
setGeneric(name = "DEnricher", def = function(params, M, fit_options, gene_sets) {

#' @importClassesFrom GSEABase GeneSetCollection
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.info
#' @importFrom GSEABase GeneSetCollection geneIds geneIds<- setIdentifier
#' setIdentifier<-
#' @include FitOptions.R
#' @include Genesets.R
#' @include IGSAinput.R
#' @include SEAparams.R
#' @include SEAres.R
# params <- seaParams(igsaInput); M <- expr_data;
# gene_sets <- merged_gene_sets
  f = "DEnricher",
  signature = c("SEAparams", "ExprData", "FitOptions", "GeneSetCollection"),
  definition = function(params, M, fit_options, gene_sets) {
    if (length(de_genes(params)) == 1 && is.na(de_genes(params)[[1]])) {
      # if there are not set the DE genes then calculate them
      dif <- igsaGetDEGenes(params, M, fit_options)
    } else {
      # otherwise we use them
      dif <- de_genes(params)
      flog.info(paste("DE genes", length(dif)))

    br <- br(params)
    # get all the genes present in the gene sets
    allGenes <- unique(unlist(asList(gene_sets)))

    if (length(br) > 1) {
      # if its a user provided br, then filter the genes that are in the
      # gene sets (statistical importance)
      #             br <- intersect(br, allGenes);
      flog.info(paste("Using user provided BR:", length(br), "genes."))
      if (length(br) < 2) {
        stop("No genes in br after intersecting with experiment genes")
    } else if (br == "bri") {
      # bri is the genome, however we use gene sets genes as genome
      # (statistical importance)
      br <- allGenes
      flog.info(paste("Using BRI:", length(br), "genes."))
    } else if (br == "briii") {
      # briii are the reliably detected genes by the experiment
      br <- unique(rownames(M))
      flog.info(paste("Using BRIII:", length(br), "genes."))
    } else {
      stop("Incorrect br option.")

    # DE genes must be in the br (statistical importance)
    dif <- intersect(dif, br)

    # so we filter gene sets that dont have genes in this br
    validGSets <- lapply(gene_sets, function(actGs) {
      validGenes <- intersect(geneIds(actGs), br)
      if (length(validGenes) == 0) {
      actGsId <- setIdentifier(actGs)
      geneIds(actGs) <- validGenes
      setIdentifier(actGs) <- actGsId
    validGSets <- validGSets[!unlist(lapply(validGSets, is.null))]
    gene_sets <- GeneSetCollection(validGSets)

    test <- test(params)

    # and run dEnricher
    seaRes <- runDEnricher(dif, gene_sets, br, test = test)

    seaRes <- SEAres(gene_sets_res = seaRes)


  name = "runDEnricher",
  def = function(dif, genesets, br, test) {

#' @importClassesFrom GSEABase GeneSetCollection
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply bpparam
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.info
#' @importFrom GSEABase geneIds setIdentifier setName
#' @importFrom stats fisher.test pbinom phyper
#' @include GenesetRes.R
#' @include Genesets.R
# genesets <- gene_sets; test="FisherTest"
  f = "runDEnricher",
  signature = c("character", "GeneSetCollection", "character", "character"),
  definition = function(dif, genesets, br, test) {
    # most of this function is copied from dEnricher function

    GeneID <- dif
    genes.group <- GeneID[!is.na(GeneID)]

    gs <- genesets
    nSet <- length(gs)

    # defining the three tests
    doFisherTest <- function(genes.group, genes.term, genes.universe) {
      genes.hit <- intersect(genes.group, genes.term)
      X <- length(genes.hit)
      K <- length(genes.group)
      M <- length(genes.term)
      N <- length(genes.universe)
      cTab <- matrix(c(X, K - X, M - X, N - M - K + X),
        nrow = 2,
        dimnames = list(
          c("anno", "notAnno"),
          c("group", "notGroup")

      if (any(cTab < 0)) {
      p.value <- ifelse(all(cTab == 0), 1, stats::fisher.test(cTab,
        alternative = "greater"
    doHypergeoTest <- function(genes.group, genes.term, genes.universe) {
      genes.hit <- intersect(genes.group, genes.term)
      X <- length(genes.hit)
      K <- length(genes.group)
      M <- length(genes.term)
      N <- length(genes.universe)
      x <- X
      m <- M
      n <- N - M
      k <- K
      if (any(c(x, m, n, k) < 0)) {
      p.value <- ifelse(m == 0 || k == 0, 1, stats::phyper(x,
        m, n, k,
        lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE
    doBinomialTest <- function(genes.group, genes.term, genes.universe) {
      genes.hit <- intersect(genes.group, genes.term)
      X <- length(genes.hit)
      K <- length(genes.group)
      M <- length(genes.term)
      N <- length(genes.universe)
      p.value <- ifelse(K == 0 || M == 0 || N == 0, 1, stats::pbinom(X,
        K, M / N,
        lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE
      if (is.na(p.value)) {

    genes.universe <- br
    genes.group <- intersect(genes.universe, genes.group)
    if (length(genes.group) == 0) {
        "There are no differentialy expressed genes",
        "being used."

    flog.info(paste("Running SEA at cores:", bpparam()$workers))
    # I am passing MIGSA's not exported functions to bplapply to avoid
    # SnowParam environment errors
    seaRes <- bplapply(gs, function(actGset, GenesetRes) {
      #     seaRes <- lapply(gs@gene_sets, function(actGset) {
      genes.term <- unique(unlist(geneIds(actGset)))
      p.value <- switch(test,
        FisherTest = doFisherTest(
          genes.group, genes.term,
        HypergeoTest = doHypergeoTest(
          genes.group, genes.term,
        BinomialTest = doBinomialTest(
          genes.group, genes.term,

      # important genes are the DE that are in the term
      impGenes <- intersect(genes.group, genes.term)

      # We put name as setIdentifier and id as setName because we
      # disagree with GSEABase's usage as they use Names as unique, and
      # identifiers not.
      actRes <- GenesetRes(
        id = setName(actGset),
        name = setIdentifier(actGset), pvalue = p.value,
        genes = geneIds(actGset),
        enriching_genes = impGenes
    }, GenesetRes = GenesetRes)
    #     })

jcrodriguez1989/MIGSA documentation built on Nov. 1, 2020, 8:04 a.m.