
# Code from package shinyIncubator (

#' Initialize progress
#' Call this function in your \code{shinyUI} definition if you intend
#' to use progress in \code{server.R}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{withProgress}}, \code{\link{Progress}}
#' @export
progressInit <- function() {
  #addResourcePath('progress', system.file('progress',
  #                                        package='shinyIncubator'))
  addResourcePath('progress', system.file('progress',
        tags$link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css',

#' Reporting progress (object-oriented API)
#' Reports progress to the user during long-running operations.
#' This package exposes two distinct programming APIs for working with 
#' progress. \code{\link{withProgress}} and \code{\link{setProgress}}
#' together provide a simple function-based interface, while the
#' \code{Progress} reference class provides an object-oriented API.
#' Instantiating a \code{Progress} object causes a progress panel to be
#' created, and it will be displayed the first time the \code{set}
#' method is called. Calling \code{close} will cause the progress panel
#' to be removed.
#' \strong{Methods}
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{initialize(session, min = 0, max = 1)}}{
#'       Creates a new progress panel (but does not display it).
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{set(message = NULL, detail = NULL, value = NULL)}}{
#'       Updates the progress panel. When called the first time, the
#'       progress panel is displayed.
#'     }
#'     \item{\code{close()}}{
#'       Removes the progress panel. Future calls to \code{set} and
#'       \code{close} will be ignored.
#'     }
#'   }
#' @param session The Shiny session object, as provided by 
#'   \code{shinyServer} to the server function.
#' @param min The value that represents the starting point of the
#'   progress bar. Must be less tham \code{max}.
#' @param max The value that represents the end of the progress bar.
#'   Must be greater than \code{min}.
#' @param message A single-element character vector; the message to be 
#'   displayed to the user, or \code{NULL} to hide the current message
#'   (if any).
#' @param detail A single-element character vector; the detail message
#'   to be displayed to the user, or \code{NULL} to hide the current
#'   detail message (if any). The detail message will be shown with a
#'   de-emphasized appearance relative to \code{message}.
#' @param value Single-element numeric vector; the value at which to set
#'   the progress bar, relative to \code{min} and \code{max}.
#'   \code{NULL} hides the progress bar, if it is currently visible.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # server.R
#' shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
#'   output$plot <- renderPlot({
#'     progress <- Progress$new(session, min=1, max=15)
#'     on.exit(progress$close())
#'     progress$set(message = 'Calculation in progress',
#'                  detail = 'This may take a while...')
#'     for (i in 1:15) {
#'       progress$set(value = i)
#'       Sys.sleep(0.5)
#'     }
#'     plot(cars)
#'   })
#' })
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{progressInit}}, \code{\link{withProgress}}
#' @rdname Progress
Progress <- setRefClass(
  fields = list(
    .session = 'ANY',
    .id = 'character',
    .min = 'numeric',
    .max = 'numeric',
    .closed = 'logical'
  methods = list(
    initialize = function(session, min = 0, max = 1) {
      .closed <<- FALSE
      .session <<- session
      .id <<- paste(as.character(as.raw(runif(8, min=0, max=255))), collapse='')
      .min <<- min
      .max <<- max
      .session$sendCustomMessage('shiny-progress-open', list(id = .id))
    set = function(message = NULL, detail = NULL, value = NULL) {
      if (.closed) {
        # TODO: Warn?

      data <- list(id = .id)
      if (!missing(message))
        data$message <- message
      if (!missing(detail))
        data$detail <- detail
      if (!missing(value)) {
        if (is.null(value) ||
          data$value <- NULL
        else {
          data$value <- min(1, max(0, (value - .min) / (.max - .min)))

      .session$sendCustomMessage('shiny-progress-update', data)
    close = function() {
      if (.closed) {
        # TODO: Warn?

                                 list(id = .id))

.currentProgress <- new.env()

#' Reporting progress (functional API)
#' Reports progress to the user during long-running operations.
#' This package exposes two distinct programming APIs for working with 
#' progress. \code{withProgress} and \code{setProgress} together provide
#' a simple function-based interface, while the \code{\link{Progress}}
#' reference class provides an object-oriented API.
#' Use \code{withProgress} to wrap the scope of your work; doing so will
#' cause a new progress panel to be created, and it will be displayed the
#' first time \code{setProgress} is called. When \code{withProgress} exits,
#' the corresponding progress panel will be removed.
#' Generally, \code{withProgress}/\code{setProgress} should be 
#' sufficient; the exception is if the work to be done is asynchronous 
#' (this is not common) or otherwise cannot be encapsulated by a single
#' scope. In that case, you can use the \code{Progress} reference class.
#' @param session The Shiny session object, as provided by 
#'   \code{shinyServer} to the server function.
#' @param expr The work to be done. This expression should contain calls
#'   to \code{setProgress}.
#' @param min The value that represents the starting point of the
#'   progress bar. Must be less tham \code{max}.
#' @param max The value that represents the end of the progress bar.
#'   Must be greater than \code{min}.
#' @param env The environment in which \code{expr} should be evaluated.
#' @param quoted Whether \code{expr} is a quoted expression (this is not
#'   common).
#' @param message A single-element character vector; the message to be 
#'   displayed to the user, or \code{NULL} to hide the current message
#'   (if any).
#' @param detail A single-element character vector; the detail message
#'   to be displayed to the user, or \code{NULL} to hide the current
#'   detail message (if any). The detail message will be shown with a
#'   de-emphasized appearance relative to \code{message}.
#' @param value Single-element numeric vector; the value at which to set
#'   the progress bar, relative to \code{min} and \code{max}.
#'   \code{NULL} hides the progress bar, if it is currently visible.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # server.R
#' shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
#'   output$plot <- renderPlot({
#'     withProgress(session, min=1, max=15, {
#'       setProgress(message = 'Calculation in progress',
#'                   detail = 'This may take a while...')
#'       for (i in 1:15) {
#'         setProgress(value = i)
#'         Sys.sleep(0.5)
#'       }
#'     })
#'     plot(cars)
#'   })
#' })
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{progressInit}}, \code{\link{Progress}}
#' @rdname withProgress
withProgress <- function(session, expr, min = 0, max = 1,
                         env=parent.frame(), quoted=FALSE) {
  func <- shiny::exprToFunction(expr, env, quoted)

  p <- Progress$new(session, min = min, max = max)
  .currentProgress$stack <- c(p, .currentProgress$stack)
    .currentProgress$stack <- .currentProgress$stack[-1]


#' @rdname withProgress
setProgress <- function(message = NULL, detail = NULL, value = NULL) {
  if (is.null(.currentProgress$stack) || length(.currentProgress$stack) == 0) {
    warning('setProgress was called outside of withProgress; ignoring')

  args <- list()
  if (!missing(message))
    args$message <- message
  if (!missing(detail))
    args$detail <- detail
  if (!missing(value))
    args$value <- value$stack[[1]]$set, args)
jardimViniciusC/BioNetStat documentation built on July 3, 2022, 3:32 a.m.