#' plotRecords function
#' function to make a plot from the data in \code{records}
#' @param records The breeding program \code{records} object. See \code{fillPipeline} for details
#' @return Makes a plot of the gain over cycles of selection and returns the dataset used to make that plot
#' @details \code{records} is a list of lists of populations and phenotype matrices useful for maintaining the phenotypic observations across years and stages
#' @examples
#' exptSummary <- plotRecords(records)
#' @export
plotRecords <- function(replicRecords){
# Need stageNames and nStages from bsp
bsp <- replicRecords[[1]]$bsp
allStgOut <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(replicRecords)){
allStgOut <- allStgOut %>% bind_rows(replicRecords[[i]]$records$stageOutputs %>% dplyr::mutate(repNum=paste0("R", i)))
nYears <- length(unique(allStgOut$year))
stageNames <- unique(allStgOut$stage)
nStages <- length(stageNames)
nS2f <- floor((nStages)/2)
nS2c <- ceiling((nStages)/2)
stageOrd <- c(2* nS2f:1, 1:nS2c *2-1)
so <- paste0("S", stageOrd); names(so) <- stageNames
allStgOut <- allStgOut %>% dplyr::mutate(so=so[stage])
bp <- brkdn.plot(genValMean ~ so + year, data=allStgOut, lwd=2, cex=1, col=order(so), md="std.error", stagger=1/(nYears+1)/3/nStages, xlab="Year", ylab="Mean Genotypic Value", main="")
legend("topleft", legend=stageNames, col=1:(nStages), lwd = 2, cex=0.5, horiz = T)
bp <- brkdn.plot(gvOfBestCrit ~ so + year, data=allStgOut, lwd=2, cex=1, col=order(so), md="std.error", stagger=1/(nYears+1)/3/nStages, xlab="Year", ylab="Geno. Val. Clones to NCRP", main="")
legend("topleft", legend=stageNames, col=1:(nStages), lwd = 2, cex=0.5, horiz = T)
bp <- brkdn.plot(genValSD ~ so + year, data=allStgOut, lwd=2, cex=1, col=order(so), md="std.error", stagger=1/(nYears+1)/3/nStages, xlab="Year", ylab="Genotypic Value Std. Dev.", main="")
legend("topright", legend=stageNames, col=1:(nStages), lwd = 2, cex=0.5, horiz = T)
# Gain across versus within cycles
soLastBest <- allStgOut %>% dplyr::filter(stage==last(bsp$stageNames) & cycle >= 0)
soF1mean <- allStgOut %>% dplyr::filter(stage=="F1" & cycle <= max(soLastBest$cycle)+1)
soF1mean <- soF1mean %>% dplyr::mutate(acrossCycGain=dplyr::lead(genValMean) - genValMean)
soF1mean <- soF1mean %>% dplyr::filter(cycle <= max(soLastBest$cycle))
soF1mean <- soF1mean %>% dplyr::mutate(withinCycGain=(soLastBest$gvOfBestCrit - genValMean) / bsp$nStages)
gains <- soF1mean %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(cols=ends_with("Gain"), names_to="gainType", values_to="gain")
bp <- brkdn.plot(gain ~ gainType + cycle, data=gains, lwd=2, cex=1, col=1:2, md="std.error", xlab="Cycle", ylab="Gain per Year", main="")
legend("topright", legend=c("Across Cycles", "Within Cycles"), col=1:2, lwd = 2, cex=0.5, horiz = T)
return(dplyr::select(allStgOut, repNum, year, stage, cycle, genValMean, genValSD, gvOfBestCrit, highestGV, nContribToPar))
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