
Defines functions pureSeq

Documented in pureSeq

#           pure

#' prediction of unobserved responses with fast methods for big data with SSN
#' Prediction of unobserved responses with fast methods for big data with SSN
#' @param ecp object from cope function.
#' @param efe object from fefe function
#' @param predsID name of prediction data set in ssn object (passed with ecp)
#' @param nNN number of nearest neighbors for predictions 
#' @return a data.frame with predictions in first column, and prediction standard errors in the second column.
#' @author Jay Ver Hoef
#' @export
#' @importFrom nabor knn
pureSeq <- function(ecp, efe, predsID, nNN)
	d1 <- ecp$ssnr@obspoints@SSNPoints[[1]]@point.data
	coords <- ecp$ssnr@obspoints@SSNPoints[[1]]@point.coords
	theta <- ecp$estCovPar
	nobs <- dim(d1)[1]
	CorModels <- as.character(ecp$mfcall$CorModels)
	CorModels = CorModels[2:length(CorModels)]
  dp = ecp$ssnr@predpoints@SSNPoints[[
		which(ecp$ssnr@predpoints@ID == predsID)]]@point.data
	np = dim(dp)[1]
  coordsp = ecp$ssnr@predpoints@SSNPoints[[
		which(ecp$ssnr@predpoints@ID == predsID)]]@point.coords
	nearxy = nabor:::knn(data = coords, query = coordsp, k = nNN)
  storePreds = matrix(NA, nrow = np, ncol = 3)
	for(i in 1:np) {
		cat("\r", "Prediction Record Number: ", i)	
		DF1 = d1[nearxy$nn.idx[i,],]
		xy1 = coords[nearxy$nn.idx[i,],]
		distord <- order(as.integer(as.character(DF1[,"netID"])), DF1[,"pid"])
		DF1 = DF1[distord,]
		xy1 = xy1[distord,]
		DF2 = dp[i,]
		xy2 = coordsp[i,, drop = FALSE]
		#rbind Obs and Preds data.frames, take care about factors!
		Fcols = names(which(unlist(lapply(DF1[1,], is.factor))))
			for(j in 1:length(Fcols)){
				DF1[,Fcols[j]] = as.character(DF1[,Fcols[j]])
				DF2[,Fcols[j]] = as.character(DF2[,Fcols[j]])
		DF12 = rbind(DF1, rep(NA, times = length(DF1[1,])))
		DF12[length(DF12[,1]), match(colnames(DF2), colnames(DF1))] = DF2
		rownames(DF12) = c(rownames(DF1), rownames(DF2))
			for(j in 1:length(Fcols))
				DF12[,Fcols[j]] = as.factor(DF12[,Fcols[j]])
		X12 = model.matrix(as.formula(ecp$mfcall$formula), DF12)
		ind = rownames(X12) %in% rownames(DF12)
		ind1 = ind[1:(length(ind)-1)]
		ind2 = ind[length(ind)]
		DF1 = DF1[ind1,]
		DF2 = DF2[ind2,]
		Xobs = X12[1:(length(X12[,1]) - 1),]
		Xp = X12[length(X12[,1]),, drop = FALSE]
		xy1 = xy1[ind1,, drop = FALSE]
		xy2 = xy2[ind2,, drop = FALSE]
	  if(ind2) {
		mf = ecp$mfcall
    m = match("ssn.object", names(mf), 0L)
    names(mf)[m] = "data"
    mf[[m]] = quote(DF1)
    m = match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0L)
    mf = mf[c(1L, m)]
    mf$drop.unused.levels = TRUE
    mf[[1L]] = quote(stats::model.frame)
    mf = eval(mf, DF1)
    mt = attr(mf, "terms")
    y = model.response(mf, "numeric")
    ind = rownames(DF1) %in% names(y)

		dmts = dMatsEtc(ecp$ssn, CorModels, 'Obs', DF1, xy1, ecp$mfcall$addfunccol)
		V <- SSN:::makeCovMat(theta = theta, dist.hydro = dmts$dist.hydro,
				a.mat = dmts$a.mat, b.mat = dmts$b.mat, w.matrix = dmts$w.matrix,
				net.zero = dmts$net.zero, x.row = xy1[,1], y.row = xy1[,2],
				x.col = xy1[,1], y.col = xy1[,2],
				CorModels, useTailDownWeight = FALSE,
				use.nugget = ecp$mfcall$use.nugget,
				use.anisotropy = FALSE, dmts$REs)
		dmts = dMatsEtc(ecp$ssn, CorModels, 'Obs', DF1, xy1, ecp$mfcall$addfunccol, 
			predsID, DF2, xy2)	
		Vpred <- SSN:::makeCovMat(theta = theta, dist.hydro = dmts$dist.hydro,
				a.mat = dmts$a.mat, b.mat = dmts$b.mat, w.matrix = dmts$w.matrix,
				net.zero = dmts$net.zero, x.row = xy1[,1], y.row = xy1[,2],
				x.col = xy2[,1], y.col = xy2[,2],
				CorModels, useTailDownWeight = FALSE,
				use.nugget = FALSE,
				use.anisotropy = FALSE, dmts$REPs)	
		# get the sum of partial sills
		sumparsil <- sum(theta[attr(theta,"type") == "parsill"])
		Vi = solve(V)
		qrV = qr(V)
		covb <- efe$covB
		z <- y
		n <- length(z)
		p <- dim(Xp)[2]
    Viz = solve(qrV, z)
    Vic = solve(qrV, Vpred)
		storePreds[i,2] = 
				sum(as.vector((Viz)) * Vpred) +
				Xp %*% efe$betaHat - t(Vic) %*% Xobs %*% efe$betaHat			
		storePreds[i,3] = 
				sqrt(sumparsil - sum(Vic * Vpred) +
				sum((covb %*% t(Xp))*t(Xp)) - 2*sum((covb %*% t(Xp))*(t(Xobs) %*% Vic)) +
				sum((covb %*% t(Xobs) %*% Vic)*(t(Xobs) %*% Vic)))	
		storePreds[i,1] = dp$pid[i]
  storePreds = as.data.frame(storePreds)
  colnames(storePreds) = c('pid', 'pred', 'predse')
jayverhoef/SSNbd documentation built on April 1, 2020, 8:06 a.m.