#' @title Landscape metrics for points and polygons
#' @description Calculates a variety of landscape metrics, on binary rasters, for polygons or
#' points with a buffer distance
#' @param x SpatalPointsDataFrame or SpatalPolgonsDataFrame class object
#' @param y raster class object
#' @param bkgd Background value (will be ignored)
#' @param metrics Numeric index or name(s) of desired metric (see available metrics)
#' @param bw Buffer distance (ignored if x is SpatalPolgonsDataFrame)
#' @param latlon (FALSE/TRUE) Is raster data in lat-long
#' @param echo (FALSE/TRUE) Print object ID at each iteration
#' @return If multiple classes are evaluated a list object with a data.frame for each class
#' containing specified metrics in columns. The data.frame is ordered and shares the
#' same row.names as the input feature class and can be directly joined to the @@data slot.
#' For single class problems a data.frame object is returned.
#' @details The following metrics are available:
#' \itemize{
#' \item class - (always included) particular patch type from the original input matrix.
#' \item n.patches - the number of patches of a particular patch type or in a class.
#' \item total.area - the sum of the areas (m2) of all patches of the corresponding patch type.
#' \item prop.landscape - the proportion of the total landscape represented by this class
#' \item patch.density - the numbers of patches of the corresponding patch type divided by total
#' landscape area (m2).
#' \item total.edge - the total edge length of a particular patch type.
#' \item edge.density - edge length on a per unit area basis that facilitates comparison among
#' landscapes of varying size.
#' \item landscape.shape.index - a standardized measure of total edge or edge density that
#' adjusts for the size of the landscape.
#' \item largest.patch.index - largest patch index quantifies the percentage of total landscape
#' area comprised by the largest patch.
#' \item mean.patch.area - average area of patches.
#' \item sd.patch.area - standard deviation of patch areas.
#' \item min.patch.area - the minimum patch area of the total patch areas.
#' \item max.patch.area - the maximum patch area of the total patch areas.
#' \item perimeter.area.frac.dim - perimeter-area fractal dimension equals 2 divided by the
#' slope of regression line obtained by regressing the logarithm
#' of patch area (m2) against the logarithm of patch perimeter (m).
#' \item mean.perim.area.ratio - the mean of the ratio patch perimeter. The perimeter-area ratio
#' is equal to the ratio of the patch perimeter (m) to area (m2).
#' \item sd.perim.area.ratio - standard deviation of the ratio patch perimeter.
#' \item min.perim.area.ratio - minimum perimeter area ratio
#' \item max.perim.area.ratio - maximum perimeter area ratio.
#' \item mean.shape.index - mean of shape index
#' \item sd.shape.index - standard deviation of shape index.
#' \item min.shape.index - the minimum shape index.
#' \item max.shape.index - the maximum shape index.
#' \item mean.frac.dim.index - mean of fractal dimension index.
#' \item sd.frac.dim.index - standard deviation of fractal dimension index.
#' \item min.frac.dim.index - the minimum fractal dimension index.
#' \item max.frac.dim.index - the maximum fractal dimension index.
#' \item total.core.area - the sum of the core areas of the patches (m2).
#' \item prop.landscape.core - proportional landscape core
#' \item mean.patch.core.area - mean patch core area.
#' \item sd.patch.core.area - standard deviation of patch core area.
#' \item min.patch.core.area - the minimum patch core area.
#' \item max.patch.core.area - the maximum patch core area.
#' \item prop.like.adjacencies - calculated from the adjacency matrix, which shows the frequency
#' with which different pairs of patch types (including like
#' adjacencies between the same patch type) appear side-by-side on
#' the map (measures the degree of aggregation of patch types).
#' \item aggregation.index - computed simply as an area-weighted mean class aggregation index, where
#' each class is weighted by its proportional area in the landscape.
#' \item landscape.division.index - based on the cumulative patch area distribution and is interpreted
#' as the probability that two randomly chosen pixels in the landscape
#' are not situated in the same patch
#' \item splitting.index - based on the cumulative patch area distribution and is interpreted as the
#' effective mesh number, or number of patches with a constant patch size when
#' the landscape is subdivided into S patches, where S is the value of the splitting
#' index.
#' \item effective.mesh.size - equals 1 divided by the total landscape area (m2) multiplied by the sum
#' of patch area (m2) squared, summed across all patches in the landscape.
#' \item patch.cohesion.index - measures the physical connectedness of the corresponding patch type.
#' }
#' @note Modifications to the function incorporate multi-class metrics by fetching the unique values
#' of the raster and creating a list object containing a data.frame for each class. Unfortunately,
#' retrieving unique values is a very slow function.
#' @note It is critical to note that if using polygon units that, the resulting metric represents the spatial
#' pattern within each unique aggregate unit and not a metric of the unit itself. That is to say, a
#' metric such as fractal dimension represents the fractal dimension of the pattern within the unit and
#' not of the unit.
#' @author Jeffrey S. Evans <jeffrey_evans@@tnc.org>
#' @examples
#' library(raster)
#' library(terra)
#' library(sp)
#' r <- raster(nrows=180, ncols=360, xmn=571823.6, xmx=616763.6, ymn=4423540,
#' ymx=4453690, resolution=270, crs = CRS("+proj=utm +zone=12 +datum=NAD83
#' +units=m +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0"))
#' r[] <- sample(c(0,1), ncell(r), replace=TRUE)
#' x <- sampleRandom(r, 10, na.rm = TRUE, sp = TRUE)
#' lmet <- c("prop.landscape", "edge.density", "prop.like.adjacencies", "aggregation.index")
#' ( class.1 <- land.metrics(x=x, y=r, bw=1000, bkgd = 0, metrics = lmet) )
#' ( all.class <- land.metrics(x=x, y=r, bw=1000, bkgd = NA, metrics = lmet ) )
#' # Pull metrics associated with class "0"
#' all.class[["0"]]
#' @seealso \code{\link{ClassStat}}, \code{\link{connected.pixels}}, \code{\link{PatchStat}}
#' @export
land.metrics <- function(x, y, bkgd = NA, metrics = c("prop.landscape"), bw = 1000,
latlon = FALSE, echo = FALSE) {
sp.types = paste0("Spatial", c("Points","Polygons"), "DataFrame")
if(!any(class(x)[1] == c(sp.types, "sf"))) {
stop("x is not a suitable feature object class")
if(any(class(x)[1] == c("sfc", "sfg"))) {
x <- sf::st_sf(x)
if(any(class(x)[1] == sp.types)) {
x <- sf::st_as_sf(x)
if(length(unique(as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(x)))) > 1)
stop("x is a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION but needs to represent a single geometry type")
g <- unique(unique(as.character(sf::st_geometry_type(x))))
if(any(g == c("MULTIPOLYGON", "MULTIPOINT")))
stop("x appears to have multipart geometry and will not produce valid results")
rtype = class(y)[1]
if(!any(rtype == c("RasterLayer", "SpatRaster")))
stop("y must be a RasterLayer or SpatRaster class object")
mnames <- c("class", "n.patches", "total.area", "prop.landscape", "patch.density", "total.edge", "edge.density",
"landscape.shape.index", "largest.patch.index", "mean.patch.area", "sd.patch.area", "min.patch.area", "max.patch.area",
"perimeter.area.frac.dim", "mean.perim.area.ratio", "sd.perim.area.ratio", "min.perim.area.ratio", "max.perim.area.ratio",
"mean.shape.index", "sd.shape.index", "min.shape.index", "max.shape.index", "mean.frac.dim.index", "sd.frac.dim.index",
"min.frac.dim.index", "max.frac.dim.index", "total.core.area", "prop.landscape.core", "mean.patch.core.area",
"sd.patch.core.area", "min.patch.core.area", "max.patch.core.area", "prop.like.adjacencies", "aggregation.index",
"landscape.division.index", "splitting.index", "effective.mesh.size", "patch.cohesion.index")
if(is.numeric(metrics)) { metrics <- mnames[metrics] }
metrics <- unique(c("class", metrics))
m.idx <- unique(which( mnames %in% metrics))
if(!length(m.idx) == length(metrics))
stop("Non-valid metrics specified")
u <- as.vector(raster::unique(y))
if(bkgd %in% u) { u <- u[-which(u == bkgd)] }
results <- list()
for(i in 1:length(u)) {
results[[i]] <- as.data.frame(array(0, dim=c(nrow(x), length(metrics))))
names(results[[i]]) <- mnames[m.idx]
names(results) <- u
for (j in 1:nrow(x) ) {
if (echo == TRUE) cat("Processing observation -", j, "\n")
f <- x[j,]
if (g == "POINT") {
f <- sf::st_buffer(f, dist = bw)
if(rtype == "RasterLayer") {
lr <- raster::mask(raster::crop(y, f), f)
} else if(rtype == "SpatRaster") {
lr <- raster::raster(terra::mask(terra::crop(y, terra::vect(f)), terra::vect(f)))
LM <- ClassStat(lr, cellsize = raster::res(lr)[1], bkgd = bkgd,
latlon = latlon)[m.idx]
if (is.null(LM)) {
LM <- as.data.frame(array(0, dim=c( length(u), length(metrics))))
LM[] <- NA
names(LM) <- mnames[m.idx]
rownames(LM) <- u
for( n in names(results) ) {
lm.class <- LM[which(LM$class == n),]
if(nrow(lm.class) == 0) { lm.class <- c(n, rep(NA, ncol(lm.class)-1)) }
results[[n]][j,] <- lm.class
row.names(results[[n]])[j] <- row.names(f)
if ( length(results) == 1 ) {
} else {
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