Man pages for javirudolph/iStructureMetaco
an R package for the analysis of the internal structure of metacommunities

base_sites_plotBase Plots: Sites
base_spp_plotBase Plots: Species
C_fMetacommunity process: colonization
E_fMetacommunity process: interactions and extinction
get_fig2_paramsGet parameters for Figure 2
get_fig3_paramsGet parameters for Figure 3
get_KMetacommunity process: patch connectivity
get_mcmc_listsGelman Diagnostics for all chains
get_mcmc_objGet MCMC object
get_sites_dataOrganize and format site level data
get_species_dataOrganize and Format VP results at the species level
get_VPresultsVariation partinioning: species
get_VPresults_SITEVariation partinioning: sites
I_fMetacommunity process: immigration
interaction_plotCreate the species correlation matrices
mainfxMetacommunity Simulation
metacom_as_HMSCdataFormat metacommunity data to "HMSC" classes
metacom_sim4HMSCMetacommunity Simulation one set of parameters
metacom_sim4HMSC_multParamsMetacommunity Simulation for multiple sets of parameters
M_fMetacomminbut process: extinction
orig-no-seed-EEnvironmental variable for 1000 sites
orig-no-seed-MEMselSelected MEMs for 1000 sites
orig-no-seed-XYCoordinates variable for 1000 sites
prep_parsPrepare metacommunity parameters
S_f_gaussianMetacommunity process: Environmental filtering with gaussian...
S_f_quadraticMetacommunity process: Environmental filtering with quadratic...
sites_plotBase Plots: Sites
species_plotBase Plots: Species
sum_interactionsMetacommunity process: ecological interactions
javirudolph/iStructureMetaco documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 9:09 p.m.