
Defines functions as.data.frame.PSAbootSummary print.PSAbootSummary summary.PSAboot

Documented in as.data.frame.PSAbootSummary print.PSAbootSummary summary.PSAboot

#' Summary of pooled results from PSAboot
#' @param object result of \code{\link{PSAboot}}.
#' @param ... currently unused.
#' @return a list with pooled summary statistics.
#' @method summary PSAboot
#' @return a list with the results from easch PSA method. For each method a list
#'        contains the following elements:
#'  \describe{
#' 		  \item{sig.tot.per}{Percentage of boostrap samples where the confidence interval does not span zero.}
#' 		  \item{boostrap.mean}{Weighted mean difference across all bootstrap samples.}
#' 		  \item{boostrap.ci}{Overall confidence interval across all bootstrap samples.}
#' 		  \item{bootstrap.weighted.mean}{Overall weighted bootstrap mean.}
#' 		  \item{percent.sig}{Contingency table of the number of bootstrap samples that don't span zero.}
#' 		  \item{complete}{Results of the summary of the PSA method.}
#' }
#' @export
summary.PSAboot <- function(object, ...) {
	sum <- list()
	bal <- balance(object, ...)
	for(i in unique(object$pooled.summary$method)) {
		sum2 <- list()
		rows <- object$pooled.summary[object$pooled.summary$method == i,]
		sig.pos <- rows$ci.min > 0
		sig.neg <- rows$ci.max < 0
		sum2[['sig.pos.per']] <- prop.table(table(factor(sig.pos, levels=c('TRUE','FALSE')))) * 100
		sum2[['sig.neg.per']] <- prop.table(table(factor(sig.neg, levels=c('TRUE','FALSE')))) * 100
		sum2[['sig.tot.per']] <- prop.table(table(factor(sig.pos | sig.neg,
											   levels=c('TRUE','FALSE')))) * 100
		m <- mean(rows$estimate, na.rm=TRUE)
		wm <- weighted.mean(rows[!is.na(rows$estimate),]$estimate, 
							# HACK: Occassionally there will be NA estimates
							1 / apply(bal$balances[[i]], 1, mean), 
		ci <- c(m - 2 * sd(rows$estimate, na.rm=TRUE),
				m + 2 * sd(rows$estimate, na.rm=TRUE) )
		complete <- object$complete.summary[object$complete.summary$method == i,]
		sum2[['bootstrap.mean']] <- m
		sum2[['bootstrap.ci']] <- ci
		sum2[['bootstrap.weighted.mean']] <- wm
		sum2[['percent.sig']] <- table(sig.pos | sig.neg)
		sum2[['complete']] <- complete
		sum[[i]] <- sum2
	class(sum) <- c('PSAbootSummary', 'list')

#' Print method for PSAboot Summary.
#' @param x result of \code{\link{summary.PSAboot}}
#' @param digits desired number of digits after the decimal point.
#' @param ... unused.
#' @method print PSAbootSummary
#' @return Nothing returned.
#' @export
print.PSAbootSummary <- function(x, digits=3, ...) {
	for(i in names(x)) {
		sum2 <- x[[i]]
		complete <- x[[i]][['complete']]
		m <- x[[i]][['bootstrap.mean']]
		wm <- x[[i]][['bootstrap.weighted.mean']]
		ci <- x[[i]][['bootstrap.ci']]
		sig.tot.per <- x[[i]][['sig.tot.per']]
		sig.pos.per <- x[[i]][['sig.pos.per']]
		sig.neg.per <- x[[i]][['sig.neg.per']]
		cat(paste0(i, ' Results:'))
		cat(paste0('\n   Complete estimate = ', prettyNum(complete$estimate, digits=digits)))
		cat(paste0('\n   Complete CI = [', prettyNum(complete$ci.min, digits=digits), ', ',
				   prettyNum(complete$ci.max, digits=digits), ']'))
		cat(paste0('\n   Bootstrap pooled estimate = ', prettyNum(m, digits=digits), 
				   '\n   Bootstrap weighted pooled estimate = ', prettyNum(wm, digits=digits),
				   '\n   Bootstrap pooled CI = [', prettyNum(ci[1], digits=digits), ', ', 
				   prettyNum(ci[2], digits=digits), ']\n'))
		cat(paste0('   ',
				   '% of bootstrap samples have confidence intervals that do not span zero.\n',
				   '      ', prettyNum(unname(sig.pos.per['TRUE']), digits=digits), '% positive.\n',
				   '      ', prettyNum(unname(sig.neg.per['TRUE']), digits=digits), '% negative.\n'))

#' Convert the results of PSAboot summary to a data frame.
#' @param x results of \code{\link{summary.PSAboot}}
#' @param row.names row names.
#' @param optional unused.
#' @param ... unused.
#' @method as.data.frame PSAbootSummary
#' @return a data.frame.
#' @export
as.data.frame.PSAbootSummary <- function(x, row.names = NULL, optional = FALSE, ...) {
	df <- data.frame()
	for(i in names(x)) {
		complete <- x[[i]]$complete
		df <- rbind(df, data.frame(
jbryer/PSAboot documentation built on Oct. 29, 2023, 10 a.m.