
Defines functions check_file_sizes check_files_in_git_repo shorten_site_libs print.wflow_git_commit wflow_git_commit_ wflow_git_commit

Documented in wflow_git_commit

#' Commit files
#' \code{wflow_git_commit} adds and commits files with Git. This is a convenience
#' function to run Git commands from the R console instead of the shell. For
#' most use cases, you should use \code{\link{wflow_publish}} instead, which
#' calls \code{wflow_git_commit} and then subsequently also builds and commits the
#' website files.
#' Some potential use cases for \code{wflow_git_commit}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Commit drafts which you do not yet want to be included in the website
#' \item Commit files which do not directly affect the website (e.g. when you
#' are writing scripts for a data processing pipeline)
#' \item Manually commit files in \code{docs/} (proceed with caution!). This
#' should only be done for content that is not automatically generated from the
#' source files in the analysis directory, e.g. an image file you want to
#' include in one of your pages.
#' }
#' Under the hood, \code{wflow_git_commit} is a wrapper for \code{\link[git2r]{add}}
#' and \code{\link[git2r]{commit}} from the package \link{git2r}.
#' @param files character (default: NULL). Files to be added and committed with
#'   Git. Supports file
#'   \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glob_(programming)}{globbing}.
#' @param message character (default: NULL). A commit message.
#' @param all logical (default: FALSE). Automatically stage files that have been
#'   modified and deleted. Equivalent to: \code{git commit -a}
#' @param force logical (default: FALSE). Allow adding otherwise ignored files.
#'   Equivalent to: \code{git add -f}
#' @param dry_run logical (default: FALSE). Preview the proposed action but do
#'   not actually add or commit any files.
#' @param project character (default: ".") By default the function assumes the
#'   current working directory is within the project. If this is not true,
#'   you'll need to provide the path to the project directory.
#' @return An object of class \code{wflow_git_commit}, which is a list with the
#'   following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \bold{files}: The input argument \code{files}.
#' \item \bold{message}: The message describing the commit.
#' \item \bold{all}: The input argument \code{all}.
#' \item \bold{force}: The input argument \code{force}.
#' \item \bold{dry_run}: The input argument \code{dry_run}.
#' \item \bold{commit}: The object returned by
#' \link{git2r}::\code{\link[git2r]{commit}} (only included if \code{dry_run ==
#' FALSE}).
#' \item \bold{commit_files}: The relative path(s) to the file(s) included in
#' the commit (only included if \code{dry_run == FALSE}).
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{wflow_publish}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Commit a single file
#' wflow_git_commit("analysis/file.Rmd", "Add new analysis")
#' # Commit multiple files
#' wflow_git_commit(c("code/process-data.sh", "output/small-data.txt"),
#'              "Process data set")
#' # Add and commit all tracked files, similar to `git commit -a`
#' wflow_git_commit(message = "Lots of changes", all = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
wflow_git_commit <- function(files = NULL, message = NULL, all = FALSE,
                             force = FALSE, dry_run = FALSE, project = ".") {

  files <- process_input_files(files, allow_null = TRUE, files_only = FALSE,
                               convert_to_relative_paths = TRUE)

  if (is.null(message)) {
    message <- deparse(sys.call())
    message <- paste(message, collapse = "\n")
  } else if (is.character(message)) {
    message <- create_newlines(message)
  } else {
    stop("message must be NULL or a character vector")

  project <- absolute(project)

  # Fail early if no Git repository
  if (!git2r::in_repository(project)) {
    stop("No Git repository detected.")

  if (!dry_run) check_git_config(project, "`wflow_git_commit`")

  if (is.null(files) && !all)
    stop("Must specify files to commit, set `all = TRUE`, or both",
         call. = FALSE)

  # Additional checks of files to be committed
  if (!is.null(files)) {

  do.call(wflow_git_commit_, args = as.list(environment()))

# Internal function that performs add/commit. Called by wflow_git_commit.
# The primary motivation for having a separate internal function that is called
# by the user facing `wflow_git_commit` is so that `wflow_publish` can bypass the
# input checks in order to run Step 3 to publish the website files. In a dry
# run, some of the files may not yet be built (which would cause an error).
# Also, not every Rmd file will create output figures, but it's easier to just
# attempt to add figures for every file.
wflow_git_commit_ <- function() {}
formals(wflow_git_commit_) <- formals(wflow_git_commit)
body(wflow_git_commit_) <- quote({

  # Establish connection to Git repository
  r <- git2r::repository(path = project)

  # Files cannot have merge conflicts
  s <- git2r::status(r, ignored = TRUE)
  s_df <- status_to_df(s)
  # Fix file paths
  s_df$file <- file.path(git2r::workdir(r), s_df$file)
  s_df$file <- relative(s_df$file)
  f_conflicted <- s_df$file[s_df$substatus == "conflicted"]
  if (length(f_conflicted) > 0) {
    stop(call. = FALSE, wrap(
      "Cannot proceed due to merge conflicts in the following file(s):"
      ), "\n\n", paste(f_conflicted, collapse = "\n"))

  if (!dry_run) {
    # Add the specified files
    if (!is.null(files)) {
      git2r_add(r, files, force = force)
    if (all) {
      # Temporary fix until git2r::commit can do `git commit -a`
      # https://github.com/ropensci/git2r/pull/283
      # The above was merged, but `all = TRUE` is still unreliable. Just found a
      # bug that affects Ubuntu and Windows, but not macOS. Manually adding all
      # unstaged changes.
      unstaged <- unlist(git2r::status(r)$unstaged)
      unstaged <- file.path(git2r::workdir(r), unstaged)
      git2r_add(r, unstaged)
    # Commit
      commit <- git2r::commit(r, message = message, all = all),
      error = function(e) {
        if (stringr::str_detect(conditionMessage(e), "Nothing added to commit")) {
          reason <- "Commit failed because no files were added."
          if (!is.null(files)) {
            reason <- c(reason, " Attempted to commit the following files:\n",
                        paste(absolute(files), collapse = "\n"))
        } else {
          reason <- "Commit failed for unknown reason."
        stop(wrap(reason, "\n\nAny untracked files must manually specified even if
                  `all = TRUE`."), call. = FALSE)

  o <- list(files = files, message = message, all = all, force = force,
            dry_run = dry_run)
  class(o) <- "wflow_git_commit"
  if (!dry_run) {
    commit_files <- obtain_files_in_commit(r, commit)
    o$commit <- commit
    o$commit_files <- relative(commit_files)


#' @export
print.wflow_git_commit <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Summary from wflow_git_commit\n\n")
  if (x$dry_run) {
    cat(wrap("The following would be attempted:"), "\n\n")
  } else {
    cat(wrap("The following was run:"), "\n\n")
  if (!is.null(x$files)) {
    if (x$force) {
      cat("  $ git add -f", x$files, "\n")
    } else {
      cat("  $ git add", x$files, "\n")
  if (x$all) {
    cat("  $ git commit -a -m", deparse(x$message), "\n")
  } else {
    cat("  $ git commit -m", deparse(x$message), "\n")
  if (!x$dry_run) {
    cat(sep = "", "\n",
        wrap("The following file(s) were included in commit ",
             stringr::str_sub(x$commit$sha, start = 1, end = 7)),
    cat(shorten_site_libs(x$commit_files), sep = "\n")


# When printing the files included in a commit, only list the first subdirectory
# within `site_libs/`.
shorten_site_libs <- function(files) {
  is_site_libs <- stringr::str_detect(files, "site_libs")
  f_split <- stringr::str_split(files, .Platform$file.sep,
                                simplify = TRUE)
  out <- files
  for (i in seq_along(files)) {
    if (is_site_libs[i]) {
      col_site_libs <- which(f_split[i, ] == "site_libs")
      out[i] <- paste(f_split[i, seq(col_site_libs + 1)],
                      collapse = .Platform$file.sep)
      # Add final / so that it is clear it's a directory
      if (fs::dir_exists(out[i])) {
        out[i] <- paste0(out[i], .Platform$file.sep)

check_files_in_git_repo <- function(files) {
  if (!all(sapply(files, git2r::in_repository)))
    stop("Not all files are inside the Git repository")

# Files cannot be larger than 100MB
check_file_sizes <- function(files) {
  sizes <- file.size(files) / 10^6
  if (any(sizes >= 100))
      "All files to be committed must be less than 100 MB. This is the max
      file size able to be pushed to GitHub, and is in general a good practice
      to follow no matter what Git hosting service you are using. Large files
      will make each push and pull take much longer and increase the risk of
      the download timing out. Run Git directly in the Terminal if you really
      want to commit these files."
jdblischak/workflowr documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 4:37 p.m.