
Defines functions segmentProcessR

#' @import rhdf5
#' @import data.table
#' @import signal
#' @import TTR
#' @import zoo
#' @export

## takes a list of lists (idx_lists) containing indexes of segments to analyse in file (filename) exporting in HDF5
## (matlab export from spike2)

segmentProcessR <- function(idx_lists, filename, samprate, chandetails, codedt, cfreqs = c(600, 1200)) {


  #bpfilt <- butter(n = 4, W = c(600/(50000/2), 1200/(50000/2)), type = "pass", plane = "z")

  bpfilt <- butter(n = 4, W = c(cfreqs[1]*samprate*2, cfreqs[2]*samprate*2), type = "pass", plane = "z")


  # chan01 <- as.vector(h5read(filename,
  #                            paste0(chandetails[chan == "Ch1", name], "/values/"),
  #                            index = list(idx_lists[1]:idx_lists[2],1)))
  # h5closeAll()
  # chan02 <- as.vector(h5read(filename,
  #                            paste0(chandetails[chan == "Ch2", name], "/values/"),
  #                            index = list(idx_lists[1]:idx_lists[2],1)))
  # h5closeAll()
  # chan03 <- as.vector(h5read(filename,
  #                            paste0(chandetails[chan == "Ch3", name], "/values/"),
  #                            index = list(idx_lists[1]:idx_lists[2],1)))
  # h5closeAll()
  # chan04 <- as.vector(h5read(filename,
  #                            paste0(chandetails[chan == "Ch4", name], "/values/"),
  #                            index = list(idx_lists[1]:idx_lists[2],1)))
  # h5closeAll()
  # chan05 <- as.vector(h5read(filename,
  #                            paste0(chandetails[chan == "Ch5", name], "/values/"),
  #                            index = list(idx_lists[1]:idx_lists[2],1)))
  # h5closeAll()
  # chan06 <- as.vector(h5read(filename,
  #                            paste0(chandetails[chan == "Ch6", name], "/values/"),
  #                            index = list(idx_lists[1]:idx_lists[2],1)))
  # h5closeAll()
  # t_seg <- seq.int(from = codedt[t_idx == idx_lists[1], time],
  #                  to = codedt[t_idx == idx_lists[1], time] + length(chan01)*samprate,
  #                  length.out = length(chan01))
  # dt <- data.table(t = t_seg,
  #                  chan01 = chan01,
  #                  chan02 = chan02,
  #                  chan03 = chan03,
  #                  chan04 = chan04,
  #                  chan05 = chan05,
  #                  chan06 = chan06)
  # rm(t_seg, chan01, chan02, chan03, chan04, chan05, chan06)
  # moltendt <- melt(dt,
  #                  measure.vars = c("chan01",
  #                                   "chan02",
  #                                   "chan03",
  #                                   "chan04",
  #                                   "chan05",
  #                                   "chan06"),
  #                  variable.name = "channel")
  # ## rescale each channel
  # moltendt[, code := codedt[t_idx == idx_lists[1], lettercode]]
  # moltendt[, time := codedt[t_idx == idx_lists[1], time]]

  dtlist <- lapply(X = chandetails[chantype == "data", chan],
                   FUN = chanReadeR,
                   chandetails = chandetails,
                   idx_lists = idx_lists,
                   filename = filename,
                   codedt = codedt,
                   samprate = samprate)

  moltendt <- rbindlist(dtlist)

  ## perform DC remove of each channel
  moltendt[, DC := removeDC(value, 50),
           by = "channel"]
  ## run band pass filter on DC remove signal
  moltendt[, bpfiltered := as.vector(filtfilt(bpfilt, x = DC)),
           by = "channel"]
  moltendt[, enved := envelopeR(bpfiltered, samprate = samprate),
           by = "channel"]
  moltendt[, envsd := mean(abs(bpfiltered), na.rm = TRUE),
           by = c("channel")]
  moltendt[, group_no := eventGroupR(enved, 2*envsd),
           by = "channel"]

  ## select events that meet smooth threshold
  dt_thresh <- moltendt[enved > 2*envsd]

  ## calculate length of each event but taking the length of time above threshold
  event_length <- dt_thresh[, .(n_dp = length(t)),
                            by = c("channel", "group_no")]

  ## merge thresholded events with event length
  data <- merge(dt_thresh, event_length, by = c("channel", "group_no"))
  ## select events longer than 10ms (0.01s) 0.01*50000 sample rate
  data <- data[data[,n_dp > 500]]

  ## save output of fly-by events that pass threshold
  if (!dir.exists(paste0(dirname(filename), "/raw_events/"))) {
    dir.create(paste0(dirname(filename), "/raw_events/"), recursive = TRUE)

  fwrite(data, file = paste0(paste0(dirname(filename), "/raw_events/", gsub(".mat", paste0("_", idx_lists[1], ".txt"), basename(filename)))))

  if (dim(data)[1] > 0) {

    data_sum <- data[, .(mint = min(t),
                         maxt = max(t),
                         minDC = min(DC),
                         maxDC = max(DC),
                         minfilt = min(bpfiltered),
                         maxfilt = max(bpfiltered),
                         time = time,
                         code = code),
                     by = c("channel", "group_no")]

    data_sum <- unique(data_sum)

    ## use rollapply instead of winScan
    rol_win <- data[, .(fitfreq = rollapply(data = bpfiltered,
                                            width = 500, by = 250,
                                            FUN = rollingFitfreq,
                                            srate = samprate,
                                            stime = min(t),
                                            partial = FALSE,
                                            align = "left"),
                        rsqr = rollapply(data = bpfiltered,
                                         width = 500, by = 250,
                                         FUN = rollingFitR,
                                         srate = samprate,
                                         stime = min(t),
                                         partial = FALSE,
                                         align = "left"),
                        fitime = rollapply(data = t,
                                           width = 500, by = 250,
                                           FUN = min,
                                           partial = FALSE,
                                           align = "left")),
                    by = c("channel", "group_no")]

    rol_merge <- merge(rol_win, data_sum, by = c("channel", "group_no"))

    ## select fits over 0.9
    rol_sig <- rol_merge[rol_merge[, rsqr > 0.90]]

    ## save output of fit events

    if (!dir.exists(paste0(dirname(filename), "/fit_events/"))) {
      dir.create(paste0(dirname(filename), "/fit_events/"), recursive = TRUE)

    fwrite(rol_sig, file = paste0(paste0(dirname(filename), "/fit_events/", gsub(".mat", paste0("_fit_", idx_lists[1], ".txt"), basename(filename)))))

    rol_molten <- melt(data = rol_sig,
                       measure.vars = c("fitfreq",

    sum_dt <- rol_molten[, .(mean = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE),
                             median = median(value, na.rm = TRUE),
                             stdev = sd(value, na.rm = TRUE),
                             se = se(value, na.rm = TRUE),
                             n_fits = length(value),
                             min_t = mint,
                             max_t = maxt,
                             evlength = maxt - mint,
                             min_DC = minDC,
                             max_DC = maxDC,
                             min_filt = minfilt,
                             max_filt = maxfilt,
                             time = time,
                             code = code),
                         by = c("channel", "group_no" ,"variable")]
    #message(paste0("Segment commencing index ", idx_lists[1], " has finished processing"))

  } else {

    return(message(paste0("Segment commencing index ", idx_lists[1], " contains no identifiable flyby events")))


jaspwn/simbaR documentation built on Jan. 30, 2021, 4:09 a.m.