
Defines functions GetMNaseFeatureDensity GetDensityPeaks PlotNucleosome PlotNucleosomeModel

# Get the 1-D feature density
GetMNaseFeatureDensity = function(bam_file_name, chr, start, end, fragL, fragH, bw){

  # Get the MNase Reads
  mnase_reads.gr = ConvertPairedReadBAMToGR(bam_file_name, chr, start_pos = start - 250, end_pos = end)

  # Subset on the reads in the range
  reads_subset.gr = mnase_reads.gr[BiocGenerics::width(mnase_reads.gr) >= fragL &
                                   BiocGenerics::width(mnase_reads.gr) <= fragH

  # Get the vector of reads
  read_pos.v = IRanges::mid(IRanges::ranges(reads_subset.gr))

  # Create the density (Note: not a true density since it doesn't sum to 1)
  read_pos.dens = suppressWarnings(
                    stats::density(read_pos.v, bw = bw, # weights = rep(1, length(read_pos.v)),
                                   from = start, to = end, n = end - start + 1

	# Scale the density sum to 100
	sig_density.v = read_pos.dens$y * 1000 / sum(read_pos.dens$y)	

	# Get the BamStats
	bamStats.df = GetBamStats(bam_file_name)
	# Parse the BamStats df
	total_read_number = bamStats.df[which(bamStats.df$feature == "read_depth"), "value"]
	genome_size = bamStats.df[which(bamStats.df$feature == "genome_size"), "value"]
	# Get the predicted read distribution
	predict_read_dist = total_read_number * (end - start + 1) / genome_size

	# Get the actual read distribution
	#	NOTE: Using total MNase reads along genome instead of subset of fragL -> fragH
	#		  This is done simply because getting total number of reads is a fast calculation from the bam index stats
	#		  Can update in future to include additional file of fragment length distribution, which could then read to get the actual distribution
	actual_read_dist = length(mnase_reads.gr)

	# Scale the density by the proportion of actual_read_dist to predict_read_dist
	read_pos.v = sig_density.v * actual_read_dist / predict_read_dist
	names(read_pos.v) = read_pos.dens$x

  # Scale to the number of reads


GetDensityPeaks = function(cov.v, peak_width = 75, isPeakMax = TRUE, min_peak_sig_thresh = 0){

	# Set the peak window
	peak_win = (peak_width - 1) / 2

	# Find the peaks
	cov_peaks.v = as.numeric(names(cov.v)[splus2R::peaks(x = cov.v, span = peak_width, strict = isPeakMax)])

	# Adjust the position
	peaks.df = data.frame(pos = cov_peaks.v,
	                      sig = cov.v[as.character(cov_peaks.v)]

	# Remove peaks below min_peak_sig_thresh
	peaks.df = peaks.df[which(peaks.df$sig > min_peak_sig_thresh),]



# Make the nucleosome
PlotNucleosome = function(nuc.df, y_max = 2, y0 = 0.5, yh = 0.2, nuc_col = "#FF0000"){

	# Set up the angle vector
	theta = seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 1000)

	# Set the y
	y = y0 + yh * sin(theta)

	for(i in 1:nrow(nuc.df)){

		# Get the position
		x0 = nuc.df$pos[i]

		# Find the coordinates for the nucleosome at each theta position
		x = x0 + 75 * cos(theta)

		# Find the signal color shading
		sig_shade = round(100 * nuc.df$sig[i] / y_max)

		if(sig_shade > 99){
			sig_shade = 99

		sig_shade_str = formatC(sig_shade, flag = "0#", format = "d", width = 2)

		# Plot the nucleosome
		polygon(x, y, col = paste(nuc_col, sig_shade_str, sep = ""))



PlotNucleosomeModel = function(bam_file_name, chr, start_coord, end_coord,
                               low_frag = 150, high_frag = 175,
                               min_peak_thresh = 0.5

  # Get the nucleosome density in the region
  nuc_dens.v = GetMNaseFeatureDensity(bam_file_name, chr, start_coord, end_coord, low_frag, high_frag, bw = 20)

  # Find the signal peaks
  nuc_peaks.df = GetDensityPeaks(nuc_dens.v, min_peak_sig_thresh = min_peak_thresh)

  # Set up the chromatin schematic
  SetChromatinSchematic(x_start = start_coord, x_end = end_coord, y_start = 0, y_end = 1)

  # Plot the nucleosomes

jbelsky/TyphoonPlot documentation built on May 18, 2019, 5:59 p.m.