Man pages for jaspershen/metID
Metabolite identification based on MS1 and MS2 spectra

annotate_resultA metIdentifyClass object.
construct_databaseConstruct in-house or public MS2 database for metID.
construct_massbank_databaseConstruct public MS2 database from massbank with msp format.
construct_mona_databaseConstruct public MS2 database from MoNA with msp format.
correct_database_rtCorrect RTs of metabolites in database using internal...
databaseClass-classAn S4 class to represent MS1 or MS2 database.
databaseConstructionConstruct in-house or public MS2 database for metID.
filter_adductsFilter adducts.
filterIdenFilter identifications according to m/z error, RT error, MS...
filter_identificationFilter identifications according to m/z error, RT error, MS...
get_iden_infoGet identification information from a metIdentifyClass object
getIdenInfoGet identification information from a metIdentifyClass object
get_identification_tableGet identification table from a metIdentifyClass object
getIdentificationTableGet identification table from a metIdentifyClass object
getIdentificationTable2Get identification table from a mzIdentifyClass object
get_ms2_spectrumGet MS2 spectra of peaks from databaseClass object
getMS2spectrumGet MS2 spectra of peaks from databaseClass object
getMS2spectrum2ObjectGet spectra of peaks from metIdentifyClass object
get_ms2_spectrum_from_objectGet spectra of peaks from metIdentifyClass object
get_parametersGet parameters from a metIdentifyClass object
get_parameters_metIDGet parameters from a metIdentifyClass object
getParamsGet parameters from a metIdentifyClass object
getParams2Get parameters from a mzIdentifyClass object
hilic.negHILIC negative mode adduct table
hilic.posHILIC positive mode adduct table
identify_metabolite_allIdentify metabolites using multiple databases one time
identify_metabolitesIdentify metabolites based on MS1 or MS/MS database
identify_metabolites_paramsGenerate the parameter list for identify_metabolites function
identify_ms2_onlyIdentify metabolites based on MS/MS database
identifyPeakIdentify metabolites based on MS1 or MS/MS database
identify_single_peakIdentify single peak based on database.
metIDShow the base information of metID pacakge
metIdentifyIdentify metabolites based on MS/MS database.
metIdentify4allIdentify metabolites using multiple databases one time
metIdentifyClass-classAn S4 class to represent annotation result.
metIdentifyParamGenerate the parameter list for metIdentify function
metID_logoShow the base information of metID pacakge
ms2plotGet MS2 match plots from a metIdentifyClass object
msDatabase_hilic0.0.2Michael Snyder lab RPLC database
msDatabase_rplc0.0.2Michael Snyder lab RPLC database
mzIdentifyIdentify peaks based on MS1 database
mzIdentifyParamGenerate the mzIdentify parameter list
rp.negReverse phase negative mode adduct table
rp.posReverse phase positive mode adduct table
trans2newStyleTransform old style identification table to new style
trans_to_new_styleTransform old style identification table to new style
whichHasIdenGet the peak names which have identifications
which_has_identificationGet the peak names which have identifications
write_mgf_gnpsExport metID database to mgf (gnps format)
write_mgf_massbankExport metID database to mgf (MassBank format)
write_mgf_monaExport metID database to mgf (mona format)
write_msp_gnpsExport metID database to msp (gnps format)
write_msp_massbankExport metID database to msp (MassBank format)
write_msp_monaExport metID database to msp (mona format)
jaspershen/metID documentation built on July 31, 2022, 11:31 p.m.