
Defines functions .check_scdf check_scdf

check_scdf <- function(object, message = FALSE) {
  results <- .check_scdf(object)
  if (isTRUE(results)) {
    if (message) message("No errors or warnings.")
  if(length(results$warnings) > 0) {
  if(length(results$errors) > 0) {

.check_scdf <- function(object) {
  errors <- character()
  warnings <- character()
  # check class
  if (!inherits(object, "scdf")) {
    msg <- paste0("Class is not 'scdf'.")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  scdf_attributes <- attr(object, opt("scdf"))
  if (is.null(scdf_attributes)) {
    msg <- paste0("Attribute '", opt("scdf"), "' missing.")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  var_phase <- scdf_attributes[[opt("phase")]]
  var_mt <- scdf_attributes[[opt("mt")]]
  var_dv <- scdf_attributes[[opt("dv")]]
  # check all elements are data frames
  if (!all(unlist(lapply(object, function(x) is.data.frame(x))))) {
    msg <- "Not all list-elements are data frames.\n"
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  # check all cases have phase var
  if (!all(unlist(lapply(object, function(x) {var_phase %in% names(x)})))) {
    msg <-paste0(
      "scdf has phase variable ",
      "'", var_phase, "' ",
      "but not all cases have a variable named ",
      "'", var_phase, "'."
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  # check all cases have mt var
  if (!all(unlist(lapply(object, function(x) {var_mt %in% names(x)})))) {
    msg <-paste0(
      "scdf has measurement-time variable ",
      "'", var_mt, "' ",
      "but not all cases have a variable named ",
      "'", var_mt, "'."
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  # check all cases have dv var
  if (!all(unlist(lapply(object, function(x) {var_dv %in% names(x)})))) {
    msg <-paste0(
      "scdf has dependent variable ",
      "'", var_dv, "' ",
      "but not all cases have a variable named ",
      "'", var_dv, "'."
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  # check phase design is identical
  phases_1 <- rle(as.character(object[[1]][[var_phase]]))$values
  .ident_phases <- lapply(object, 
    function(x) identical(rle(as.character(x[[var_phase]]))$values, phases_1)
  .ident_phases <- unlist(.ident_phases)
  if (!all(.ident_phases)) {
    msg <- "Phase design is not identical for all cases."
    warnings <- c(warnings, msg)
  if (length(errors) == 0 && length(warnings) == 0) return(TRUE)
  if (length(errors) > 0) errors <- paste(errors, collapse = "\n  ")
  if (length(warnings) > 0) warnings <- paste(warnings, collapse = "\n  ")
  return(list(errors = errors, warnings = warnings))

jazznbass/scan_develop documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 6:23 a.m.