
context("Unit tests for functions in the dataRangeReductionUtils.R file.")

describe( "mapLabels()", {

   it( 'calculates correct values for a data vector.', {
      ends = c(-Inf, -1, -0.01, 0, 0.01, 1, Inf)
      labels = c('---', '--', '-', '+', '++', '+++')

      data = c(-Inf, -3e5, -1.001, -1, -0.5, -0.01, -0.001, -0, 0)
      got = mapLabels(data, ends, labels)
      want = c('---', '---', '---', '---', '--', '--', '-', '-', '-')
      expect_equal(got, want)

      data = c(Inf, 3e5, 1.001, 1, 0.5, 0.01, 0.001, +0, 0)
      got = mapLabels(data, ends, labels)
      want = c('+++', '+++', '+++', '++', '++', '+', '+', '-', '-')
      expect_equal(got, want)

   it( 'handles single value data.', {
      ends = c(-Inf, -1, -0.01, 0, 0.01, 1, Inf)
      labels = c('---', '--', '-', '+', '++', '+++')

      got = mapLabels(7, ends, labels)
      want = '+++'
      expect_equal(got, want)

   it( 'handles missing/out of range values.', {
      ends = c(-10, -1, 0, 1, 10)
      labels = c('--', '-', '+', '++')
      data = c(NA_integer_, 2, 23)

      got = mapLabels(data, ends, labels)
      want = c(NA_character_, '++', NA_character_)
      expect_equal(got, want)

   it( 'sorts input bin values.', {
      ends = c(Inf,-Inf,1,-1)
      labels = c('-', '0', '+' )
      data = c(-Inf,-5,-1,-0.5,0,0.5,1,5,Inf)

      got = mapLabels(data, ends, labels)
      want = c('-','-','-','0','0','0','0','+','+')
      expect_equal(got, want)

   it( 'errors if label count and bin number are not the same', {
      wantErrorRE <- "'breaks' are not unique"
      expect_error( mapLabels( 7, c(-1,0,0,1), c('-', '0', '+') ), wantErrorRE )

      wantErrorRE <- "lengths of 'breaks' and 'labels' differ"
      expect_error( mapLabels( 0, c(-1,0,1), c('bob') ), wantErrorRE )

      wantErrorRE <- "lengths of 'breaks' and 'labels' differ"
      expect_error( mapLabels( 0, c(-1,0,1), c('a','b', 'c') ), wantErrorRE )


describe( 'mapColors()', {

   describe( 'behavior with default palette', {

      x <- c(-100, -1, 0, 1, 1000)
      binEnds = c(-Inf,-10,10,Inf)
      colSet <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, 'RdBu')

      it( 'returns correct colors', {

         # Forward
         got <- mapColors( x, binEnds=binEnds )
         want <- c(colSet[1], colSet[2], colSet[2], colSet[2], colSet[3])
         expect_equal(got, want)

      it( 'returns correct colors when reversed', {

         # Reverse
         got <- mapColors( x, binEnds=binEnds, reverse=TRUE )
         want <- c(colSet[3], colSet[2], colSet[2], colSet[2], colSet[1])
         expect_equal(got, want)


   describe( 'behavior with specified palette', {

      x <- c(-100, -1, 0, 1, 1000)
      binEnds = c(-Inf,-10,0,10,Inf)
      colSet <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4, 'Spectral')

      it( 'returns correct colors', {

         # Forward
         got <- mapColors( x, binEnds=binEnds, brewerPaletteName = 'Spectral' )
         want <- c(colSet[1], colSet[2], colSet[2], colSet[3], colSet[4])
         expect_equal(got, want)

      it( 'returns correct colors when reversed', {

         # Reverse
         got <- mapColors( x, binEnds=binEnds, reverse=TRUE, brewerPaletteName = 'Spectral' )
         want <- c(colSet[4], colSet[3], colSet[3], colSet[2], colSet[1])
         expect_equal(got, want)


   describe( 'behavior with manually defined palette', {
      x <- c(-100, -1, 0, 1, 1000)
      binEnds = c(-Inf,-10,10,Inf)
      colSet <- c('red', 'violet', 'blue')

      it( 'returns correct colors', {
         got <- mapColors( x, binEnds=binEnds, colors= colSet )
         want <- c(colSet[1], colSet[2], colSet[2], colSet[2], colSet[3])
         expect_equal(got, want)
      it( 'returns correct colors when reversed', {
         # Reverse
         got <- mapColors( x, binEnds=binEnds, colors= colSet, reverse=TRUE )
         want <- c(colSet[3], colSet[2], colSet[2], colSet[2], colSet[1])
         expect_equal(got, want)
jefferys/fusionExpressionPlot documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3:59 a.m.