#' Likelihood ratio p-values for full model vs model with one term (or consecutive terms) removed
#' Runs model without `removeTerm` and performs likelihood ratio test for full model vs nested model.
#' `function(variable)` - eg, `rcs(age, 3)` - is considered one term, as are all levels of a
#' categorical variable.
#' @param orgModel Model object containing full model.
#' @param removeTerm Character string of term(s) to be removed.
#' @param ... Additional arguments specific to method.
#' @importFrom lmtest lrtest
#' @return List with following values from lrtest() or pool.compare(): test degrees of freedom,
#' X^2^ value, and p-value.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{lrtest_removeTerm.default, lrtest_removeTerm.mira}.
lrtest_removeTerm <- function(orgModel, removeTerm, ...) UseMethod("lrtest_removeTerm", orgModel)
#' @describeIn lrtest_removeTerm Default method.
#' @param orgModel Model object containing full model.
#' @param removeTerm Character string of term(s) to be removed.
#' @importFrom lmtest lrtest
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[lmtest]{lrtest}}.
#' @examples
#' ## Fit full model using iris data
#' fullModel <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data = iris)
#' ## What about just the effect of Petal.Length?
#' lrtest_removeTerm(fullModel, 'Petal.Length')
#' ## What about the effect of both Petal variables?
#' lrtest_removeTerm(fullModel, 'Petal.Length + Petal.Width')
lrtest_removeTerm.default <- function(orgModel, removeTerm){
modcall <- as.character(orgModel$call)
if(length(grep(removeTerm, modcall[2], fixed = TRUE)) == 0){
stop('removeTerm must be on the righthand side of the model', call. = FALSE)
newform <- sprintf('%s(%s, data = %s)',
gsub(' \\+ $', '',
gsub('(?<=[_+]) +\\+', '',
gsub(removeTerm, '', modcall[2], fixed = TRUE),
perl = TRUE),
perl = TRUE),
newModel <- eval(parse(text = newform))
lrtestObj <- lmtest::lrtest(orgModel, newModel)
return(list("df" = lrtestObj[1, 1] - lrtestObj[1, 2],
"chisq" = lrtestObj[2, 'Chisq'],
"pvalue" = lrtestObj[2, 'Pr(>Chisq)']))
#' @describeIn lrtest_removeTerm Method for models fit with the mice package.
#' @param orgModel Model object containing full model.
#' @param removeTerm Character string of term(s) to be removed.
#' @param miceObjName Character string; name of `mice` object.
#' @import mice
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[mice]{pool.compare}}.
#' @examples
#' ## Add missingness to iris data
#' iris_missing <- iris
#' iris_missing[sample(1:nrow(iris), size = round(nrow(iris_missing) / 10)), 'Sepal.Width'] <- NA
#' ## Create mice object
#' iris_mice <- mice(iris_missing)
#' #' ## Fit full model using iris data
#' fullModel <- with(iris_mice, lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width))
#' ## What about just the effect of Petal.Length?
#' lrtest_removeTerm(fullModel, 'Petal.Length', 'iris_mice')
#' ## What about the effect of both Petal variables?
#' lrtest_removeTerm(fullModel, 'Petal.Length + Petal.Width', 'iris_mice')
lrtest_removeTerm.mira <- function(orgModel, removeTerm, miceObjName){
## Extract original call from orgModel
modcall <- as.character(orgModel$analyses[[1]]$call)
## Test: is removeTerm included in the original model?
if(length(grep(removeTerm, modcall[2], fixed = TRUE)) == 0){
stop('removeTerm must be on the righthand side of the model', call. = FALSE)
## Take removeTerm out of model RHS and recreate formula argument
newmodform <- gsub(' \\+ $', '',
gsub('(?<=[_+]) +\\+', '',
gsub(removeTerm, '', modcall[2], fixed = TRUE),
perl = TRUE),
perl = TRUE)
## Recreate entire model call
newmodcall <- sprintf('with(%s, %s(%s))', miceObjName, modcall[1], newmodform)
## pool.compare() requires term(s) that are different to be at the end of model formula;
## may need to refit original model.
## What is the original model fit with removeTerm at the end?
orgmodform <- paste(newmodform, removeTerm, sep = ' + ')
## Is the original model's RHS already in this order? If not, refit.
if(!(orgmodform == modcall[2])){
orgmodcall <- sprintf('with(%s, %s(%s))', miceObjName, modcall[1], orgmodform)
orgModel <- eval(parse(text = orgmodcall))
## Fit model without removeTerm
newModel <- eval(parse(text = newmodcall))
lrtestObj <- pool.compare(orgModel, newModel, data = get(miceObjName), method = 'likelihood')
return(list("df" = lrtestObj$df1,
"chisq" = lrtestObj$Dm,
"pvalue" = lrtestObj$pvalue))
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