
Defines functions plot_vim tmle3_vim

Documented in plot_vim tmle3_vim

  "Z_stat", "tmle_est", "se", "p_nz", "p_nz_corrected",

#' Compute Variable Importance Measures (VIM) with any given parameter
#' @param tmle_spec \code{\link{tmle3_Spec}}, defines the TMLE
#' @param data \code{data.frame}, the raw data
#' @param node_list \code{list}, defines which variables are which nodes
#' @param learner_list \code{list}, defines which learners are used to fit which
#'  likelihood factors
#' @param adjust_for_other_A Whether or not to adjust for other specified
#'  intervention nodes.
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust pnorm
#' @importFrom foreach foreach "%do%"
#' @export
tmle3_vim <- function(tmle_spec, data, node_list, learner_list = NULL,
                      adjust_for_other_A = TRUE) {
  A_nodes <- node_list$A

  vim_A <- A_nodes[[1]]
  all_estimates <- foreach::foreach(vim_A = A_nodes) %do% {
    vim_node_list <- node_list
    if (adjust_for_other_A) {
      vim_node_list$W <- unique(c(vim_node_list$W, vim_node_list$A))

    vim_node_list$W <- setdiff(vim_node_list$W, vim_A)
    vim_node_list$A <- vim_A

    # TODO: consider if there should be a shared outcome model here
    vim_fit <- tmle3(tmle_spec, data, vim_node_list, learner_list)

    # pull off final estimate
    # TODO: allow estimate to be user-selectable
    fit_summary <- vim_fit$summary
    estimate <- fit_summary[nrow(fit_summary)]
    estimate$A <- vim_A
    estimate$W <- list(list(vim_node_list$W))

  vim_results <- rbindlist(all_estimates)
  vim_results[, Z_stat := tmle_est / se]

  # TODO: think about VIM parameters where H0 is something other than 0
  vim_results[, p_nz := stats::pnorm(-1 * abs(Z_stat))]
  vim_results[, p_nz_corrected := p.adjust(p_nz, method = "BH")]
  vim_results <- vim_results[order(p_nz_corrected)]
  vim_results <- vim_results[, A := factor(A, levels = A)]

#' Plot results of variable importance analysis
#' @param vim_results Object produced by invoking \code{tmle3_vim}.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
plot_vim <- function(vim_results) {
      x = "psi_transformed", xmin = "lower_transformed",
      xmax = "upper_transformed", y = "A"
  ) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_errorbarh() +
    theme_bw() +
    xlab("Importance Measure") +
    ylab("Variable") +
    geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", alpha = 0.5) +
    scale_y_discrete(limits = rev(levels(vim_results$A)))
jeremyrcoyle/tmle3 documentation built on May 20, 2022, 7:36 a.m.