Man pages for jefferis/rcatmaid
R access to the API for the CATMAID web image annotation tool

as.catmaidmeshConvert a mesh to CATMAID format
AV4b1A sample CATMAID neuron (from the adult lateral horn of class...
catmaid_add_volumeAdd a 3D mesh surface to catmaid volume manager
catmaid_adjacency_matrixGet connectivity adjacency matrix between set of neurons
catmaid_change_historyReturn the edit history of a CATMAID skeleton
catmaid_connection_setenvImport/Export catmaid connection details to system variables...
catmaid_entities_from_modelsConvert between entity (neuron) and model (skeleton) ids
catmaid_fetchSend http GET or POST request to a CATMAID server
catmaid_get_annotationlistGet list of annotations (including user information) from...
catmaid_get_annotations_for_skeletonsGet or set annotations for neurons from CATMAID
catmaid_get_compact_skeletonReturn the raw data for a CATMAID neuronal skeleton
catmaid_get_connectorsReturn skeleton ids for pre/postsynaptic partners of a set of...
catmaid_get_connectors_betweenReturn information about connectors joining sets of...
catmaid_get_connector_tableReturn connector table for a given neuron
catmaid_get_contributor_statsGet contributor statistics for neurons from CATMAID
catmaid_get_labelsGet/Set/Remove CATMAID treenode labels (aka tags)
catmaid_get_label_statsGet statistics for all labels in a project from a CATMAID...
catmaid_get_neuronnamesGet names of neurons from CATMAID
catmaid_get_node_countGet the number of nodes per skeleton
catmaid_get_review_statusGet review status of neurons from CATMAID
catmaid_get_treenodes_detailFetch position and other information for arbitrary treenode...
catmaid_get_treenode_tableReturn tree node table for a given neuron
catmaid_get_user_listFetch or translate catmaid users for current/specified...
catmaid_get_volumeFetch a mesh volume from CATMAID
catmaid_get_volumelistFetch a data frame containing details of all volumes on...
catmaid_islatestCheck if CATMAID skeleton ids are up to date
catmaid_latestidReturn the latest skeleton id accounting for edits
catmaid_lock_neuronsLock or unlock a CATMAID neuron reconstruction
catmaid_loginConnect/authenticate to a CATMAID server, returning a...
catmaid_meta_annotationsGet, query, set and remove CATMAID meta-annotations for...
catmaid-packagecatmaid: R access to the API for the CATMAID web image...
catmaid_parse_urlParse a CATMAID URL to extract parameters including xyz...
catmaid_query_by_nameGet list of neurons/annotations querying by neuron/annotation...
catmaid_query_connectedFind neurons connected to a starting neuron
catmaid_rename_neuronRename (presently) a single neuron or other entity (e.g....
catmaid_skidsFind skeleton ids (skids) for various inputs including...
catmaid_user_historyFetch user contribution history
catmaid_versionReturn the CATMAID version running on the server
connectorsGet data.frame of connector (synapse) information from a...
copy_tags_connectorsCopy the tag / connector info from a catmaid neuron to a new...
nsomaReturn the number of explicitly tagged somata in a (CATMAID)...
plot3d.catmaidneuronPlot skeleton and connectors for neuron retrieved from...
read_catmaid_selectionRead a CATMAID selection file
read.neuron.catmaidRead neuron(s) from CATMAID server into NeuroAnatomy Toolbox...
somaRetrieve soma information for skeletons (specified via...
updateUpdate a local neuronlist with new CATMAID data
vfbcatmaidA connection to the vfb catmaid server for a given dataset
write_catmaid_selectionMake a CATMAID selection file based on neuronlist or skids
jefferis/rcatmaid documentation built on Aug. 16, 2022, 8:52 p.m.