
# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

#' @title Calculate likelihood of (beta_hat_1[j], beta_hat_2[j])) given
#' rho, b, sigma_1j, sigma_2j, s_1j, s_2j where
#' alpha_kj ~ N(0, sigma_kj)
ll_v4_ij <- function(rho, b, q, sigma1, sigma2, b1, b2, s1, s2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v4_ij', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', rho, b, q, sigma1, sigma2, b1, b2, s1, s2)

#' @title Calculate likelihood matrix -- version 4
#' @return A matrix that is p by K where p is the number of SNPs
#' and K is the grid size
ll_v4_mat <- function(rho, b, q, tsigma1, tsigma2, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v4_mat', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', rho, b, q, tsigma1, tsigma2, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2)

#' @title Calculate likelihood -- version 4
ll_v4 <- function(rho, b, q, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2, tweights) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v4', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', rho, b, q, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2, tweights)

#' @title Calculate likelihood -- version 4, not in parallel
ll_v4_single <- function(rho, b, q, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2, tweights) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v4_single', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', rho, b, q, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2, tweights)

#' @title Calculate likelihood matrix for LOO (SNPs by posterior samples)
#' @return A matrix that is p by L where p is the number of SNPs
#' and L is the number of posterior samples
ll_v4_loo <- function(trho, tb, tq, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v4_loo', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', trho, tb, tq, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2)

#' @title Calculate likelihood of (beta_hat_1[j] beta_hat_2(j)) given
#' rho, b, sigma_1j, sigma_2j, sigma_3j, s_1j, s_2j where
#' alpha_kj ~ N(0, sigma_kj)
ll_v6_ij <- function(rho, b, sigma1, sigma2, sigma3, b1, b2, s1, s2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v6_ij', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', rho, b, sigma1, sigma2, sigma3, b1, b2, s1, s2)

#' @title Calculate likelihood -- version 6
ll_v6 <- function(rho, b, tgamma, tpi1, tpi2, tpi3, tsig, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2, tweights) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v6', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', rho, b, tgamma, tpi1, tpi2, tpi3, tsig, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2, tweights)

#' @title Calculate likelihood matrix -- version 6
ll_v6_mat <- function(rho, b, tsig, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v6_mat', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', rho, b, tsig, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2)

#' @title Calculate likelihood of (beta_hat_1[j], beta_hat_2[j])) given
#' rho, b, sigma_1j, sigma_2j, s_1j, s_2j where
#' alpha_kj ~ N(0, sigma_kj)
ll_v7_ij <- function(rho, g, gp, q, sigma1, sigma2, b1, b2, s1, s2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v7_ij', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', rho, g, gp, q, sigma1, sigma2, b1, b2, s1, s2)

#' @title Calculate likelihood matrix -- version 7
#' @return A matrix that is p by K where p is the number of SNPs
#' and K is the grid size
ll_v7_mat <- function(rho, g, gp, q, tsigma1, tsigma2, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v7_mat', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', rho, g, gp, q, tsigma1, tsigma2, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2)

#' @title Calculate likelihood -- version 7
ll_v7 <- function(rho, g, gp, q, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v7', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', rho, g, gp, q, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2)

#' @title Calculate likelihood matrix for LOO (SNPs by posterior samples)
#' @return A matrix that is p by L where p is the number of SNPs
#' and L is the number of posterior samples
ll_v7_loo <- function(tg, tgp, tq, rho, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v7_loo', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', tg, tgp, tq, rho, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2)

ll_v7_ij_Z1 <- function(rho, g, gp, q, sigma1, sigma2, b1, b2, s1, s2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v7_ij_Z1', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', rho, g, gp, q, sigma1, sigma2, b1, b2, s1, s2)

ll_v7_ij_Z0 <- function(rho, g, gp, q, sigma1, sigma2, b1, b2, s1, s2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v7_ij_Z0', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', rho, g, gp, q, sigma1, sigma2, b1, b2, s1, s2)

#' @title Calculate likelihood matrix for LOO (SNPs by posterior samples)
#' @return A matrix that is p by L where p is the number of SNPs
#' and L is the number of posterior samples
ll_v7_samps_Z1 <- function(tg, tgp, tq, rho, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v7_samps_Z1', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', tg, tgp, tq, rho, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2)

#' @title Calculate likelihood matrix for LOO (SNPs by posterior samples)
#' @return A matrix that is p by L where p is the number of SNPs
#' and L is the number of posterior samples
ll_v7_samps_Z0 <- function(tg, tgp, tq, rho, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2) {
    .Call('_sherlockAsh_ll_v7_samps_Z0', PACKAGE = 'sherlockAsh', tg, tgp, tq, rho, tsigma1, tsigma2, tpi, tbeta_hat_1, tbeta_hat_2, tseb1, tseb2)
jean997/sherlockAsh documentation built on May 18, 2019, 11:45 p.m.