
RGO2TR update for NCBI structurally ANNOTATED genomes using UniProt/Swiss-Prot for functional annotation

Example with cheetah immune on a Linux System

mkdir -p ~/cheetah

cd ~/cheetah

# see https://github.com/mamba-org/mamba about mamba installation

# create mamba/conda environment
mamba create -n cheetah -c conda-forge -c bioconda \
r-tidyr bioconductor-GO.db \
r-XML bioconductor-GenomicRanges \
bioconductor-GenomeInfoDb=1 \
bioconductor-GOstats bioconductor-graph bioconductor-Category \
r-base=3.6.3 \
r-Matrix \
bioconductor-AnnotationDbi \
bioconductor-IRanges \
bioconductor-Biobase \
bioconductor-BiocGenerics \
r-rvest \
r-seqinr \
r-RCurl \
r-httr \
conda-ecosystem-user-package-isolation \
r-devtools \
r-data.table \
blast \

# activate conda environment
conda activate cheetah

# enter R shell


install rGO2TR

library("devtools") devtools::install_github("jelber2/rGO2TR",force=TRUE)

type in "3" to not update any libraries

load libraries

library("data.table") library("httr") library("RCurl") library("seqinr") library("rvest") library("GOstats") library("GenomicRanges") library("XML") library("GO.db") library("tidyr") library("rGO2TR")

get cheetah gff file from NCBI

system("wget -c https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/annotation_releases/32536/101/GCF_003709585.1_Aci_jub_2/GCF_003709585.1_Aci_jub_2_genomic.gff.gz")


system("gunzip GCF_003709585.1_Aci_jub_2_genomic.gff.gz")

read in gff3

gff3 <-read.maker.gff3("./GCF_003709585.1_Aci_jub_2_genomic.gff")

filter gff3

gff3.filtered <- filter.gff3(gff3, 'exon')

Get mRNA accession ids from gene annotations with get.mRNA.acc function

mRNA.acc <- get.mRNA.acc(gff3.filtered)

this step takes a long time

Get mRNA translated

mRNA.translated <- get.mRNA.translated(mRNA.acc, mRNA.translated, "jean.elbers@gmail.com", # put your email address here "mRNA.fasta")

A. Get UniProt/Swiss-Prot proteins

system("wget ftp://ftp.uniprot.org/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase/complete/uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz")

B. Decompress the file

system("gunzip uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz")


system("makeblastdb -dbtype prot -in uniprot_sprot.fasta")

D. Perform BLAST search in parallel, requiring at least an E value of 1e-20 or less

for jobs, enter your number of maximum threads/cores

this step takes a very long time

system("cat mRNA.fasta | parallel --no-notice --jobs 96 --block 10k --recstart '>' --pipe blastp -evalue 1e-20 -outfmt 6 -db uniprot_sprot.fasta -query - >> blastp.result")

E. Get the first (i.e., "best") BLAST hit for each protein

system("cat blastp.result | awk '!seen[$1]++' > blastp.result.filtered")

F. Get unique UniProtKB entry-ids from the BLAST search (you will use entry-ids to get gene ontology term ids (i.e., go-ids) for these later)

system("cut -f 2 blastp.result.filtered |cut -f 2 -d '|' |sort -u > UniProtKB-entry-ids-unique.txt")

G. Make a list of your proteins compared to UniProtKB ids from the BLAST search

system("cut -f 1 blastp.result.filtered > UniProtKB-protein-ids.txt")

system("cut -f 2 blastp.result.filtered |cut -f 2 -d '|' > UniProtKB-entry-ids.txt")

system("paste UniProtKB-protein-ids.txt UniProtKB-entry-ids.txt > UniProtKB-protein-entry-list.txt")

H. Use the following code to fetch the go-ids for each entry-id

system('while read i;do wget -q -O - "http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=${i}&format=tab&columns=id%2Cgo-id" |grep -v "Entry" >> UniProtKB-entry-ids-unique-go-ids.txt ;done < UniProtKB-entry-ids-unique.txt')

A. Read in the data

uniprot.output <- read.table("UniProtKB-entry-ids-unique-go-ids.txt",sep = "\t",header=F,na.strings = "")

B. Convert the column V1 as character, not as factors

uniprot.output$V1 <- as.character(uniprot.output$V1)

C. Convert the Go-id column into as character, not as factors

uniprot.output$V2 <- as.character(uniprot.output$V2)

D. Get rid of spaces in column2

uniprot.output$V2 <- gsub(" ", "", uniprot.output$V2)

E. Use tidyr separate rows to convert A1 GO:1,GO:2 to

A1 GO:1

A1 GO:2

uniprot.output <- tidyr::separate_rows(data = uniprot.output,V2,sep = ";")

F. Get rid of uniprot proteins without any GO ids

uniprot.output <- na.omit(uniprot.output)

G. Read in the BLAST results

column 1 is MAKER protein-id and column 2 is the UniProt entry-id

protein.entry.df <- read.table("UniProtKB-protein-entry-list.txt")

H. Make these two columns as characters not factors

protein.entry.df$V1 <- as.character(protein.entry.df$V1) protein.entry.df$V2 <- as.character(protein.entry.df$V2)

I. copy the uniprot data as a new dataframe called protein.go.id.df

protein.go.id.df <- uniprot.output

J. Go through each pair of MAKER protein-ids and UniProt entry-ids and replace the UniProt entry-id with the MAKER protein-id

for (i in 1:nrow(protein.entry.df)){ protein.go.id.df$V1 <- sub(pattern=protein.entry.df$V2[i], replacement=protein.entry.df$V1[i], protein.go.id.df$V1) cat("Protein", i, "of", nrow(protein.entry.df), "\n") }

example using GO term for immune response = GO:0006955

GO.term <- "GO:0006955" # sets GO term as immune response GO.term.descendants <- GOBPOFFSPRING$"GO:0006955" # gets descendants for immune response GO.id.list <- c(GO.term, GO.term.descendants) # makes GO id list

retained.protein.list <- filter.mRNA.GO.list(protein.go.id.df, GO.id.list)

target.region <- create.maker.target.region(retained.protein.list, gff3.filtered)

how many unique genes are there?

cat("There are at least", length(unique(sub("XM_\d+.\d;(\w+)","\1",target.region$tags,perl=TRUE))), "unique genes in the target region, but possibly more because genes in this target region might overlap genes in the gff3 file.")

how many exons are there?

cat("There are at least", length(target.region$tags), "exons in the target region, but possibly more because exons in this target region might overlap exons in the gff3 file.")

final.target.region <- reduce(target.region)

cat("The target region after removing overlaps is", sum(width(final.target.region)), "bp.")

save.target.region.as.bed.file(final.target.region, "cheetah.immunome.bed")

jelber2/rGO2TR documentation built on Feb. 22, 2024, 12:50 p.m.