
Defines functions summary.subgroup_fitted

Documented in summary.subgroup_fitted

#' Summary of results for fitted subgroup identification models
#' @description Prints summary of results for estimated subgroup treatment effects
#' @param object a fitted object from either \code{fit.subgroup} or \code{validate.subgroup}
#' @param digits minimal number of significant digits to print.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from \code{\link[base]{print.default}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[personalized]{validate.subgroup}} for function which creates validation results
#' and \code{\link[personalized]{fit.subgroup}} for function which fits subgroup identification models.
#' @rdname summary
#' @export
summary.subgroup_fitted <- function(object, digits = max(getOption('digits')-3, 3), ...)
    print.subgroup_fitted(object, digits, ...)

    ## have special summary info printed for cv.glmnet objects
    if (class(object$model)[1] == "cv.glmnet")
        est.coef <- predict(object$model, type = "coef", s = "lambda.min")

        nsel <- 0
        ntot <- 0
        if (is.list(est.coef))
            for (cl in 1:length(est.coef))
                nsel <- nsel + sum(est.coef[[cl]][-1] != 0)
                ntot <- ntot + length(as.vector(est.coef[[cl]][-1]))
        } else
            # drop unused intercept
            nsel <- sum(as.vector(est.coef)[-1] != 0)
            ntot <- length(as.vector(est.coef)[-1])

        ## if variables are selected print out how many are selected
        ## and their coefficient estimates


        cat(nsel - object$n.trts + 1 - 1 * (grepl("owl_", object$loss) & object$n.trts > 2),
            "out of",
            ntot - object$n.trts + 1 - 1 * (grepl("owl_", object$loss) & object$n.trts > 2),
            "interactions selected in total by the lasso (cross validation criterion).\n\n")

        cat("The first estimate is the treatment main effect, which is always selected. \nAny other variables selected represent treatment-covariate interactions.\n\n")

        if (object$n.trts == 2)
            vnames   <- rownames(est.coef)
            est.coef <- as.vector(est.coef)
            sel.idx  <- which(est.coef != 0)

            sel.varnames <- vnames[sel.idx]
            coefmat <- matrix(est.coef[sel.idx], ncol = 1)
            rownames(coefmat) <- sel.varnames
            colnames(coefmat) <- "Estimate"

            print.default(t(round(coefmat, digits)), quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, na.print = "NA", ...)
        } else

            if (!grepl("owl_", object$loss))
                ## no extra intercept term when the model is a cox model
                if (class(object$model$glmnet.fit)[1] == "coxnet")
                    est.coef  <- predict(object$model, type = "coef", s = "lambda.min")
                } else
                    est.coef  <- predict(object$model, type = "coef", s = "lambda.min")[-1,,drop=FALSE]

                vnames    <- rownames(est.coef)

                ## remove the unecessary ".#" artificially added to variable names
                vnames    <- gsub("[.][0-9]*$", "", vnames)

                all.coefs <- unname(as.vector(drop(est.coef)))

                n.coefs.per.trt <- length(all.coefs) / (object$n.trts - 1)
                for (t in 1:(object$n.trts - 1))
                    idx.coefs.cur <- (n.coefs.per.trt * (t - 1) + 1):(n.coefs.per.trt * t)
                    coefs.cur     <- all.coefs[idx.coefs.cur]

                    sel.idx  <- which(coefs.cur != 0)


                    ## if variables are selected print out how many are selected
                    ## and their coefficient estimates
                    sel.varnames.cur <- vnames[idx.coefs.cur][sel.idx]
                    cat(length(sel.idx) - 1,
                        "out of",
                        length(coefs.cur) - 1,
                        "variables selected for delta", t, "by the lasso (cross validation criterion).\n\n")

                    coefmat <- matrix(coefs.cur[sel.idx], ncol = 1)

                    rownames(coefmat) <- sel.varnames.cur
                    colnames(coefmat) <- paste0("Estimates for delta (",
                                                object$comparison.trts[t], " vs ", object$reference.trt, ")" )

                    print.default(t(round(coefmat, digits)), quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, na.print = "NA", ...)
            } else
                for (t in 1:(object$n.trts))
                    coefs.cur <- est.coef[[t]]
                    vnames    <- rownames(coefs.cur)[-1]

                    vnames[1] <- object$trts[t]

                    coefs.cur <- as.vector(coefs.cur)[-1]

                    sel.idx   <- which(coefs.cur != 0)


                    ## if variables are selected print out how many are selected
                    ## and their coefficient estimates
                    sel.varnames.cur <- vnames[sel.idx]
                    cat(length(sel.idx) - 1,
                        "out of",
                        length(coefs.cur) - 1,
                        "variables selected for delta", t, "by the lasso (cross validation criterion).\n\n")

                    coefmat <- matrix(coefs.cur[sel.idx], ncol = 1)

                    rownames(coefmat) <- sel.varnames.cur
                    colnames(coefmat) <- paste0("Estimates for delta(",
                                                object$trts[t],")" )

                    print.default(t(round(coefmat, digits)), quote = FALSE, right = TRUE, na.print = "NA", ...)

    } else
        cat("The following summary pertains to estimated treatment-covariate interactions:\n")
jaredhuling/personalized documentation built on Sept. 10, 2022, 11:35 p.m.