#' Piecewise linear model / piecewise regression
#' The `plm` function computes a piecewise regression model (see Huitema &
#' McKean, 2000).
#' @inheritParams .inheritParams
#' @param AR Maximal lag of autoregression. Modelled based on the
#' Autoregressive-Moving Average (ARMA) function. When AR is set, the family
#' argument must be set to `family = "gaussian"`.
#' @param family Set the distribution family. Defaults to a gaussian
#' distribution. See the `family` function for more details.
#' @param formula Defaults to the standard piecewise regression model. The
#' parameter phase followed by the phase name (e.g., phaseB) indicates the
#' level effect of the corresponding phase. The parameter 'inter' followed by
#' the phase name (e.g., interB) adresses the slope effect based on the method
#' provide in the model argument (e.g., "B&L-B"). The formula can be changed
#' for example to include further variables into the regression model.
#' @param update An easier way to change the regression formula (e.g., `. ~ . +
#' newvariable`).
#' @param na.action Defines how to deal with missing values.
#' @param r_squared Logical. If TRUE, delta r_squares will be calculated for
#' each predictor.
#' @param var_trials Name of the variable containing the number of trials (only
#' for binomial regressions). If a single integer is provided this is
#' considered to be a the constant number of trials across all measurements.
#' @param dvar_percentage Only for binomial distribution. If set TRUE, the
#' dependent variable is assumed to represent proportions `[0,1]`. Otherwise
#' dvar is assumed to represent counts.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to the glm function.
#' @return
#' \item{formula}{plm formula. Uselful if you want to use the update or
#' formula argument and you don't know the names of the parameters.}
#' \item{model}{Character string from function call (see `Arguments`
#' above).}
#' \item{F.test}{F-test values of modelfit.} \item{r.squares}{Explained variance
#' R squared for each model parameter.}
#' \item{ar}{Autoregression lag from function call (see `Arguments`
#' above).}
#' \item{family}{Distribution family from function call
#' (see `Arguments` above).}
#' \item{full.model}{Full regression model list from the gls or glm function.}
#' @author Juergen Wilbert
#' @family regression functions
#' @references Beretvas, S., & Chung, H. (2008). An evaluation of modified
#' R2-change effect size indices for single-subject experimental designs.
#' *Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 2*,
#' 120-128.
#' Huitema, B. E., & McKean, J. W. (2000). Design specification issues in
#' time-series intervention models. *Educational and Psychological
#' Measurement, 60*, 38-58.
#' @examples
#' ## Compute a piecewise regression model for a random single-case
#' set.seed(123)
#' AB <- design(
#' phase_design = list(A = 10, B = 20),
#' level = list(A = 0, B = 1), slope = list(A = 0, B = 0.05),
#' trend = 0.05
#' )
#' dat <- random_scdf(design = AB)
#' plm(dat, AR = 3)
#' ## Another example with a more complex design
#' A1B1A2B2 <- design(
#' phase_design = list(A1 = 15, B1 = 20, A2 = 15, B2 = 20),
#' level = list(A1 = 0, B1 = 1, A2 = -1, B2 = 1),
#' slope = list(A1 = 0, B1 = 0.0, A2 = 0, B2 = 0.0),
#' trend = 0.0)
#' dat <- random_scdf(design = A1B1A2B2, seed = 123)
#' plm(dat, contrast = "preceding")
#' ## no slope effects were found. Therefore, you might want to the drop slope
#' ## estimation:
#' plm(dat, slope = FALSE, contrast = "preceding")
#' ## and now drop the trend estimation as well
#' plm(dat, slope = FALSE, trend = FALSE, contrast = "preceding")
#' ## A poisson regression
#' example_A24 |>
#' plm(family = "poisson")
#' ## A binomial regression (frequencies as dependent variable)
#' plm(exampleAB_score$Christiano, family = "binomial", var_trials = "trials")
#' ## A binomial regression (percentage as dependent variable)
#' exampleAB_score$Christiano |>
#' transform(percentage = values/trials) |>
#' set_dvar("percentage") |>
#' plm(family = "binomial", var_trials = "trials", dvar_percentage = TRUE)
#' @export
plm <- function(data, dvar, pvar, mvar,
AR = 0,
model = c("W", "H-M", "B&L-B", "JW"),
family = "gaussian",
trend = TRUE,
level = TRUE,
slope = TRUE,
contrast = c("first", "preceding"),
contrast_level = c(NA, "first", "preceding"),
contrast_slope = c(NA, "first", "preceding"),
formula = NULL,
update = NULL,
na.action = na.omit,
r_squared = TRUE,
var_trials = NULL,
dvar_percentage = FALSE,
...) {
has_length(data, 1,
"plm can not be applied to more than one case (use hplm)."),
not(family != "gaussian" && AR != 0,
"family is not 'gaussian' but AR is set."),
not(family == "binomial" && is.null(var_trials),
"family is 'binomial' but 'var_trials' is not defined."),
at_least(AR, 0)
model <- model[1]
contrast <- contrast[1]
contrast_level <- contrast_level[1]
contrast_slope <- contrast_slope[1]
# set defaults attributes
if (missing(dvar)) dvar <- dv(data) else dv(data) <- dvar
if (missing(pvar)) pvar <- phase(data) else phase(data) <- pvar
if (missing(mvar)) mvar <- mt(data) else mt(data) <- mvar
data <- .prepare_scdf(data, na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.na(contrast_level)) contrast_level <- contrast
if (is.na(contrast_slope)) contrast_slope <- contrast
if (model == "JW") {
contrast_level <- "preceding"
contrast_slope <- "preceding"
model <- "B&L-B"
if (family != "gaussian") r_squared = FALSE
original_attr <- attributes(data)[[opt("scdf")]]
# formula definition ------------------------------------------------------
tmp_model <- .add_model_dummies(
data = data, model = model,
contrast_level = contrast_level, contrast_slope = contrast_slope
data <- tmp_model$data[[1]]
if(is.null(formula)) {
tmp <- .create_fixed_formula(
dvar, mvar, slope, level, trend,
tmp_model$var_phase, tmp_model$var_inter
formula <- as.formula(tmp)
if(!is.null(update)) formula <- update(formula, update)
predictors <- as.character(formula[3])
predictors <- unlist(strsplit(predictors, "\\+"))
predictors <- trimws(predictors)
if(!is.na(match("1", predictors)))
predictors <- predictors[-match("1", predictors)]
formula_full <- formula
formulas_restricted <- sapply(
predictors, function(x) update(formula, formula(paste0(".~. - ", x)))
# glm models --------------------------------------------------------------
if(AR == 0) {
if (family != "binomial") {
full <- glm(
formula_full, data = data, family = family, na.action = na.action, ...
if (family == "binomial") {
trials <- data[[var_trials]]
if (!dvar_percentage) data[[dvar]] <- data[[dvar]] / trials
full <- glm(
formula_full, data = data, family = family, na.action = na.action,
weights = trials, ...
df_residuals <- full$df.residual
df_intercept <- if (attr(full$terms, "intercept")) 1 else 0
if (r_squared) {
restricted.models <- lapply(
glm(x, data = data, family = family, na.action = na.action, ...)
if(AR > 0) {
full <- gls(
formula_full, data = data, correlation = corARMA(p = AR),
method = "ML", na.action = na.action
df_residuals <- full$dims$N - full$dims$p
df_intercept <- if ("(Intercept)" %in% names(full$parAssign)) 1 else 0
if (r_squared) {
restricted.models <- lapply(
gls(model = x, data = data, correlation = corARMA(p = AR),
method = "ML", na.action = na.action
# F and R-Squared ---------------------------------------------------------
if (family == "gaussian") {
n <- length(full$residuals)
df_effect <- n - 1 - df_residuals
QSE <- sum(full$residuals^2, na.rm = TRUE)
QST <- sum((data[[dvar]] - mean(data[[dvar]]))^2)
MQSA <- (QST - QSE) / df_effect
MQSE <- QSE / df_residuals
p <- pf(F, df_effect, df_residuals, lower.tail = FALSE)
total_variance <- var(data[[dvar]])
r2 <- 1 - (var(full$residuals) / total_variance)
r2_adj <- 1 - (1 - r2) * ((n - df_intercept) / df_residuals)
if (r_squared) {
r_squares <- lapply(restricted.models, function(x)
r2 - (1 - (var(x$residuals, na.rm = TRUE) / total_variance))
r_squares <- unlist(r_squares)
} else r_squares <- NA
F_test <- c(
F = F, df1 = df_effect, df2 = df_residuals, p = p,
R2 = r2, R2.adj = r2_adj
if (family != "gaussian") {
F_test <- NA
r_squares <- NA
# output ------------------------------------------------------------------
out <- list(
formula = formula_full,
model = model,
contrast = list(level = contrast_level, slope = contrast_slope),
F.test = F_test,
r.squares = r_squares,
ar = AR,
family = family,
var_trials = var_trials,
dvar_percentage = dvar_percentage,
full.model = full,
data = data
class(out) <- c("sc_plm")
attr(out, opt("phase")) <- original_attr[opt("phase")]
attr(out, opt("mt")) <- original_attr[opt("mt")]
attr(out, opt("dv")) <- original_attr[opt("dv")]
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