#' prodPipeFncChk function
#' @param records The breeding program \code{records} object
#' @param bsp A list of breeding scheme parameters
#' @param SP the AlphaSimR SimParam object
#' @return The return from \code{productPipeline}
#' @details Function deprecated in favor of the simply named \code{productPipeline}
#' @export
prodPipeFncChk <- function(records, bsp, SP){
print("prodPipeFncChk deprecated. Please use productPipeline")
return(productPipeline(records, bsp, SP))
#' productPipeline function
#' function to advance a simulated breeding product pipeline forward by one generation. See Gaynor et al. 2017 for the general idea.
#' @param records The breeding program \code{records} object. See \code{fillPipeline} for details
#' @param bsp A list of breeding scheme parameters
#' @param SP the AlphaSimR SimParam object
#' @return A records object that has new records created by advancing by a generation
#' @details The breeding program product pipeline will have been set by initializeFunc. This function moves the breeding program along by one generation and saves all the resulting phenotypes to the records object.
#' @examples
#' bsp <- specifyPipeline()
#' bsp <- specifyPopulation(bsp)
#' initList <- initializeFunc(bsp)
#' SP <- initList$SP
#' bsp <- initList$bsp
#' records <- initList$records
#' records <- productPipeline(records, bsp, SP)
#' records <- popImprov1(records, bsp, SP)
#' @export
productPipeline <- function(records, bsp, SP){
# Calculate the selection criterion. selCritPipeAdv has to be given in bsp
candidates <- records$F1@id
selCrit <- bsp$selCritPipeAdv(records, candidates, bsp, SP)
# Make summary for the incoming F1s
year <- max(records$stageOutputs$year)+1 # Add a year relative to last year
nF1 <- bsp$nCrosses * bsp$nProgeny
nGenoRec <- nInd(records$F1)
# Analyze the most-recent F1s
newF1Idx <- nGenoRec - nF1 + 1:nF1
id <- records$F1[newF1Idx]@id
records$stageOutputs <- records$stageOutputs %>% bind_rows(stageOutputs(id=id, f1=records$F1, selCrit=selCrit, stage=0, year=year, bsp=bsp))
# Will be added to the phenotype records
toAdd <- list()
for (stage in 1:bsp$nStages){
# Make a summary for this stage
id <- last(records[[stage+1]])$id[1:bsp$nEntries[stage]]
records$stageOutputs <- records$stageOutputs %>% bind_rows(stageOutputs(id=id, f1=records$F1, selCrit=selCrit, stage=stage, year=year, bsp=bsp))
if (stage == 1){ # Stage 1 different: no phenotypes but full Pop-class
# Use phenotypes to select the F1 going into Stage 1?
if (bsp$phenoF1toStage1){ # Use phenotypes to choose what goes to Stage 1
phenoF1 <- setPheno(records$F1[newF1Idx], varE=bsp$errVarPreStage1, onlyPheno=T, simParam=SP)
indToAdv <- records$F1@id[nGenoRec - nF1 + (phenoF1 %>% order(decreasing=T))[1:bsp$nEntries[stage]] %>% sort]
} else{
# Do the F1 have genotypic values that could be used?
if (selCrit[newF1Idx] %>% is.na %>% all){ # Choose at random
indToAdv <- records$F1@id[nGenoRec - nF1 + sort(sample(nF1, bsp$nEntries[stage]))]
} else{ # Use selCrit
indToAdv <- records$F1@id[nGenoRec - nF1 + (selCrit[newF1Idx] %>% order(decreasing=T))[1:bsp$nEntries[stage]] %>% sort]
} else{ # Beyond stage 1
# Don't allow checks to be advanced: use 1:bsp$nEntries[stage-1]
id <- last(records[[stage]])$id[1:bsp$nEntries[stage-1]]
selCritPop <- selCrit[id]
indToAdv <- (selCritPop %>% order(decreasing=T))[1:bsp$nEntries[stage]]
indToAdv <- names(selCritPop)[sort(indToAdv)]
entries <- records$F1[indToAdv]
varE <- bsp$gxyVar + (bsp$gxlVar + bsp$gxyxlVar + bsp$errVars[stage] / bsp$nReps[stage]) / bsp$nLocs[stage]
# reps=1 because varE is computed above
entries <- setPheno(entries, varE=varE, reps=1, simParam=SP)
phenoRec <- phenoRecFromPop(entries, bsp, stage)
# If provided, add checks to the population
if(!is.null(bsp$checks) & bsp$nChks[stage] > 0){
varE <- bsp$gxyVar + (bsp$gxlVar + bsp$gxyxlVar + bsp$errVars[stage] / bsp$chkReps[stage]) / bsp$nLocs[stage]
chkPheno <- setPheno(bsp$checks[1:bsp$nChks[stage]], varE=varE, reps=1, simParam=SP)
chkRec <- phenoRecFromPop(chkPheno, bsp, stage, checks=T)
phenoRec <- bind_rows(phenoRec, chkRec)
toAdd <- c(toAdd, list(phenoRec))
}#END 1:nStages
for (stage in 1 + 1:bsp$nStages){
records[[stage]] <- c(records[[stage]], toAdd[stage-1])
# Remove old records if needed
if (length(records[[2]]) > bsp$nCyclesToKeepRecords) records <- removeOldestCyc(records, bsp)
#' stageOutputs function
#' To create a row for a tibble for each cycle and each stage. The tibble will be kept as the last object of the records list
#' @param id Vector of the AlphaSimR ids of the individuals in the stage
#' @param f1 The AlphaSimR pop class with all the individuals
#' @param selCrit Named vector of the selection criterion being used to advance individuals
#' @param stage Integer stage (1 to bsp$nStages) being summarized
#' @param year The current year of the breeding scheme
#' @param bsp A list of breeding scheme parameters
#' @return A tibble with whatever information from the data you want to store for analysis after simulation is done
#' @details Trying to provide some flexibility in what results AlphaSimHlpR generates from a given simulation.
#' @examples
#' records$stageOutputs <- records$stageOutputs %>% bind_rows(stageOutputs(id, records$F1, selCrit, stage, year, bsp))
stageOutputs <- function(id, f1, selCrit, stage, year, bsp){
stageName <- c("F1", bsp$stageNames)[stage+1]
f1 <- f1[id]
selCrit <- selCrit[id]
if (length(selCrit) == 0 | all(is.na(selCrit))){
gvOfBestCrit <- NA
} else{
nToNCRP <- min(bsp$nClonesToNCRP, bsp$nEntries[stage])
bestCrit <- order(selCrit, decreasing=T)[1:nToNCRP]
gvOfBestCrit <- mean(gv(f1[names(selCrit)[bestCrit]]))
highestGV <- max(gv(f1))
return(tibble(cycle=year-stage, year=year, stage=stageName, first=first(id), last=last(id), genValMean=mean(gv(f1)), genValSD=sd(gv(f1)), evalAtSelMean=mean(selCrit, na.rm=T), evalAtSelSD=sd(selCrit, na.rm=T), accAtSel=cor(gv(f1), selCrit), gvOfBestCrit=gvOfBestCrit, highestGV=highestGV, nContribToPar=list(NA)))
#' lastCycStgOut function
#' stageOutputs are always made on the previous cycle, so to get the end, you need to run this once
#' @param records The breeding program \code{records} object. See \code{fillPipeline} for details
#' @param bsp A list of breeding scheme parameters
#' @param SP the AlphaSimR SimParam object
#' @return A records object that has updated stageOutputs
#' @details Will figure this out later...
#' @examples
#' records <- lastCycStgOut(records, bsp, SP)
lastCycStgOut <- function(records, bsp, SP){
# Pretty it up by removing the very first row that just had year in it
records$stageOutputs <- records$stageOutputs[-1,]
year <- max(records$stageOutputs$year)+1 # Add a year relative to last year
# Calculate the selection criterion. selCritPipeAdv has to be given in bsp
candidates <- records$F1@id
selCrit <- bsp$selCritPipeAdv(records, candidates, bsp, SP)
# Make summary for the incoming F1s
nF1 <- bsp$nCrosses * bsp$nProgeny
nGenoRec <- nInd(records$F1)
newF1Idx <- nGenoRec - nF1 + 1:nF1
id <- records$F1[newF1Idx]@id
records$stageOutputs <- records$stageOutputs %>% bind_rows(stageOutputs(id=id, f1=records$F1, selCrit=selCrit, stage=0, year=year, bsp=bsp))
for (stage in 1:bsp$nStages){
# Make a summary for this stage
id <- last(records[[stage+1]])$id[1:bsp$nEntries[stage]]
records$stageOutputs <- records$stageOutputs %>% bind_rows(stageOutputs(id=id, f1=records$F1, selCrit=selCrit, stage=stage, year=year, bsp=bsp))
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