
Defines functions sup.dist

# Copyright 2014 Jeffrey Regier

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

sup.dist <- function(a, b) {
  lp_distance(a, b, -42.)

#' Finds \eqn{\hat{K},}{} the empirical Lipschitz constant of \eqn{f},
#' a lower bound on the Lipschitz constant of \eqn{f}.
#' @param X \eqn{X,}{} a matrix whose rows are points \eqn{\textrm{in } [0, 1]^p}{} where \eqn{f} is observed
#' @param f.X \eqn{f|_X,}{} a vector whose values are \eqn{f} evaluated at each row of \eqn{X}
#' @param lp.norm an integer (or \code{Inf}) specifying the \eqn{L_p} norm for computing the distances between points in \eqn{X}. Defaults to sup-norm.
#' @param min.distance only pairs of points in \eqn{X} farther apart than this threshold are considered. Defaults to 0.
#' @examples
#' X <- expand.grid(1:9, 1:9) / 10
#' f <- function(x) sin(x[1]) + cos(x[2])
#' f.X <- apply(X, 1, f)
#' find.K.hat(X, f.X)
find.K.hat <- function(X, f.X, lp.norm=Inf, min.distance=0) {
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  stopifnot(max(X) <= 1. && min(X) >= 0.)
  lp.norm.cpp <- if (lp.norm == Inf) -42. else lp.norm
  find_K_hat(X, f.X, lp.norm.cpp, min.distance)

#' Computes pointwise uncertainty
#' @param X \eqn{X,}{} a matrix whose rows are points \eqn{\textrm{in } [0, 1]^p}{} where \eqn{f} is observed
#' @param f.X \eqn{f|_X,}{} a vector whose values are \eqn{f} evaluated at each row of \eqn{X}
#' @param K.hat \eqn{\hat{K},}{} the empirical Lipschitz constant of \eqn{f}
#' @param x the point for which to compute pointwise uncertainty
#' @examples
#' X <- expand.grid(1:9, 1:9) / 10
#' f <- function(x) sin(x[1]) + cos(x[2])
#' f.X <- apply(X, 1, f)
#' K.hat <- find.K.hat(X, f.X)
#' pointwise.uncertainty(X, f.X, K.hat, c(.55,.33))
pointwise.uncertainty <- function(X, f.X, K.hat, x) {
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  pointwise_uncertainty(X, f.X, K.hat, x)


compute.gamma.bar <-function(f.X, p, K.hat) {
  p.dim.area <- function(y) (sum(abs((2 * (f.X - y) / K.hat)^p)))
  optimize(p.dim.area, c(min(f.X), max(f.X)))$minimum

unit.ball.volume <- function(lp.norm, p.dims) {
  stopifnot(lp.norm == Inf || lp.norm == 2)
  if (lp.norm == Inf)
  else if (lp.norm == 2)
    pi^(p.dims/2) / gamma(p.dims/2 + 1)

#' Computes a lower bound on the minimum computational burden.
#' @param X \eqn{X,}{} a matrix whose rows are points \eqn{\textrm{in } [0, 1]^p}{} where \eqn{f} is observed
#' @param f.X \eqn{f|_X,}{} a vector whose values are \eqn{f} evaluated at each row of \eqn{X}
#' @param K.hat \eqn{\hat{K},}{} the empirical Lipschitz constant of \eqn{f}
#' @param epsilon the maximum uncertainty allowed
#' @param lp.norm the \eqn{L_p} norm for computing the distances between points in \eqn{[0, 1]^p}. Defaults to sup-norm.
#' @examples
#' X <- expand.grid(1:9, 1:9) / 10
#' f <- function(x) sin(x[1]) + cos(x[2])
#' f.X <- apply(X, 1, f)
#' K.hat <- find.K.hat(X, f.X)
#' lower.bound.computational.burden(X, f.X, K.hat, epsilon=.1)
lower.bound.computational.burden <- function(X, f.X, K.hat, epsilon, lp.norm=Inf) {
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  stopifnot(max(X) <= 1. && min(X) >= 0.)
  stopifnot(epsilon >= 0.)
  stopifnot(lp.norm == Inf || lp.norm %% 1 == 0)
  stopifnot(K.hat >= 0.)
  p <- ncol(X)
  gamma.bar <- compute.gamma.bar(f.X, p, K.hat)
  C <- unit.ball.volume(lp.norm, p)
  max(0, ceiling(epsilon^-p * (K.hat^p/C - sum((abs(f.X - gamma.bar))^p))))


int.to.bits <- function(i, p.dims) {

#' Computes a lower bound on the maximum uncertainty by evaluating
#' the pointwise error at corners of the domain.
#' @param X \eqn{X,}{} a matrix whose rows are points \eqn{\textrm{in } [0, 1]^p}{} where \eqn{f} is observed
#' @param f.X \eqn{f|_X,}{} a vector whose values are \eqn{f} evaluated at each row of \eqn{X}
#' @param K.hat \eqn{\hat{K},}{} the empirical Lipschitz constant of \eqn{f}
#' @param n the number of consecutive corners to consider. Defaults to 5000.
#' @param first.corner the first corner to consider. Defaults to 0.
#' @examples
#' X <- expand.grid(1:9, 1:9) / 10
#' f <- function(x) sin(x[1]) + cos(x[2])
#' f.X <- apply(X, 1, f)
#' K.hat <- find.K.hat(X, f.X)
#' corners.uncertainty.bound(X, f.X, K.hat)
corners.uncertainty.bound <- function(X, f.X, K.hat, n=5000, first.corner=0) {
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  stopifnot(K.hat >= 0.)
  p.dims <- ncol(X)
  max.uncertainty.lb <- 0.
  for (i in first.corner:min(first.corner + n, (2^p.dims-1))) {
    bits <- int.to.bits(i, p.dims)
    cur.lb <- pointwise_uncertainty(X, f.X, K.hat, bits)
    if (cur.lb > max.uncertainty.lb) {
      cat(sprintf("maximum uncertainty so far at corner # %d: %.3f\n", i, cur.lb))
      max.uncertainty.lb <- cur.lb


random.point <- function(bottom.left, top.right) {
  edge.lengths <- top.right - bottom.left
  offsets <- runif(length(bottom.left))
  bottom.left + edge.lengths * offsets

mid.point.1d <- function(a, b) {
  (a + b) / 2

half.point <- function(a, b, dim.id) {
  ret <- a
  ret[dim.id] = mid.point.1d(a[dim.id], b[dim.id])

divide.box <- function(box, dim.id) {
  sub.box.1 <- rbind(box[1,], half.point(box[2,], box[1,], dim.id))
  sub.box.2 <- rbind(half.point(box[1,], box[2,], dim.id), box[2,])
  list(sub.box.1, sub.box.2)

widest.divided.box <- function(box) {
  tol = .0001
  widths <- box[2,] - box[1,]
  widest.dim <- which.max(widths)
  if (widths[widest.dim] > tol)
    divide.box(box, widest.dim)

#' Computes a lower bound on the maximum uncertainty within the specified box,
#' by evaluating the pointwise error at the box's corners and at random points
#' in the box's interior.
#' @param X \eqn{X,}{} a matrix whose rows are points \eqn{\textrm{in } [0, 1]^p}{} where \eqn{f} is observed
#' @param f.X \eqn{f|_X,}{} a vector whose values are \eqn{f} evaluated at each row of \eqn{X}
#' @param K.hat \eqn{\hat{K},}{} the empirical Lipschitz constant of \eqn{f}
#' @param box the top-left corner and the bottom-right corner of a hypercube contained in the domain. Defaults to \eqn{[0,1]^p}.
#' @examples
#' X <- expand.grid(1:9, 1:9) / 10
#' f <- function(x) sin(x[1]) + cos(x[2])
#' f.X <- apply(X, 1, f)
#' K.hat <- find.K.hat(X, f.X)
#' lower.bound.max.uncertainty(X, f.X, K.hat)
lower.bound.max.uncertainty <- function(X, f.X, K.hat, box=NULL) {
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  if (is.null(box)) {
    p.dims <- ncol(X)
    box <- rbind(rep(0, p.dims), rep(1, p.dims))
  num.lb.samples <- 10
  bottom.left <- box[1,]
  top.right <- box[2,]
  get.rp <- function() random.point(bottom.left, top.right)
  random.pts <- replicate(num.lb.samples, get.rp())
  random.pts.mat <- t(matrix(random.pts, ncol=num.lb.samples))
  all.pts <- rbind(random.pts.mat, bottom.left, top.right)
  bnd.pointwise.uncertainty <- function(x) pointwise_uncertainty(X, f.X, K.hat, x)
  lower.bounds <- apply(all.pts, 1, bnd.pointwise.uncertainty)

#' Computes an upper bound on the maximum uncertainty within the specified box.
#' @param X \eqn{X,}{} a matrix whose rows are points \eqn{\textrm{in } [0, 1]^p}{} where \eqn{f} is observed
#' @param f.X \eqn{f|_X,}{} a vector whose values are \eqn{f} evaluated at each row of \eqn{X}
#' @param K.hat \eqn{\hat{K},}{} the empirical Lipschitz constant of \eqn{f}
#' @param box the top-left corner and the bottom-right corner of a hypercube contained in the domain. Defaults to \eqn{[0,1]^p}.
#' @examples
#' X <- expand.grid(1:9, 1:9) / 10
#' f <- function(x) sin(x[1]) + cos(x[2])
#' f.X <- apply(X, 1, f)
#' K.hat <- find.K.hat(X, f.X)
#' upper.bound.max.uncertainty(X, f.X, K.hat)
upper.bound.max.uncertainty <- function(X, f.X, K.hat, box=NULL) {
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  if (is.null(box)) {
    p.dims <- ncol(X)
    box <- rbind(rep(0, p.dims), rep(1, p.dims))
  bottom.left <- box[1,]
  top.right <- box[2,]
  top.deviations <- f_deviations(X, K.hat, top.right)
  bottom.deviations <- f_deviations(X, K.hat, bottom.left)
  paired.deviations <- rbind(bottom.deviations, top.deviations)
  greatest.deviations <- apply(paired.deviations, 2, max)
  do_pointwise_uncertainty(f.X, greatest.deviations)

#' Computes the maximum uncertainty by a branch and bound algorithm.
#' @param X \eqn{X,}{} a matrix whose rows are points \eqn{\textrm{in } [0, 1]^p}{} where \eqn{f} is observed
#' @param f.X \eqn{f|_X,}{} a vector whose values are \eqn{f} evaluated at each row of \eqn{X}
#' @param K.hat \eqn{\hat{K},}{} the empirical Lipschitz constant of \eqn{f}
#' @param tol solutions this close to the maximum uncertainty are good enough. Defaults to 0.001.
#' @examples
#' X <- expand.grid(1:9, 1:9) / 10
#' f <- function(x) sin(x[1]) + cos(x[2])
#' f.X <- apply(X, 1, f)
#' K.hat <- find.K.hat(X, f.X)
#' branch.and.bound.max.uncertainty(X, f.X, K.hat)
branch.and.bound.max.uncertainty <- function(X, f.X, K.hat=NULL, tol=1e-3) {
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  stopifnot(max(X) <= 1. && min(X) >= 0.)
  stopifnot(is.null(K.hat) || K.hat >= 0.)

  if (is.null(K.hat))
    K.hat <- find.K.hat(X, f.X, Inf)

  p.dims <- ncol(X)
  domain <- rbind(rep(0, p.dims), rep(1, p.dims))
  candidates <- list(domain)
  get.box.ub <- function(box) upper.bound.max.uncertainty(X, f.X, K.hat, box)
  upper.bounds <- c(get.box.ub(domain))
  max.lb <- corners.uncertainty.bound(X, f.X, K.hat, 10, 0)

  prev.max.lb <- -42.
  prev.max.ub <- upper.bounds[1] + 42.

  while (length(candidates) != 0) {
    cur.box <- candidates[[1]]
    candidates <- candidates[-1]

    cur.ub <- upper.bounds[[1]]
    upper.bounds <- upper.bounds[-1]
    upper.bound.max.uncertainty(X, f.X, K.hat, cur.box)

    if (cur.ub > (max.lb + tol)) {
      cur.lb <- lower.bound.max.uncertainty(X, f.X, K.hat, cur.box)
      if (cur.lb > max.lb) max.lb <- cur.lb
      children <- widest.divided.box(cur.box)
      candidates <- c(candidates, children)
      upper.bounds <- c(upper.bounds, sapply(children, get.box.ub))
    if (length(upper.bounds) == 0)
    max.ub <- max(upper.bounds)
    if (max.ub != prev.max.ub || max.lb != prev.max.lb) {
      cat(sprintf("max uncertainty is in [%.3f, %.3f]; queue length is %d\n", 
                  max.lb, max.ub, length(candidates)))
    if (max.lb > max.ub + tol)

    prev.max.lb <- max.lb
    prev.max.ub <- max.ub


q.CI <- function(x, p, P) {
  # x is the sample, p (0<p<1) the quantile, P the confidence level
  x <- sort(x)
  n <- length(x)
  s <- min(which(pbinom((0:n),n,p) >= 1-(1-P)/2))
  r <- max(which(pbinom((0:n),n,p) <= (1-P)/2))
  # x[r] is the lower limit, x[s] the upper limit, of the CI

#' Computes confidence bounds for 4 statistics (first quartile, median, third quartile, mean)
#' of the distribution of pointwise uncertainties.
#' @param X \eqn{X,}{} a matrix whose rows are points \eqn{\textrm{in } [0, 1]^p}{} where \eqn{f} is observed
#' @param f.X \eqn{f|_X,}{} a vector whose values are \eqn{f} evaluated at each row of \eqn{X}
#' @param K.hat \eqn{\hat{K},}{} the empirical Lipschitz constant of \eqn{f}
#' @param n the number of samples. Defaults to 1000.
#' @param confidence the size of the confidence bounds. Defaults to 0.95.
#' @examples
#' X <- expand.grid(1:9, 1:9) / 10
#' f <- function(x) sin(x[1]) + cos(x[2])
#' f.X <- apply(X, 1, f)
#' K.hat <- find.K.hat(X, f.X)
#' uncertainty.confidence.bounds(X, f.X, K.hat)
uncertainty.confidence.bounds <- function(X, f.X, K.hat, n=1000, confidence=0.95) {
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  p.dims <- ncol(X)
  rand.pts <- matrix(runif(p.dims * n), ncol=p.dims)
  wrapped.pointwise.uncertainty <- function(x) pointwise_uncertainty(X, f.X, K.hat, x)
  errors <- apply(rand.pts, 1, wrapped.pointwise.uncertainty)
  mu <- mean(errors)
  confidence2 <- 1 - ((1 - confidence) / 2)
  mu.error <- qnorm(confidence2) * sd(errors) / sqrt(n)

  q1 <- q.CI(errors, 1/4, confidence)
  q2 <- q.CI(errors, 2/4, confidence)
  q3 <- q.CI(errors, 3/4, confidence)
  mean.CI <- c(mu - mu.error, mu + mu.error)

  df <- as.data.frame(cbind(q1, q2, q3, mean.CI),
                     row.names=c("lower", "upper"))
  names(df) = c("1st Qu.", "Median", "3rd Qu.", "Mean")
jeff-regier/MiniMiniMaxUQ documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:45 a.m.