
Defines functions discretize_variable make_bins

make_bins <- function(x, type = c("equal_range", "equal_mass"), n_bins = NULL) {
  # clean up arguments
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # set grid along x
  if (type == "equal_range") {
    bins <- ggplot2::cut_interval(x, n_bins,
      right = FALSE,
      ordered_result = TRUE, dig.lab = 12
  } else if (type == "equal_mass") {
    bins <- ggplot2::cut_number(x, n_bins,
      right = FALSE,
      ordered_result = TRUE, dig.lab = 12

  # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36581075/extract-the-breakpoints-from-cut
  breaks_left <- as.numeric(sub(".(.+),.+", "\\1", levels(bins)))
  breaks_right <- as.numeric(sub(".+,(.+).", "\\1", levels(bins)))
  breaks <- c(breaks_left[1], breaks_right)

#' @importFrom ggplot2 cut_interval cut_number
discretize_variable <- function(x, type = c("equal_range", "equal_mass"), n_bins = NULL, breaks = NULL) {
  if (is.null(breaks)) {
    breaks <- make_bins(x, type, n_bins)

  # for predict method, only need to assign observations to existing intervals
  # NOTE: findInterval() and cut() might return slightly different results...
  bin_id <- findInterval(x, breaks, all.inside = TRUE)
  x_in_bin <- x - breaks[bin_id]
  list(x_discrete = bin_id, x_in_bin = x_in_bin, breaks = breaks)
jeremyrcoyle/sl3 documentation built on April 30, 2024, 10:16 p.m.