
Defines functions jaspBaseIsLegacyVersion isRepoJaspModule downloadJaspPkg downloadAllJaspModules getTempJaspModulesLocation installJaspModules installJaspPkg fetchDatasets fetchJavaScript getDatasetsLocations getJavascriptLocation fetchJaspDesktopDependencies .removeCompletedSetupFiles .setSetupComplete .finalizeSetup .isSetupComplete getSetupCompleteFileName getJaspToolsDir isJaspDesktopDir validateJaspResourceDir printSetupArgs .setupJaspTools setupJaspTools

Documented in installJaspModules installJaspPkg setupJaspTools

#' Setup the jaspTools package.
#' Ensures that analyses can be run, tested and debugged locally by fetching all of the basic dependencies.
#' This includes fetching the data library and html files and installing jaspBase and jaspGraphs.
#' If no parameters are supplied the function will interactively ask for the location of these dependencies.
#' @param pathJaspDesktop (optional) Character path to the root of jasp-desktop if present on the system.
#' @param installJaspModules (optional) Boolean. Should jaspTools install all the JASP analysis modules as R packages (e.g., jaspAnova, jaspFrequencies)?
#' @param installJaspCorePkgs (optional) Boolean. Should jaspTools install jaspBase, jaspResults and jaspGraphs?
#' @param quiet (optional) Boolean. Should the installation of R packages produce output?
#' @param force (optional) Boolean. Should a fresh installation of jaspResults, jaspBase, jaspGraphs and the JASP analysis modules proceed if they are already installed on your system? This is ignored if installJaspCorePkgs = FALSE.
#' @export setupJaspTools
setupJaspTools <- function(pathJaspDesktop = NULL, installJaspModules = FALSE, installJaspCorePkgs = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, force = TRUE) {

  argsMissing <- FALSE
  if (interactive()) {

    if (.isSetupComplete()) {
      continue <- menu(c("Yes", "No"), title = "You have previously completed the setup procedure, are you sure you want to do it again?")
      if (continue != 1) return(message("Setup aborted."))

    if (missing(installJaspModules) || missing(pathJaspDesktop))
      argsMissing <- TRUE

    if (argsMissing)
      message("To fetch the dependencies correctly please answer the following:\n")

    if (missing(pathJaspDesktop)) {
      hasJaspdesktop <- menu(c("Yes", "No"), title = "- Do you have an up-to-date clone of jasp-stats/jasp-desktop on your system (note that this is not a requirement)?")
      if (hasJaspdesktop == 0) return(message("Setup aborted."))

      if (hasJaspdesktop == 1)
        pathJaspDesktop <- validateJaspResourceDir(readline(prompt = "Please provide path/to/jasp-desktop: \n"), isJaspDesktopDir, "jasp-desktop")

    if (missing(installJaspModules)) {
      wantsInstallJaspModules  <- menu(c("Yes", "No"), title = "- Would you like jaspTools to install all the JASP analysis modules located at github.com/jasp-stats? This is useful if the module(s) you are working on requires functions from other JASP analysis modules.")
      if (wantsInstallJaspModules == 0) return(message("Setup aborted."))

      installJaspModules <- wantsInstallJaspModules == 1

    if (missing(installJaspCorePkgs)) {
      title <- if (jaspBaseIsLegacyVersion()) {
        "- Would you like jaspTools to install jaspResults, jaspBase and jaspGraphs? If you opt no, you must install them yourself."
      } else {
        "- Would you like jaspTools to install jaspBase and jaspGraphs? If you opt no, you must install them yourself."
      wantsInstallJaspCorePkgs <- menu(c("Yes", "No"), title = title)
      if (wantsInstallJaspCorePkgs == 0) return(message("Setup aborted."))

      installJaspCorePkgs <- wantsInstallJaspCorePkgs == 1

  .setupJaspTools(pathJaspDesktop, installJaspModules, installJaspCorePkgs, quiet, force)

  if (argsMissing)
    printSetupArgs(pathJaspDesktop, installJaspModules, installJaspCorePkgs, quiet, force)

.setupJaspTools <- function(pathJaspDesktop, installJaspModules, installJaspCorePkgs, quiet, force) {
  pathJaspDesktop <- validateJaspResourceDir(pathJaspDesktop, isJaspDesktopDir, "jasp-desktop")

  if (.isSetupComplete()) # in case the setup is performed multiple times

  message("Fetching resources...\n")

  depsOK <- fetchJaspDesktopDependencies(pathJaspDesktop, quiet = quiet, force = force)
  if (!depsOK)
    stop("jaspTools setup could not be completed. Reason: could not fetch the jasp-stats/jasp-desktop repo and as a result the required dependencies are not installed.\n
            If this problem persists clone jasp-stats/jasp-desktop manually.")

  if (isTRUE(installJaspCorePkgs)) {
    jaspCorePkgs <- if (jaspBaseIsLegacyVersion())
      c("jaspBase", "jaspGraphs", "jaspResults")
      c("jaspBase", "jaspGraphs")
    installJaspPkg(jaspCorePkgs, quiet = quiet, force = force)


  if (isTRUE(installJaspModules))
    installJaspModules(force = force, quiet = quiet)


printSetupArgs <- function(pathJaspDesktop, installJaspModules, installJaspCorePkgs, quiet, force) {
  if (is.character(pathJaspDesktop))
    showPathJasp <- paste0("\"", pathJaspDesktop, "\"")
    showPathJasp <- "NULL"

  message("\nIn the future you can skip the interactive part of the setup by calling `setupJaspTools(pathJaspDesktop = ", showPathJasp, ", installJaspModules = ", installJaspModules, ", installJaspCorePkgs = ", installJaspCorePkgs, ", quiet = ", quiet, ", force = ", force, ")`")

validateJaspResourceDir <- function(path, validationFn, title) {
  if (!is.null(path)) {
    if (is.character(path))
      path <- normalizePath(gsub("[\"']", "", path))

    if (!is.character(path) || !do.call(validationFn, list(path = path)))
      stop("Invalid path provided for ", title, "; could not find the correct resources within: ", path)

isJaspDesktopDir <- function(path) {
  dirs <- list.dirs(path, full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
    c("Common", "Desktop", "Engine", "Modules", "R-Interface") %in% dirs

getJaspToolsDir <- function() {

getSetupCompleteFileName <- function() {
  jaspToolsDir <- getJaspToolsDir()
  file <- file.path(jaspToolsDir, "setup_complete.txt")

.isSetupComplete <- function() {

.finalizeSetup <- function() {


  message("jaspTools setup complete")

.setSetupComplete <- function() {
  file <- getSetupCompleteFileName()
  fileConn <- file(file)
  writeLines("", fileConn)

.removeCompletedSetupFiles <- function() {
  unlink(getJavascriptLocation(), recursive = TRUE)
  unlink(getDatasetsLocations(jaspOnly = TRUE), recursive = TRUE)
  message("Removed files from previous jaspTools setup")

# javascript and datasets
fetchJaspDesktopDependencies <- function(jaspdesktopLoc = NULL, branch = "development", quiet = FALSE, force = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(jaspdesktopLoc) || !isJaspDesktopDir(jaspdesktopLoc)) {
    baseLoc <- tempdir()
    jaspdesktopLoc <- file.path(baseLoc, paste0("jasp-desktop-", branch))
    if (!dir.exists(jaspdesktopLoc)) {
      zipFile <- file.path(baseLoc, "jasp-desktop.zip")
      url <- sprintf("https://github.com/jasp-stats/jasp-desktop/archive/%s.zip", branch)

      res <- try(download.file(url = url, destfile = zipFile, quiet = quiet), silent = quiet)
      if (inherits(res, "try-error") || res != 0)

      if (file.exists(zipFile)) {
        unzip(zipfile = zipFile, exdir = baseLoc)

  if (!isJaspDesktopDir(jaspdesktopLoc))



getJavascriptLocation <- function(rootOnly = FALSE) {
  jaspToolsDir <- getJaspToolsDir()
  htmlDir <- file.path(jaspToolsDir, "html")
  if (!rootOnly)
    htmlDir <- file.path(htmlDir, "jasp-html")


getDatasetsLocations <- function(jaspOnly = FALSE) {
  jaspToolsDir <- getJaspToolsDir()
  dataDirs <- file.path(jaspToolsDir, "jaspData")
  if (!jaspOnly)
    dataDirs <- c(dataDirs, file.path(jaspToolsDir, "extdata"))


fetchJavaScript <- function(path) {
  destDir <- getJavascriptLocation(rootOnly = TRUE)
  if (!dir.exists(destDir))

  htmlDir <- file.path(path, "Desktop", "html")
  if (!dir.exists(htmlDir))
    stop("Could not move html files from jasp-desktop, is the path correct? ", path)

  file.copy(from = htmlDir, to = destDir, overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
  file.rename(file.path(destDir, "html"), getJavascriptLocation())
  message("Moved html files to jaspTools")

fetchDatasets <- function(path) {
  destDir <- getDatasetsLocations(jaspOnly = TRUE)
  if (!dir.exists(destDir))

  dataDir <- file.path(path, "Resources", "Data Sets")
  if (!dir.exists(dataDir))
    stop("Could not move datasets from jasp-desktop, is the path correct? ", path)

  dataFilePaths <- list.files(dataDir, pattern = "\\.csv$", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  if (length(dataFilePaths) > 0) {
    dataFiles <- basename(dataFilePaths)
    for (i in seq_along(dataFilePaths))
      file.copy(dataFilePaths[i], file.path(destDir, dataFiles[i]), overwrite = TRUE)

    message("Moved datasets to jaspTools")

# installJaspModules <- function(quiet = TRUE) {
#   repos <- getJaspGithubRepos()
#   for (repo in repos) {
#     if (!is.null(names(repo)) && c("name", "full_name") %in% names(repo)) {
#       if (isRepoJaspRPackage(repo[["name"]]) && !repo[["name"]] %in% installed.packages()) {
#         cat("Installing package:", paste0(repo[["full_name"]], "..."))
#         res <- try(remotes::install_github(repo[["full_name"]], auth_token = getGithubPAT(), upgrade = "never", quiet = quiet), silent = quiet)
#         if (inherits(res, "try-error"))
#           cat(" failed\n")
#         else
#           cat(" succeeded\n")
#       }
#     }
#   }
# }

#' Install a JASP R package from jasp-stats
#' Thin wrapper around remotes::install_github.
#' @param pkg Name of the JASP module (e.g., "jaspBase").
#' @param force Boolean. Should the installation overwrite an existing installation if it hasn't changed?
#' @param auth_token To install from a private repo, generate a personal access token (PAT) in "https://github.com/settings/tokens" and supply to this argument. This is safer than using a password because you can easily delete a PAT without affecting any others. Defaults to the GITHUB_PAT environment variable.
#' @param ... Passed on to \code{remotes::install_github}
installJaspPkg <- function(pkg, force = FALSE, auth_token = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(auth_token))
    auth_token <- getGithubPAT()

  remotes::install_github(paste("jasp-stats", pkg, sep = "/"), upgrade = "never", force = force, auth_token = auth_token, INSTALL_opts = "--no-multiarch", ...)

#' Install all JASP analysis modules from jasp-stats
#' This function downloads all JASP modules locally and then installs them, to ensure all dependencies between JASP modules are resolved correctly.
#' Useful if you're working on modules that have dependencies on other modules.
#' @param force Boolean. Should JASP reinstall everything or should it only install packages that are not installed on your system?
#' @param quiet Boolean. Should the installation procedure produce output?
#' @export installJaspModules
installJaspModules <- function(force = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {
  res <- downloadAllJaspModules(force, quiet)
  if (length(res[["success"]]) > 0) {
    pkgs <- list.files(getTempJaspModulesLocation(), full.names = TRUE)
    failed <- NULL
    for (pkg in pkgs) {
      res <- try(silent = quiet, {
        remotes::install_local(pkg, upgrade = "never", dependencies = TRUE, quiet = quiet, force = force, INSTALL_opts = "--no-multiarch")

      if (inherits(res, "try-error"))
        failed <- c(failed, basename(pkg))
    if (length(failed) > 0)
      warning("Installation failed for ", paste(failed, collapse = ", "))


getTempJaspModulesLocation <- function() {
  file.path(tempdir(), "JaspModules")

downloadAllJaspModules <- function(force = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {
  repos <- getJaspGithubRepos()
  result <- list(success = NULL, fail = NULL)
  for (repo in repos) {
    if (!is.null(names(repo)) && all(c("name", "default_branch") %in% names(repo))) {
      if (isRepoJaspModule(repo[["name"]], repo[["default_branch"]]) && (force || !force && !repo[["name"]] %in% installed.packages())) {
        success <- downloadJaspPkg(repo[["name"]], repo[["default_branch"]], quiet)
        if (success)
          result[["success"]] <- c(result[["success"]], repo[["name"]])
          result[["fail"]] <- c(result[["fail"]], repo[["name"]])
  message("Successful downloads: ", paste(result[["success"]], collapse = ", "), "\n")
  if (length(result[["fail"]]) > 0)
    message("The following packages could not be downloaded: ", paste(result[["fail"]], collapse = ", "), "\n")

downloadJaspPkg <- function(repo, branch, quiet) {
  url <- sprintf("https://github.com/jasp-stats/%1$s/archive/%2$s.zip", repo, branch)
  baseLoc <- getTempJaspModulesLocation()
  pkgLoc <- file.path(baseLoc, repo)
  zipFile <- file.path(baseLoc, paste0(repo, ".zip"))

  if (!dir.exists(baseLoc))

  if (!dir.exists(pkgLoc)) {
    res <- try(download.file(url = url, destfile = zipFile, quiet = quiet), silent = quiet)
    if (inherits(res, "try-error") || res != 0) {

    unzip(zipfile = zipFile, exdir = baseLoc)

    if (dir.exists(paste0(pkgLoc, "-", branch)))
      file.rename(paste0(pkgLoc, "-", branch), pkgLoc)

    if (file.exists(zipFile))


isRepoJaspModule <- function(repo, branch) {
  repoTree <- githubGET(asGithubReposUrl("jasp-stats", repo, c("git", "trees", branch), params = list(recursive = "false")))
  if (length(names(repoTree)) > 0 && "tree" %in% names(repoTree)) {
    pathNames <- unlist(lapply(repoTree[["tree"]], `[[`, "path"))
    return(all(moduleRequisites(sep = "/") %in% pathNames))


jaspBaseIsLegacyVersion <- function() {
  jaspBaseInstalled <- find.package("jaspBase", .libPaths(), quiet = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
  if (length(jaspBaseInstalled) == 0L) {
    # This check can be deleted once jaspResults is merged into jaspBase
    upstreamDescr <- readChar("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jasp-stats/jaspBase/master/DESCRIPTION", 1e5)
    if (grepl("Version: [0-9\\.]+\\n", upstreamDescr)) {
      upstreamVer <- package_version(stringr::str_match(upstreamDescr, "Version: ([0-9\\.]+)\\n")[2])
      return(upstreamVer < "0.16.4")
    } else {
  } else {
    return(packageVersion("jaspBase") < "0.16.4")
jasp-stats/jasptools documentation built on April 26, 2024, 4:16 a.m.