
#' Extract a commit from a Git repository
#' \code{extract_commit} extracts the 7-digit SHA1 identifier and message for a
#' specified commit.
#' @param path character. Specify the path to a directory that is a Git
#'   repository (or any subdirectory of the Git repository).
#' @param num numeric. The number of the commit to extract in reverse
#'   chronological order. In other words, 1 is the most recent commit, 2 is the
#'   second most recent commit, etc.
#' @return A list with the named elements \code{sha1} and \code{message} (both
#'   characters). If a Git repository is not found at \code{path}, both are
#'   \code{NA}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Most recent commit
#' extract_commit(".", 1)
#' # Penultimate commit
#' extract_commit(".", 2)
#' }
#' @export
extract_commit <- function(path, num) {
            num == trunc(num),
            num > 0)
  path <- absolute(path)
  if (!git2r::in_repository(path)) {
    return(list(sha1 = "NA", message = "NA"))
  repo <- git2r::repository(path, discover = TRUE)
  git_log <- utils::capture.output(git2r::reflog(repo))
  total_commits <- length(git_log)
  if (total_commits == 0) {
    return(list(sha1 = "NA", message = "NA"))
  if (num > total_commits) {
    stop(sprintf("Invalid search: %d. This repo only has %d commits.",
                 num, total_commits))
  commit <- git_log[num]
  sha1 <- substr(commit, 2, 8)
  commit_message <- strsplit(commit, split = "commit: ")[[1]][2]
  return(list(sha1 = sha1, message = commit_message))

# Create a default .gitignore file
# The .gitignore in inst/infrastrucure does not survive builing the R package.
# The .nojekyll does, so it must be specific to this filename and not a
# property of hidden files. Hadley does not include .gitignore in
# .Rbuildignore, which further supports that it is ignored by default.
create_gitignore <- function(path, overwrite = FALSE) {
  lines <- c(".Rproj.user",
  fname <- file.path(path, ".gitignore")
  exists <- file.exists(fname)
  if (exists & !overwrite) {
    warning(sprintf("File %s already exists. Set overwrite = TRUE to replace",
  } else {
    writeLines(lines, con = fname)

# Obtain all the committed files in a Git repository at a given commit.
# The default is to use the head commit.
get_committed_files <- function(repo, commit = NULL) {
  n_commits <- length(git2r::commits(repo))
  if (n_commits == 0) {
    stop(wrap("The Git repository has no commits yet."))
  if (is.null(commit)) {
    commit <- git2r::lookup(repo, git2r::branch_target(git2r::head(repo)))
  tree <- git2r::tree(commit)
  files <- ls_files(tree)

# List all files in a given "git_tree" object.
ls_files <- function (tree) {
  tree_list <- methods::as(tree, "list")
  tree_df <- methods::as(tree, "data.frame")
  names(tree_list) <- tree_df$name
  files <- tree_df$name[tree_df$type == "blob"]
  dirs <- tree_df$name[tree_df$type == "tree"]
  out <- files
  # Recurisvely call ls_files on the "git_tree" objects corresponding to each
  # subdirectory
  for (dir in dirs) {
    tree_next <- tree_list[[dir]]
    out <- c(out, file.path(dir, ls_files(tree_next)))

# Get the files that have been committed to the repository more recently than
# their corresponding HTML files.
# repo: git_repository object
# files: character vector of filenames
# outdir: directory with website files
get_outdated_files <- function(repo, files, outdir = NULL) {
  ext <- tools::file_ext(files)
  if (!all(grepl("[Rr]md", ext)))
    stop("Only R Markdown files are accepted.")
  # Corresponding HTML files
  html <- to_html(files, outdir = outdir)
  # Remove preceding path if necessary. Has to be relative to .git directory.
  path_to_git <- git2r::workdir(repo)
  files <- stringr::str_replace(files, path_to_git, "")
  html <- stringr::str_replace(html, path_to_git, "")
  # For each source file, determine if it has been committed more recently than
  # its corresponding HTML
  out_of_date <- logical(length = length(files))
  for (i in seq_along(files)) {
    # Most recent commit time of source and HTML files
    recent_source <- get_recent_commit_time(repo, files[i])
    recent_html <- get_recent_commit_time(repo, html[i])
    if (recent_source >= recent_html) {
      out_of_date[i] <- TRUE
  outdated <- files[out_of_date]
  # Prepend path to Git repository
  outdated <- paste0(path_to_git, outdated)

# Get the time of the most recent commit for a file.
# repo: git_repository object
# f: path to file relative to .git
# Note: This function is not vectorized.
get_recent_commit_time <- function(repo, f) {
  # Obtain every commit for the file
  blame <- git2r::blame(repo, f)
  # Extract the times of the commits
  times <- sapply(blame@hunks,
                  function(x) git2r::when(x@final_signature@when))
  times <- strptime(times, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
  times <- sort(unique(times), decreasing = TRUE)
  # Most recent commit time
  recent <- times[1]

# Decide which files to render and commit
# Recursively search the commit log until the R Markdown file or its
# corresponding HTML file is found. If the Rmd is found first, the HTML file
# needs to be re-rendered, added, and committed (return TRUE). If the HTML file
# is found first, then it is up-to-date (return FALSE).
# @seealso \code{\link{obtain_files_in_commit}},
#   \code{\link{obtain_files_in_commit_root}}, \code{\link{wflow_commit}}
decide_to_render <- function(repo, log, rmd) {
  stopifnot(class(repo) == "git_repository",
            class(log) == "list",
  if (length(log) == 0) {
    warning("File not found in commit log: ", rmd)
  } else {
    stopifnot(sapply(log, function(x) class(x) == "git_commit"))
  html <- file.path("docs", stringr::str_replace(basename(rmd), "Rmd$", "html"))
  # Obtain the files updated in the most recent commit, similar to `git
  # status --stat`
  parent_commit <- git2r::parents(log[[1]])
  # The next action depends on what kind of commit is the most recent. Skip
  # merge commits (2 parents). Obtain files from a standard commit (1 parent)
  # using obtain_files_in_commit. Obtain files from root commit (0 parents)
  # using obtain_files_in_commit_root.
  if (length(parent_commit) == 2) {
    return(decide_to_render(repo, log[-1], rmd))
  } else if (length(parent_commit) == 1) {
    files <- obtain_files_in_commit(repo, log[[1]])
  } else if (length(parent_commit) == 0) {
    files <- obtain_files_in_commit_root(repo, log[[1]])
  # Decide if the R Markdown file should be rendered (it has been updated most
  # recently), not rendered (the HTML has been updated more recently), or to
  # continue searching the commit log (neither the Rmd nor HTML has been
  # observed in the commit log yet).
  if (rmd %in% files) {
  } else if (html %in% files) {
  } else {
    return(decide_to_render(repo, log[-1], rmd))

  # This final return should only be executed if there is an error in the
  # recursive function.

# Obtain the files updated in a commit
# Obtain the files updated in a commit, similar to \code{git status --stat}, by
# running a diff between the trees pointed to by the commit and its parent
# commit.
# This only works for commits that have one parent commit. Thus it will fail
# for merge commits (two parents) or the initial root commit (zero parents).
# two most recent commits. This uses `diff,git_tree`. See the source code at
# \url{https://github.com/ropensci/git2r/blob/89d916f17cb979b3cc21cbb5834755a2cf075f5f/R/diff.r#L314}
# and examples at
# \url{https://github.com/ropensci/git2r/blob/cb30b1dd5f8b57978101ea7b7dc26ae2c9eed38e/tests/diff.R#L88}.
# @seealso \code{\link{obtain_files_in_commit_root}},
#   \code{\link{decide_to_render}}
obtain_files_in_commit <- function(repo, commit) {
  stopifnot(class(repo) == "git_repository",
            class(commit) == "git_commit")
  parent_commit <- git2r::parents(commit)
  if (length(parent_commit) != 1) {
    stop(sprintf("Cannot perform diff on commit %s because it has %d parents",
                 commit@sha, length(parent_commit)))
  git_diff <- git2r::diff(git2r::tree(commit),
  files <- sapply(git_diff@files, function(x) x@new_file)

# Obtain the files updated in the root commit
# The files included in the root commit cannot be determined comparing two
# trees (which is how \code{\link{obtain_files_in_commit}} works). See
# \href{http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41433034/how-to-obtain-files-included-in-initial-commit-using-git2r-libgit2}{this
# Stack Overflow question} for details.
# This only works for the root commit, i.e. it must have no parents.
# @seealso \code{\link{obtain_files_in_commit}}, \code{\link{decide_to_render}}
obtain_files_in_commit_root <- function(repo, commit) {
  # Obtain the files in the root commit of a Git repository
  stopifnot(class(repo) ==  "git_repository",
            class(commit) == "git_commit",
            length(git2r::parents(commit)) == 0)
  entries <- methods::as(git2r::tree(commit), "data.frame")
  files <- character()
  while (nrow(entries) > 0) {
    if (entries$type[1] == "blob") {
      # If the entry is a blob, i.e. file:
      #  - record the name of the file
      #  - remove the entry
      files <- c(files, entries$name[1])
      entries <- entries[-1, ]
    } else if (entries$type[1] == "tree") {
      # If the entry is a tree, i.e. subdirectory:
      #  - lookup the entries for this tree
      #  - add the subdirectory to the name so that path is correct
      #  - remove the entry from beginning and add new entries to end of
      #    data.frame
      new_tree_df <- methods::as(git2r::lookup(repo, entries$sha[1]), "data.frame")
      new_tree_df$name <- file.path(entries$name[1], new_tree_df$name)
      entries <- rbind(entries[-1, ], new_tree_df)
    } else {
      stop(sprintf("Unknown type %s found in commit %s",
                   entries$type[1], commit))


# Stop if HEAD does not point to a branch
check_branch <- function(git_head) {
  if (!git2r::is_branch(git_head)) {
    m <-
      "You are not currently on any branch. Instead you are in 'detached HEAD'
      state. workflowr doesn't support such advanced Git options. If you
      didn't mean to do this, try running `git checkout master` in the
      Terminal. If you did mean to do this, please use Git directly from the
      Terminal to push your commits."
    stop(wrap(m), call. = FALSE)

# Check remote repository.
# If there are no remotes available, confirm that the remote provided is a URL.
# If a remote is specified, confirm it exists.
# remote - character vector or NULL
# remote_avail - a named character vector of remote URLs
check_remote <- function(remote, remote_avail) {
  if (!(is.null(remote) || is.character(remote)))
    stop("remote must be NULL or character vector")
  if (!is.character(remote_avail))
    stop("remote_avail must be a character vector")

  # Fail early if no remotes (and the remote argument isn't a URL)
  if (length(remote_avail) == 0) {
    if (is.null(remote)) {
      m <-
        "No remote repositories are available. Run ?wflow_remotes to learn how
        to configure this."
      stop(wrap(m), call. = FALSE)
    } else if (any(stringr::str_detect(remote, c("https", "git@")))) {
      m <-
        "Instead of specifying the URL to the remote repository, you can save
        it as a remote. Run ?wflow_remotes for details."
      warning(wrap(m), call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      m <-
        "You have specifed a remote, but this remote repository has no remotes
        set. Run ?wflow_remotes to learn how to configure this."
      stop(wrap(m), call. = FALSE)

  # Fail early if remote is specified but doesn't exist
  if (!is.null(remote) && !(remote %in% names(remote_avail))) {
    m <-
      "The remote you specified is not one of the remotes available. Run
      ?wflow_remotes to learn how to add this remote."
    stop(wrap(m), call. = FALSE)

# Determine which remote and branch to push or pull.
# This function assumes error handling has already happened upstream.
# See the documentation for wflow_git_push or wflow_git_pull for the explanation
# of this function.
# Returns a list of length two.
determine_remote_and_branch <- function(repo, remote, branch) {
  stopifnot(class(repo) == "git_repository")
  git_head <- git2r::head(repo)
  tracking <- git2r::branch_get_upstream(git_head)
  # If both remote and branch are NULL and the current branch is tracking a
  # remote branch, use this remote and branch.
  if (is.null(remote) && is.null(branch) && !is.null(tracking)) {
    remote <- git2r::branch_remote_name(tracking)
    branch <- stringr::str_split_fixed(tracking@name, "/", n = 2)[, 2]
  # If remote is NULL, take an educated guess at what the user would want.
  if (is.null(remote)) {
    remote <- guess_remote(repo)
  # If branch is NULL, use the same name as the current branch.
  if (is.null(branch)) {
    branch <- git_head@name

  return(list(remote = remote, branch = branch))

# Take an educated guess of which remote to use if the user didn't specify one
# and the current branch is not tracking a remote branch.
# 1. If there is only 1 remote available, use it.
# 2. If there are multiple remotes available and one is called "origin", use it.
# 3. If there are multiple remotes available and none is "origin", throw error.
guess_remote <- function(repo) {
  stopifnot(class(repo) == "git_repository")
  remotes <- git2r::remotes(repo)

  if (length(remotes) == 1) {
    guess <- remotes
  } else if ("origin" %in% remotes) {
    guess <- "origin"
  } else {
    m <-
      "Unable to guess which remote repository to use. Please specify the
      argument `remote`. To see all the remotes available, you can run
    stop(wrap(m), call. = FALSE)


# Send warning if the remote branch is not the same one as local branch (HEAD)
warn_branch_mismatch <- function(remote_branch, local_branch) {
  if (!(is.character(remote_branch) && is.character(local_branch)))
    stop("remote_branch and local_branch must be character vectors")

  if (remote_branch != local_branch) {
    m <- sprintf(
      "The remote branch is \"%s\", but the current local branch is \"%s\".
      This is a valid option, but it is non-conventional. Is this what you
      remote_branch, local_branch)
    warning(wrap(m), call. = FALSE)

# Authenticate with Git using either HTTPS or SSH
# remote - the name or URL of a remote repository
# remote_avail - a named character vector of remote URLs
# username - GitHub username or NULL
# password - GitHub password or NULL
# dry_run - logical
authenticate_git <- function(remote, remote_avail, username = NULL,
                             password = NULL, dry_run = FALSE) {
  if (!(is.character(remote) && is.character(remote_avail)))
    stop("remote and remote_avail must be character vectors")
  if (!(is.null(username) || (is.character(username) && length(username) == 1)))
    stop("username must be NULL or a one-element character vector")
  if (!(is.null(password) || (is.character(password) && length(password) == 1)))
    stop("password must be NULL or a one-element character vector")

  # Determine if using HTTPS or SSH protocol
  if (remote %in% names(remote_avail)) {
    url <- remote_avail[remote]
  } else {
    url <- remote
  if (stringr::str_sub(url, 1, 5) == "https") {
    protocol <- "https"
  } else if (stringr::str_sub(url, 1, 4) == "git@") {
    protocol <- "ssh"
  } else {
    m <- "The URL to the remote repository is using an unknown protocol. It
    should start with https if you are using your username and password
    for authentication, or with git@ if you are using your SSH keys. If
    you are trying to acheive something non-standard, please use Git
    via the command line interface."
    stop(wrap(m), call. = FALSE)

  if (protocol == "https" && !dry_run) {
    if (is.null(username)) {
      if (interactive()) {
        username <- readline("Please enter your GitHub username: ")
      } else {
        m <-
          "No username was specified. Either include the username in the
         function call or run the command in an interactive R session to be
         prompted to enter it."
        stop(wrap(m), call. = FALSE)
    if (is.null(password)) {
      if (interactive()) {
        password <- getPass::getPass("Please enter your GitHub password: ")
      } else {
        m <-
          "No password was specified. Either include the password in the
         function call (not recommended) or run the command in an interactive
         R session to be prompted to enter it in a secure manner."
        stop(wrap(m), call. = FALSE)
    credentials <- git2r::cred_user_pass(username = username,
                                         password = password)
  } else {
    # If dry run, credentials aren't needed.
    # If using SSH, can't run cred_ssh_key() here if using a passphrase.
    # credentials has to be entered as NULL when calling push or pull in order
    # for it to work.
    # https://github.com/hadley/devtools/issues/642#issuecomment-139357055
    # https://github.com/ropensci/git2r/issues/284#issuecomment-306103004
    credentials <- NULL
jdblischak/workflowrBeta documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:28 p.m.