
Defines functions calculateChannelMorphology joinExtraTransects calculateChannelMetrics

Documented in calculateChannelMetrics calculateChannelMorphology joinExtraTransects

#'Calculate channel morphology metrics
#'This function joins extra transects and runs the metrics contained in \code{calculateChannelMetrics}
#'and \code{calculateWettedWidthMetrics}.
calculateChannelMorphology <- function(uid, transect, wetwid, bankwid, bankhgt, incishgt, depth){
  x <- joinExtraTransects(uid, transect, wetwid, bankwid, bankhgt, incishgt)
  x <- join(x, data.frame(uid, transect, depth), by = c('uid', 'transect'), type = 'left')
  met.channel  <- calculateChannelMetrics(x$uid, x$bankwid.sm, x$incishgt.mx, x$bankhgt.mx)
  met.wetwidth <- calculateWettedWidthMetrics(x$uid, x$wetwid.mx)
  met.rats     <- calculateTransectRatios(x$uid, x$bankwid.sm, x$bankhgt.mn, x$depth)
  rbindMetrics(met.channel, met.wetwidth, met.rats)

#' Join extra side channel transects
#' This function joins the extra side channel transects with the parallel transect.
#' Each measurement on the main channel is joined with the parallel measurement 
#' on the side channel using an aggregation function.  All measurements done at
#' the transect (rather than at a station) are assumed to be at station 0 for purposes
#' this function.  This allows us to do the join in one pass rather than separately.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' d <- data.frame(uid = c(1,1), transect = c('A', 'XA'), wetwid = 1:2, bankwid = 1:2, bankhgt = 1:2, incishgt = 1:2)
#' do.call('joinExtraTransects', d)
joinExtraTransects <- function(uid, transect, wetwid, bankwid, bankhgt, incishgt){
  transect <- stringr::str_replace(transect, 'X', '')
  x <- data.frame(uid, transect, wetwid, bankwid, bankhgt, incishgt)
  f <- function(x){
      c(wetwid.sm   = sumNA(x$wetwid, na.rm = T),
        wetwid.mx   = max(x$wetwid, na.rm = T),
        bankwid.sm  = sumNA(x$bankwid, na.rm = T),
        incishgt.mx = max(x$incishgt, na.rm = T),
        bankhgt.mx  = max(x$bankhgt, na.rm = T),
        bankhgt.mn  = mean(x$bankhgt, na.rm = T)))
  ans <- plyr::ddply(x, c('uid', 'transect'), f)
  ans$incishgt.mx <- ifelse(is.na(ans$incishgt.mx) | ans$incishgt.mx == 0, 
  replaceInfNaN <- function(x){
    x[!is.finite(x)] <- NA
  ans[3:8] <- lapply(ans[3:8], replaceInfNaN)

#' Calculate channel metrics
#' Calculate the channel metrics: xbkf_w, sdbkf_w, n_bw, xinc_h, sdinc_h, n_incis, 
#' xbkf_h, sdbkf_h, n_bh.
#' The EPA uses data where the extra transect - transect pairs have been joined.  
#' The \code{bankwid} argument is the sum of the extra transect pairs, the \code{incishgt} 
#'  and \code{bankhgt} arguments are the max of the extra transect pairs.  These can 
#'  be calculated using \link{joinExtraTransects}.
#' @param uid a vector of site identifiers
#' @param bankwid a vector of bankfull width measurements; sum of extra transect pairs
#' @param incishgt a vector of incision heights; max of extra transect pairs
#' @param bankhgt a vector of bankfull heights; max of extra transect pairs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' d <- data.frame(uid = rep(1:10, 11), bankwid = runif(110), incishgt = runif(110), bankhgt = runif(110))
#' calculateChannelMetrics(d$uid, d$wetwid, d$bankwid, d$incishgt, d$bankhgt)
calculateChannelMetrics <- function(uid, bankwid, incishgt, bankhgt){
  x <- data.frame(uid, bankwid, incishgt, bankhgt)
  f <- function(x){
    data.frame(xbkf_w = mean(x$bankwid, na.rm = T),  sdbkf_w = sd(x$bankwid, na.rm = T),  n_bw =    count(x$bankwid),
               xinc_h = mean(x$incishgt, na.rm = T), sdinc_h = sd(x$incishgt, na.rm = T), n_incis = count(x$incishgt),
               xbkf_h = mean(x$bankhgt, na.rm = T),  sdbkf_h = sd(x$bankhgt, na.rm = T),  n_bh =    count(x$bankhgt))
  ans <- meltMetrics(plyr::ddply(x, .(uid), f))
  progressReport("Finished with channel metrics: xbkf_w, sdbkf_w, n_bw, xinc_h, sdinc_h, n_incis, xbkf_h, sdbkf_h, n_bh.")

#' Calculates wetted width metrics
#' Calculates wetted width metrics: xwidth, sdwidth, and n_w.
#' Uses the max wetted width of the transect - extra transect pair as returned 
#' by \link{joinExtraTransects}.
#' @param uid a vector of site identifiers
#' @param wetwid a vector of wetted widths; uses the max of the extra transect pairs
#' @return a 'metric' data.frame
calculateWettedWidthMetrics <- function(uid, wetwid){
  x <- data.frame(uid, wetwid)
  f <- function(x){
    c(xwidth  = mean(x$wetwid, na.rm = T),
      sdwidth = sd(x$wetwid, na.rm = T),
      n_w     = count(x$wetwid))
  ans <- plyr::ddply(x, c('uid'), f)
  ans <- meltMetrics(ans)

#' Calculate thalweg width depth ratios
#' Calculate metrics dealing with the product and ratio of the channel width and
#' depth: xwxd, sdwxd, n_wd, xwd_rat, sdwd_rat, and n_wdr.
#' These are station level data (i.e., from the thalweg form) and so do not need any special
#' extra transect treatment.
#' @param uid a vector site identifiers
#' @param wetwid a vector of wetted widths
#' @param depth a vector of thalweg depths
#' @return a 'metric' data.frame
#' @export
calculateThalwegRatios <- function(uid, wetwid, depth, remove.inf.nan = T){
  wdprod <- wetwid * depth
  wdratio <- wetwid / depth
  if (remove.inf.nan){
    is.inf.nan <- is.nan(wdratio) | is.infinite(wdratio)
    wdratio <- ifelse(is.inf.nan, NA, wdratio)
  x <- data.frame(uid, wdprod, wdratio)
  f <- function(x){
    c('xwxd'     = mean(x$wdprod, na.rm = T),
      'sdwxd'    = sd(x$wdprod, na.rm = T),
      'n_wd'     = count(x$wdprod),
      'xwd_rat'  = mean(x$wdratio, na.rm = T),
      'sdwd_rat' = sd(x$wdratio, na.rm = T),
      'n_wdr'    = count(x$wdratio))
  ans <- plyr::ddply(x, c('uid'), f)
  ans <- meltMetrics(ans)
  progressReport("Finished with thalweg depth ratios: xwxd, sdwxd, n_wd, xwd_rat, sdwd_rat, n_wdr")

#' Calculates metrics of bankfull width to (bankfull height + depth) ratios
#' This function calculates summary metrics of the ratio: bankfull width / 
#' (bankfull height + thalweg depth).  The mean and count of measurements are
#' calculated.  
#' The EPA calculations used extra transects in these calculations: 
#' sum of the bankfull widths at the extra transect and regular transect and the
#' mean of the bankfull height at the extra transect and the regular transect.  
#' These values are returned by the \link{joinExtraTransects} function.
#' @param uid a vector of site identifiers
#' @param bankwid a vector of bankfull widths; EPA uses the sum of the extra transects.
#' @param bankhgt a vector of bankfull heights; EPA uses the mean of the extra transects.
#' @param depth a vector of thalweg depths
#' @import plyr
calculateTransectRatios <- function(uid, bankwid, bankhgt, depth){
  bfwd <- bankwid / (bankhgt + depth)
  x <- data.frame(uid, bfwd)
  f <- function(x){
    c('bfwd_rat' = mean(x$bfwd, na.rm = T),
      'n_bfrat'  = count(x$bfwd))
  ans <- ddply(x, 'uid', f)
  ans <- meltMetrics(ans)
  progressReport("Finished with transect ratios: bfwd_rat, n_bfrat")

#' Calculate thalweg depth metrics: xdepth, sddepth, n_d
#' Calculates the thalweg depth metrics (xdepth, sddepth, n_d) form thalweg depth
#' data.
#' The EPA code assumes input data in meters, which this function also assumes.
#' However, the EPA code reports the metrics for wadeable sites in centimeters.
#' This code includes an argument \code{units}, which allows the user to specify
#' the desired output units.  The \code{mixed} option mimics the EPA behavior.
#' @param uid a vector of site identifiers
#' @param is.wadeable a logical vector, TRUE for each depth that is from
#' a wadeable protocol site (versus a non-wadeable protocol).
#' @param depth a vector of thalweg depths
#' @param desired output units.  Can be one of \code{"m"}, \code{"cm"}, or \code{"mixed"}.
#' @return a 'metric' data.frame
#' @import plyr
#' @export
calculateThalwegDepthMetrics <- function(uid, is.wadeable, depth, units = c('m', 'cm', 'mixed')){
  #ensure units match: some notes and code about converting from m to cm
  units <- match.arg(units)
  depth <- switch(units,
                  m = depth,
                  cm = depth * 100,
                  mixed = ifelse(is.wadeable, depth * 100, depth))
  x <- data.frame(uid, depth)
  f <- function(x){
    c(xdepth  = mean(x$depth, na.rm = T),
      sddepth = sd(x$depth, na.rm = T),
      n_d     = count(x$depth))
  ans <- ddply(x, .(uid), f)
  ans <- meltMetrics(ans)
  progressReport('Finished with thalweg depth metrics: xdepth, sddepth, n_d.')

sumNA <- function(x, ...){
  } else {
    sum(x, ...)
jasonelaw/nrsa documentation built on Nov. 8, 2019, 11:34 a.m.