
Defines functions fillPipeline initializeScheme initFuncADChk initFuncSimp

Documented in fillPipeline initFuncADChk initFuncSimp initializeScheme

#' initFuncSimp function
#' Deprecated function to initialize simulation of a breeding program
#' @param bsp A list of breeding scheme parameters
#' @return The return of \code{initializeScheme}
#' @details Deprecated in favor of the simply-named \code{initializeScheme}
#' @export
initFuncSimp <- function(bsp){
  print("initFuncSimp deprecated. Please use initializeScheme")

#' initFuncADChk function
#' Deprecated function to initialize simulation of a breeding program
#' @param bsp A list of breeding scheme parameters
#' @return The return of \code{initializeScheme}
#' @details Deprecated in favor of the simply-named \code{initializeScheme}
#' @export
initFuncADChk <- function(bsp){
  print("initFuncADChk deprecated. Please use initializeScheme")

#' initializeScheme function
#' function to initialize simulation of a breeding program. A single additive-dominance trait is simulated. Check are used in this scheme
#' @param bsp A list of breeding scheme parameters.  See \code{specifyPipeline} and \code{specifyPopulation} 
#' @return A list containing: 1. The simulation parameters in \code{SP}; 2. The initial records of the breeding program in \code{records}. See \code{fillPipeline} for details; 3. A completed \code{bsp} object
#' @details Creates the founders and the initial records at the beginning of the simulation of a breeding program.
#' @examples
#' bsp <- specifyPopulation(bsp)
#' bsp <- specifyPipeline()
#' initList <- initializeScheme(bsp)
#' SP <- initList$SP
#' bsp <- initList$bsp
#' records <- initList$records
#' @export
initializeScheme <- function(bsp){
  # Create haplotypes for founder population of outbred individuals
  nF1 <- bsp$nCrosses * bsp$nProgeny + max(bsp$nChks)
  if (bsp$quickHaplo){
    founderHap <- quickHaplo(nInd=nF1, nChr=bsp$nChr, segSites=bsp$segSites)
  } else{
    founderHap <- runMacs2(nInd=nF1, nChr=bsp$nChr, segSites=bsp$segSites, Ne=bsp$effPopSize)
  # New global simulation parameters from founder haplotypes
  SP <- SimParam$new(founderHap)
  SP$restrSegSites(minQtlPerChr=1, minSnpPerChr=10, overlap=FALSE)
  # Additive, dominance, and epistatic trait architecture
  SP$addTraitADE(nQtlPerChr=bsp$nQTL, var=bsp$genVar, meanDD=bsp$meanDD, varDD=bsp$varDD, relAA=bsp$relAA, useVarA=FALSE)
  # Observed SNPs per chromosome
  founders <- newPop(founderHap, simParam=SP)
  if (any(bsp$nChks > 0)){
    bsp$checks <- selectInd(founders, nInd=max(bsp$nChks), use="rand", simParam=SP)
    # remove checks from founders
    founders <- founders[-which(founders@id %in% bsp$checks@id)]
  } else bsp$checks <- NULL
  records <- fillPipeline(founders, bsp, SP)
  return(list(SP=SP, records=records, bsp=bsp))

#' fillPipeline function
#' function to create initial records at the start of a simulation
#' @param founders Pop-class object of the founders of the breeding program
#' @param bsp A list of product pipeline parameters. See \code{runBreedingScheme} for details
#' @return A \code{records} object. A list of lists containing nStages+1 lists. The first list contains one Pop-class of progeny per year of the scheme. The remaining lists contain one matrix per year that has individual id, mother, father, stage, phenotypes, and error variances. The individuals have been phenotyped using \code{setPheno}. The matrix may contain a mix of experimental and check phenotypes with different levels of replication
#' @details This is a structure for a records object that will be used to simulate breeding schemes
#' @examples
#' bsp <- specifyPipeline()
#' bsp <- specifyPopulation(bsp)
#' nF1 <- bsp$nCrosses * bsp$nProgeny
#' founderHap <- runMacs(nInd=nF1, nChr=bsp$nChr, segSites=bsp$segSites)
#' SP <- SimParam$new(founderHap)
#' SP$addTraitA(nQtlPerChr=bsp$nQTL, var=bsp$genVar)
#' SP$addSnpChip(bsp$nSNP)
#' founders <- newPop(founderHap, simParam=SP)
#' bsp <- c(bsp, checks=list(NULL))
#' records <- fillPipeline(founders, bsp, SP)
#' @export
fillPipeline <- function(founders, bsp=NULL, SP){
  nF1 <- bsp$nCrosses * bsp$nProgeny
  records <- list(founders)
  for (year in 1 + -(bsp$nStages:1)){
    toAdd <- list()
    for (stage in 1:(year+bsp$nStages)){
      if (stage==1){ # Stage 1: F1 progeny population: random selection use pop
        # Select from the most recent F1s
        indToAdv <- nInd(records[[1]]) - nF1 + sort(sample(nF1, bsp$nEntries[stage]))
      } else{
        # Don't allow checks to be advanced: use 1:bsp$nEntries[stage-1]
        sourcePop <- last(records[[stage]])[1:bsp$nEntries[stage-1],]
        indToAdv <- order(sourcePop$pheno, decreasing=T)[1:bsp$nEntries[stage]]
        indToAdv <- sourcePop$id[sort(indToAdv)]
      entries <- records[[1]][indToAdv]
      varE <- bsp$gxyVar + (bsp$gxlVar + bsp$gxyxlVar + bsp$errVars[stage] / bsp$nReps[stage]) / bsp$nLocs[stage]
      # reps=1 because varE is computed above
      entries <- setPheno(entries, varE=varE, reps=1, simParam=SP)
      phenoRec <- phenoRecFromPop(entries, bsp, stage)
      if(!is.null(bsp$checks) & bsp$nChks[stage] > 0){
        varE <- bsp$gxyVar + (bsp$gxlVar + bsp$gxyxlVar + bsp$errVars[stage] / bsp$chkReps[stage]) / bsp$nLocs[stage]
        chkPheno <- setPheno(bsp$checks[1:bsp$nChks[stage]], varE=varE, reps=1, simParam=SP)
        chkRec <- phenoRecFromPop(chkPheno, bsp, stage, checks=T)
        phenoRec <- bind_rows(phenoRec, chkRec)
      toAdd <- c(toAdd, list(phenoRec))
    }#END stages
    # Make the next F1s with mild selection using gv
    lastGen <- nInd(records[[1]]) - nF1 + 1:nF1
    parents <- selectInd(records[[1]][lastGen], nInd=nF1/1.5, use="gv", simParam=SP)
    toAdd <- c(list(randCross(parents, nCrosses=bsp$nCrosses, nProgeny=bsp$nProgeny, ignoreSexes=T, simParam=SP)), toAdd)
    # Actually fill the records
    records[[1]] <- c(records[[1]], toAdd[[1]])
    for (i in 2:length(toAdd)){
      if (i > length(records)){
        records <- c(records, list(toAdd[i]))
      } else{
        records[[i]] <- c(records[[i]], toAdd[i])
  }#END years
  names(records) <- c("F1", bsp$stageNames)
  # stageOutputs relies on knowing the year from the previous year
  return(c(records, stageOutputs=list(tibble(year=-1))))
jeanlucj/AlfSimHlpR documentation built on Nov. 7, 2021, 5:10 p.m.