
Defines functions renameJsFileForAdblockers changeJsIncludeForAdblockers moveJaspHtmlToDir createHtmlFile convertResultsListToJson makeHtmlFromJaspFile makeHtmlFromJson makeHtmlFromList view

Documented in view

#' View the tables and plots in a results object.
#' \code{view} allows you to view output independently of JASP. By default this output
#' is shown in the RStudio viewer, if you would like it to go to your webbrowser, run \code{setPkgOption("view.in.rstudio", FALSE)}.
#' The same javascript/css/html is used as in JASP and so the output is identical. This function may
#' be called directly, but it is more convenient to use \code{runAnalysis}.
#' @param results A named R list returned from a JASP analysis, a json
#' results string copied from the Qt terminal, or a path to a .jasp file.
#' @return A html page is generated and placed in a temp directory
#' @examples
#' options <- analysisOptions("BinomialTest")
#' results <- runAnalysis("BinomialTest", "debug", options, view=FALSE)
#' view(results)
#' # Above and below are identical (below is taken from the Qt terminal)
#' view('{
#'    "id" : 6,
#'    "name" : "BinomialTest",
#'    "results" : {
#'       ".meta" : [
#'          {
#'             "name" : "binomial",
#'             "type" : "table"
#'          },
#'          {
#'             "meta" : [],
#'             "name" : "descriptives",
#'             "type" : "object"
#'          }
#'       ],
#'       "binomial" : {
#'          "citation" : [ "JASP Team (2017). JASP (Version 0.8.2) [Computer software]." ],
#'          "data" : [
#'             {
#'                "case" : "",
#'                "counts" : ".",
#'                "level" : ".",
#'                "lowerCI" : ".",
#'                "p" : ".",
#'                "proportion" : ".",
#'                "total" : ".",
#'                "upperCI" : "."
#'             }
#'          ],
#'          "footnotes" : [
#'             {
#'                "symbol" : "<em>Note.</em>",
#'                "text" : "Proportions tested against value: 0.5."
#'             }
#'          ],
#'          "schema" : {
#'             "fields" : [
#'                {
#'                   "combine" : true,
#'                   "name" : "case",
#'                   "title" : "",
#'                   "type" : "string"
#'                },
#'                {
#'                   "name" : "level",
#'                   "title" : "Level",
#'                   "type" : "string"
#'                },
#'                {
#'                   "name" : "counts",
#'                   "title" : "Counts",
#'                   "type" : "integer"
#'                },
#'                {
#'                   "name" : "total",
#'                   "title" : "Total",
#'                   "type" : "integer"
#'                },
#'                {
#'                   "format" : "sf:4;dp:3",
#'                   "name" : "proportion",
#'                   "title" : "Proportion",
#'                   "type" : "number"
#'                },
#'                {
#'                   "format" : "dp:3;p:.001",
#'                   "name" : "p",
#'                   "title" : "p",
#'                   "type" : "number"
#'                }
#'             ]
#'          },
#'          "title" : "Binomial Test"
#'       },
#'       "title" : "Binomial Test"
#'    },
#'    "revision" : 2,
#'    "status" : "complete"
#' }')
#' @export view
view <- function(results) {
  if (is.list(results)) {
    html <- makeHtmlFromList(results)
  } else if (is.character(results) && jsonlite::validate(results) == TRUE) {# assuming a json string
    html <- makeHtmlFromJson(results)
  } else if (is.character(results) && file.exists(results) && tools::file_ext(results) == "jasp") {
    html <- makeHtmlFromJaspFile(results)
  } else {
    stop("'results' need to be a named results list, a valid json string, or a path to a .jasp file.")

  if (isTRUE(getPkgOption("view.in.rstudio")) && !is.null(getOption("viewer")))
    viewer <- getOption("viewer")
    viewer <- utils::browseURL


makeHtmlFromList <- function(results) {
  if (!"results" %in% names(results))
    stop("Incorrect object provided in results (could not locate required field 'results'),
         please enter a valid json string or a named results list.")

  content <- list(
    id = ifelse(is.null(results[["id"]]), 0, results[["id"]]),
    name = ifelse(is.null(results[["name"]]), "analysis", results[["name"]]),
    status = ifelse(is.null(results[["status"]]), "complete", results[["status"]]),
    results = results[["results"]]
  json <- convertResultsListToJson(content)
  html <- createHtmlFile(json)


makeHtmlFromJson <- function(results) {
  results <- jsonlite::fromJSON(results, simplifyVector=FALSE)
  html <- makeHtmlFromList(results)


makeHtmlFromJaspFile <- function(results) {
  allFiles <- unzip(results, list = TRUE)
  outputFiles <- allFiles[["Name"]]
  outputFiles <- outputFiles[grep("index\\.html$|*\\.png$", outputFiles)]
  tmpDir <- tempdir()
  unzip(results, files = outputFiles, exdir = tmpDir)

  return(file.path(tmpDir, "index.html"))

convertResultsListToJson <- function(lst) {
  json <- try(jsonlite::toJSON(lst, null="null", auto_unbox=TRUE, digits=NA))
  if (inherits(json, "try-error"))
    json <- paste0("{ \"status\" : \"error\", \"results\" : { \"error\" : 1, \"errorMessage\" : \"Unable to jsonify\" } }")

  json <- gsub("<div class=stack-trace>", "<div>", json, fixed=TRUE) # this makes sure the stacktrace is not hidden
  json <- gsub("\\\"", "\\\\\"", json, fixed=TRUE) # double escape all escaped quotes (otherwise the printed json is invalid)


createHtmlFile <- function(json) {
  htmlDir <- getTempOutputLocation("html")

  templateHtmlFile <- file.path(htmlDir, "index-jasp.html")
  html <- readChar(templateHtmlFile, file.size(templateHtmlFile))

  insertedJS <- paste0(
      var jasp = {}
      jQuery(function($) {
        $(document).ready(function() {
          window.analysisChanged(", json, ")
          HTMLCollection.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
          imgs = document.getElementsByClassName('jasp-image-image');
          imgs.forEach(function(el, i) {
            imgs[i].style.backgroundImage = imgs[i].style.backgroundImage.replace('plot://', '')
  html <- gsub("</body>", insertedJS, html)

  # adblockers flag analysis.js so it needs to be renamed
  html <- changeJsIncludeForAdblockers(html)

  htmlFile <- file.path(htmlDir, "tmp-index.html")
  writeChar(html, htmlFile)


moveJaspHtmlToDir <- function(dir) {
  if (!"js" %in% list.dirs(dir, full.names = FALSE))
    file.copy(list.files(getPkgOption("html.dir"), full.names = TRUE), dir, recursive = TRUE)

changeJsIncludeForAdblockers <- function(html) {
  gsub("analysis.js", "jaspanalysis.js", html, fixed = TRUE)

renameJsFileForAdblockers <- function(dir) {
  if (file.exists(file.path(dir, "js", "analysis.js")))
    file.rename(file.path(dir, "js", "analysis.js"), file.path(dir, "js", "jaspanalysis.js"))
jasp-stats/JASPTools documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 6:53 p.m.