
Defines functions big.char attach.big.char maxchar

Documented in attach.big.char big.char maxchar

# Development for package big.char
# Jay Emerson
# April 2015
#   I'll store strings in columns of a big.matrix
#   of type char.
# FYI -128 is the NA code for char; I support basic ASCII
# only at the moment, codes 0 to 127.  A value of NA
# is dropped and (tentatively) used for padding short
# strings, so I support of strings of shorter than
# the maximum length.  But of course a value of NA is
# just fine, too.
# We use 0 for the empty string "", which is different from
# NA.  Note the difficulty with charToRaw() and rawToChar()
# on this point.   NOTE TO JAY: might be a poor choice.
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# We inherit much of what we need from bigmemory's big.matrix,
# though we also block some functionality of signatures.
# In fact, we probably need to block more than we do at
# the moment, so a few odd thing are probably possible.
# The child class big.char inherits behavior from the parent
# class big.matrix (which is called the superclass).

#' S4 class big.char inheriting from bigmemory::big.matrix.
#' @exportClass big.char
setClass('big.char', contains='big.matrix') 

#' @title Create a big.char object!
#' @description
#' Create a \code{big.char} vector of strings
#' @details
#' This is the full set of details for documentation.
#' big.char only currently supports the basic ASCII character set,
#' with numeric values up to 127.  And surprising things may happen
#' with special characters like tab and end-of-line;
#' of course they look like two characters, but are really one.
#' And surprising things may happen with ASCII codes for things like
#' DELETE.  If someone had the value 127 in a big.char data structure,
#' this would then extract as the octal code \177 for DELETE, also
#' a single character value.  At this point, our goal is to support
#' characters as you would expect in data analysis 99.9% of the time.
#' @param length the vector length
#' @param maxchar the maximum length of the strings, 8 by default
#' @param init an optional string for initialization purposes
#' @param names optional names, which would be dangerous for long vectors
#' @param backingfile optional name of binary memory-mapped file
#' @param descriptorfile the descriptor file associated with the backingfile
#' @param backingpath should be obvious, right?
#' @param binarydescriptor see \code{\link[bigmemory]{big.matrix}}
#' @param shared see \code{\link[bigmemory]{big.matrix}}
#' @return Returns a \code{big.char} object
#' @references None.
#' @author Jay Emerson
#' @seealso \code{\link[bigmemory]{big.matrix}}
#' @examples
#' x <- big.char(5, 3, init="ABC")
#' x[]
#' x[1] <- ""
#' # The following triggers a warning because of the truncation:
#' x[-1] <- c(NA, "*", "--", "DEFG")
#' x[]
#' @keywords datasets
#' @export
big.char <- function(length, maxchar=8,
                     init=NULL, names=NULL,
  cat("Hello Jay and Hans!\n")
  if (!is.null(init) && !is.na(init)) {
      if (class(init) != "character" || length(init) > 1) 
        stop("Invalid initialization.")

  if (!is.numeric(length) | length(length) != 1 | length < 1)
    stop("Invalid length of big.char; try an integer >= 1")
  if (!is.null(names) && length(names) != length) stop("Wrong length names!")
  # RE names: Note that I'm not enforcing things like uniqueness, etc...
  # that really could be important at some point.  Or perhaps
  # this checking is inherited from big.matrix?  I'd need to look.
  dimnames <- NULL
  if (!is.null(names)) dimnames <- list(NULL, names)
  x <- bigmemory::big.matrix(nrow=maxchar, ncol=length, type="char",
                             init=NULL, dimnames=dimnames,
  y <- new("big.char", x)
  if (!is.null(init)) y[] <- init

#' @title Attach a shared and/or filebacked big.char object
#' @description
#' The expected usage is for shared-memory parallel computing
#' or for persistence of large \code{\link{big.char}} objects.
#' @details
#' For details on this sort of attachment, see
#' \code{\link[bigmemory]{big.matrix}}
#' @param obj a descriptor object or file; see \code{\link[bigmemory]{attach.big.matrix}}
#' @param ... other arguments passed through to \code{\link[bigmemory]{attach.big.matrix}}
#' @export
attach.big.char <- function(obj, ...) {
  x <- bigmemory::attach.big.matrix(obj, ...)
  return(new("big.char", x))

#' @title Generic function is.big.char()
#' @description Do we have a \code{\link{big.char}}?
#' @details No further detail is needed.
#' @param x a \code{\link{big.char}} vector of strings
#' @export
setGeneric('is.big.char', function(x) standardGeneric('is.big.char'))

#' @title Do we have a big.char?
#' @rdname big.char-methods
#' @exportMethod is.big.char
setMethod('is.big.char', signature(x='big.char'),
          function(x) return(TRUE))

#' @rdname big.char-methods
#' @exportMethod is.big.char
setMethod('is.big.char', definition=function(x) return(FALSE))

#' @title Get the length of a big.char vector
#' @rdname big.char-methods
#' @exportMethod length
setMethod('length', signature(x="big.char"),
          function(x) return(ncol(x)))

#' @title Get the maximum character length of a big.char
#' @param x a \code{\link{big.char}} vector of strings
#' @export
maxchar <- function(x) {
  if (!is.big.char(x)) stop("Not a big.char object.")
  return(nrow(x)) # Remember, strings are stored in columns!

#' @title Get the names of a big.char vector
#' @rdname big.char-methods
#' @exportMethod names
setMethod('names', signature(x="big.char"),
          function(x) return(colnames(x)))

#' @title Set the names of a big.char vector
#' @rdname big.char-methods
#' @exportMethod names<-
setMethod('names<-', signature(x="big.char", value="character"),
          function(x, value) {
            if (!options()$bigmemory.allow.dimnames)
              warning("Descriptor file (if applicable) is not modified.\n")
            colnames(x) <- value

# Now do the GET/SET signatures for subsetting and assignment.
# We don't want to allow inheritance of some big.matrix
# signatures, so we explicitly block these.  Only a few
# are really needed.  Note that we don't every need
# the drop argument because from the user's perspective
# everything is a vector.

# (ANY, ANY) signatures; debugging only

#' @title non-recommended [:(ANY, ANY, missing) signature
#' @param x a \code{\link{big.char}}
#' @param i indices (or equivalent) for extraction
#' @param j typically not used or supported
#' @param drop what you would expect when the returned object is of length 1
#' @param ... doesn't currently have a role, but may for \code{stringsAsFactors}
#' @rdname big.char-methods-nonrec
          signature(x = "big.char", i="ANY", j="ANY", drop="missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            warning(paste("For debugging only: GETTING:",
                          "*value* stored in string j position i"))
            return(bigmemory:::GetElements.bm(x, i, j))

#' @title non-recommended  [:(ANY, ANY, ANY) signature
#' @rdname big.char-methods-nonrec
          signature(x = "big.char", i="ANY", j="ANY", drop="ANY"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            stop("drop= is not supported or necessary")
#' @title non-recommended  [:(ANY, ANY, logical) signature
#' @rdname big.char-methods-nonrec
          signature(x = "big.char", i="ANY", j="ANY", drop="logical"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            stop("drop= is not supported or necessary")

#' @title non-recommended [<-:(ANY, ANY) signature
#' @param value the returned object
#' @rdname big.char-methods-nonrec
          signature(x = "big.char", i="ANY", j="ANY"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
            if (is.character(value))
              stop("Can't do this set with character; use numeric")
            warning("For debugging only: SETTING *value* for string j position i")
            return(bigmemory:::SetElements.bm(x, i, j, value))

# (missing, ANY) signatures; blocked usage

#' @title non-recommended [:(missing, ANY) signature
#' @rdname big.char-methods-nonrec
          signature(x = "big.char", i="missing", j="ANY", drop="ANY"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            stop("Don't allow manual get:(missing, ANY, ANY)")
#' @title non-recommended [:(missing, ANY) signature
#' @rdname big.char-methods-nonrec
          signature(x = "big.char", i="missing", j="ANY", drop="logical"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            stop("Don't allow manual get:(missing, ANY, logical)")
#' @title non-recommended [:(missing, ANY) signature
#' @rdname big.char-methods-nonrec
          signature(x = "big.char", i="missing", j="ANY", drop="missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            stop("Don't allow manual get:(missing, ANY, missing)")

#' @title non-recommended [<-:(missing, ANY) signature
#' @rdname big.char-methods-nonrec
          signature(x = "big.char", i="missing", j="ANY"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
            stop("Don't allow manual set:(missing, ANY)")

# (ANY, missing) signatures: most of the real work

# Really available to support x[i], not x[i,], so trap this with nargs()
# I think we may need to add this to fix/improve bigmemory, too.

#' @title Core big.char extraction
#' @rdname big.char-methods
#' @param x a \code{\link{big.char}}
#' @param i indices (or equivalent) for extraction
#' @param j typically not used or supported
#' @param drop what you would expect when the returned object is of length 1
#' @param ... doesn't currently have a role, but may for \code{stringsAsFactors}
#' @exportMethod [
          signature(x = "big.char", i="ANY", j="missing", drop="missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            #cat("In get:(ANY, missing, missing) signature\n") 
            if (nargs() >= 3) stop("x[i,] signature not permitted")
            iota <- NA # Shae & Rodrigo? Keep an eye out below as we change...
            if (is.character(i)) {
              if (!is.null(names(x))) i <- match(i, names(x))
              else stop("object does not have names")
            } else {
              # Handle negative and logical indexing?  Shae & Rodrigo
              if (all(i<=0)) i <- (1:length(x))[i]
              else {
                if (any(i<0)) stop("only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts")
                else {
                  # Handles logical indexing?  Maybe this first is okay.
                  if (is.logical(i)) i <- which(i)
                  # A hack to return NA when an extraction is off the end
                  # of the character vector.  Pretty obscure, and not working.
                  iota <- which(i>length(x))
                  i[iota] <- length(x) # Temporarily get the last thing,
                                       # then perhaps fill it later?
                                       # Possibly, but not there yet.
                                       # And would likely fail some test
                                       # That hasn't yet been written?
              } # End addition of Shae & Rodrigo, needs reconsideration
                # and lots and lots of testing.
            } # The negative indexing might be fine.  Others maybe not.
            val <- bigmemory:::GetCols.bm(x, i, drop=FALSE) # Note: using cols!
            if (any(!is.na(val)))
              val[!is.na(val)] <- sapply(val[!is.na(val)],
                                         function(x) rawToChar(as.raw(x)))
            val <- apply(val, 2,
                         function(x) {
                                  paste(x[!is.na(x)], collapse=""), NA)
            #val[iota] <- NA # Maybe?  From Shae & Rodrigo
            if (length(val)>0) names(val) <- names(x)[i]
            else if (!is.null(names(x))) names(val) <- character(0)

#' @title Not recommend, but we pass this through
#' @rdname big.char-methods-nonrec
          signature(x = "big.char", i="ANY", j="missing", drop="ANY"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            warning("drop argument ignored in big.char extraction")
#' @title Not recommend, but we pass this through
#' @rdname big.char-methods-nonrec
          signature(x = "big.char", i="ANY", j="missing", drop="logical"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            warning("drop argument ignored in big.char extraction")

# The following is a substantial amount of work which may not be
# avoidable.  For example, strsplit(NA, "") throws an error, and
# so we need to trap it and handle it specially.  Next,
# strsplit("", "") returns nothing (instead of ""), which is a
# little extra work; and charToRaw("") is also length 0 instead
# of a value equal to 0 (which would be length 1).

#' @title Core big.char assignment
#' @rdname big.char-methods
#' @param value the returned object
#' @exportMethod [<-
          signature(x = "big.char", i="ANY", j="missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
            if (nargs() == 4) stop("x[i,] signature not permitted")
            areNA <- is.na(value)
            value[areNA] <- "X" # Because strsplit(NA, "") is an error
            value <- strsplit(value, "") # Examine strsplit("", "")
            value <- lapply(value,
                            function(a) {
                              if (length(a)==0) return(0)
                              else return(as.integer(sapply(a, charToRaw)))
            if (any(unlist(value) > 127)) stop("Invalid character")
            these <- sapply(value, length)
            value[these < maxchar(x)] <-
              lapply(value[these < maxchar(x)],
                     function(a) c(a, rep(NA, maxchar(x)-length(a))))
            if (any(these > maxchar(x))) {
              #warning("Long string(s) truncated to maxchar characters")
              value[these > maxchar(x)] <- lapply(value[these > maxchar(x)],
                                                  function(a) a[1:maxchar(x)])
            # We may have an assignment bug in bigmemory with a 1-column
            # matrix.
            value <- matrix(unlist(value), nrow=maxchar(x)) # needed
            if (any(areNA)) value[,areNA] <- NA
            if (ncol(value)==1) value <- as.vector(value)
            return(bigmemory:::SetCols.bm(x, i, value))

# (missing, missing) signatures: could be used
# but could be very very expensive for large
# objects!

#' @title Full big.char extraction
#' @rdname big.char-methods
#' @exportMethod [
          signature(x = "big.char", i="missing", j="missing", drop="missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            #cat("In get:(missing, missing, missing) signature\n")
            val <- bigmemory:::GetAll.bm(x, drop=FALSE)

            # Original from Jay: two "apply" calls perhaps improved
            # by Shae & Rodrigo's single loop.  Initial testing passes.
            # Perhaps some memory overhead.
            #if (any(!is.na(val)))
            #  val[!is.na(val)] <- sapply(val[!is.na(val)],
            #                             function(x) rawToChar(as.raw(x)))
            #val <- apply(val, 2,
            #             function(x) {
            #               ifelse(any(!is.na(x)),
            #                      paste(x[!is.na(x)], collapse=""), NA)
            #             })
            # NEW attempt from Shae & Rodrigo?  Might have some memory
            # overhead, but should be faster.
            for (j in 1:length(x)) {
              if (!is.na(val[1,j]))
                val[1,j] <- rawToChar(as.raw(val[!is.na(val[,j]),j]))
            if (length(val)>0) names(val) <- names(x)
            else if (!is.null(names(x))) names(val) <- character(0)
#' @title non-recommended  [:(missing, missing, logical) signature
#' @rdname big.char-methods-nonrec
          signature(x = "big.char", i="missing", j="missing", drop="logical"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            warning("drop argument ignored in big.char extraction")
#' @title non-recommended  [:(missing, missing, ANY) signature
#' @rdname big.char-methods-nonrec
          signature(x = "big.char", i="missing", j="missing", drop="ANY"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., drop) {
            warning("drop argument ignored in big.char extraction")

#' @title Full big.char assignment
#' @rdname big.char-methods
#' @exportMethod [<-
          signature(x = "big.char", i="missing", j="missing"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
            x[1:length(x)] <- value   # Can this be improved?
            # Unclear if we can do replication inside the C++ bigmemory
            # functions for handling this more efficiently?  Testing
            # needed, take a look at bigmemory.
            #stop("Not yet implemented")
            #return(SetAll.bm(x, value))

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jayemerson/big.char documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:57 p.m.