \item{cligen_settings}{numeric, }
#' \item{station}{character, name of station}
#' \item{location}{numeric}
#' \item{averages}{numeric, monthly average}
#' \item{precip}{numeric, daily precipitation}
#' \item{breakpoints}{numeric, (optional) sub-daily precipitation}
#' }
#' @details
#' \code{cligen_settings} is a vector with the following named elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{itemp}{1 - continuous simulation, 2 - single storm}
#' \item{ibrkpt}{0 - no breakpoints, 1 - breakpoints}
#' \item{iwind}{0 - wind information exists, 1 - no wind information exists}
#' }
#' \code{location} is a vector with the following named elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{deglat}{degrees latitude (+ is North, - is South)}
#' \item{deglon}{degrees longitude (+ is East, - is West)}
#' \item{elev}{station elevation (m)}
#' \item{obsyrs}{weather station years of observation}
#' \item{ibyear}{beginning year of CLIGEN simulation}
#' \item{numyr}{number of climate years simulated and in file}
#' }
#' \code{averages} is a \code{data.frame} with 12 rows and the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{month}{1 - January, 2 - February, etc}
#' \item{obmaxt}{average maximum temperature (C) for the month}
#' \item{obmint}{average minimum temperature (C) for the month}
#' \item{radave}{average daily solar radiation (langleys)}
#' \item{obrain}{average precipitation (mm)}
#' }
#' These averages do not match the averages calculated from \code{precip}.
#' \code{precip} is a \code{data.frame} containing the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{da}{numeric, day of the month}
#' \item{mo}{numeric, month}
#' \item{year}{numeric, year}
#' \item{prcp}{numeric, daily precipitation amount (mm)}
#' \item{dur}{numeric, duration of precipitation (hr)}
#' \item{tp}{numeric, ratio of time to rainfall peak/rainfall duration}
#' \item{ip}{numeric, ratio of maximum rainfall intensity/average rainfall intensity}
#' \item{tmax}{numeric, daily temperature maximum (degrees C)}
#' \item{tmin}{numeric, daily temperature minimum (degrees C)}
#' \item{rad}{numeric, daily solar radiation (landleys/day)}
#' \item{w-vl}{numeric, wind velocity (m/sec)}
#' \item{w-dir}{numeric, wind direction (degrees from North)}
#' \item{tdew}{numeric, dew point temperature (degrees C)}
#' }
#' \code{breakpoints} is a \code{data.frame} containing the following columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{da}{numeric, day of the month}
#' \item{mo}{numeric, month}
#' \item{year}{numeric, year}
#' \item{timem}{time since midnight HH.MM}
#' \item{pptcum}{cumulative precipitation (mm) since midnight}
#' }
#' @export
#' @source \url{https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/50201000/WEPP/usersum.pdf}
read_cli <- function(file, breakpoints = NULL) {
cli <- read_cli_raw(file)
if (cli$cligen_settings$ibrkpt) {
bp <- extract_breakpoints(cli$precip)
cli$precip <- bp$precip
cli$breakpoints <- bp$breakpoints
# what else do we need to extract?
# tmp = readLines(file)
cli <- new_Climate(cli)
# return precip
#' Read climate information
#' Reads climate file header information including version, settings, station,
#' location, averages, and precipitation data that may or may not include
#' breakpoints.
#' @rdname read_cli
read_cli_raw <- function(file) {
# CLIGEN simulation settings
cligen_version <- read.table(file, header = FALSE, nrows = 1,
as.is = TRUE, col.names = "cligen_version")
cligen_settings <- read.table(file, skip = 1, header = FALSE, nrows = 1,
as.is = TRUE, col.names = c("itemp", # 1 - continuous, 2 - single storm
"ibrkpt", # 0 - no breakpoints, 1 - breakpoint data used
"iwind")) # 0 - wind information exists, 1 - no wind information exists
station <- read.table(file, skip = 2, nrows = 1, header = FALSE, sep="")
location <- read.table(file, skip = 4, nrows = 1, header = FALSE, sep="",
col.names = c("deglat","deglon","elev","obsyrs","ibyear","numyr"))
# extract monthly averages
averages <- data.frame(month = 1:12,
obmaxt = scan(file, skip = 6, n = 12, quiet = TRUE),
obmint = scan(file, skip = 8, n = 12, quiet = TRUE),
radave = scan(file, skip = 10, n = 12, quiet = TRUE),
obrain = scan(file, skip = 12, n = 12, quiet = TRUE))
# extract daily weather
headers <- read.table(file, skip = 13, header = FALSE, nrows = 1, as.is = TRUE)
stopifnot(all(headers == c("da", "mo", "year", "prcp", "dur",
"tp", "ip", "tmax", "tmin", "rad",
"w-vl", "w-dir", "tdew")))
precip <- read.table(file,
skip = 15,
header = FALSE,
fill = TRUE)
# the same column names are used regardless of whether the file has breakpoints,
# but the column name should be different
if (cligen_settings$ibrkpt) {
colnames(precip) <- c("da", "mo", "year", "nbrkpt", "tmax",
"tmin", "rad", "w-vl", "w-dir", "tdew")
} else{
colnames(precip) <- headers
return(list(cligen_version = cligen_version,
cligen_settings = cligen_settings,
station = station,
location = location,
averages = averages,
precip = precip))
#' Extracts breakpoints data from a CLIGEN precipitation table
#' CLIGEN climate files either have breakpoints that indicate rainfall on
#' sub-daily time frames or have daily summaries only. This function will read
#' a climate file that has breakpoints and return a list containing climate
#' file information including daily summaries as well as breakpoint information.
#' @param precip_with_breakpoints data.frame containing precipitation data and breakpoints
#' @return A list containing two elements: precip and breakpoints
#' @rdname read_cli
extract_breakpoints <- function(precip_with_breakpoints) {
precip <- na.omit(precip_with_breakpoints)
precip$date <- as.Date(paste(precip$year, precip$mo, precip$da, sep = '-'))
# extract the rows containing NAs
breakpoints <- precip_with_breakpoints[is.na(rowSums(precip_with_breakpoints)),1:2]
names(breakpoints) <- c("timem", # time after midnight (hours)
"pptcum") # cumulative precipitation (mm) at this time
breakpoints <- cbind(precip[rep.int(1:nrow(precip), precip$nbrkpt),
breakpoints, row.names=NULL)
breakpoints$date <- as.Date(paste(breakpoints$year,
breakpoints$da, sep = '-'))
return(list(precip = precip[, -c(1:3)],
breakpoints = breakpoints[, -c(1:3)]))
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