#' Send an Email Notification with Outlook
#' `notify` sends a notification email using a Visual Basic interface to Outlook
#' @param to Character. The recipient(s) of the email.
#' @param subject Character. The subject of the email.
#' @param body Character. The body of the email. If `html = FALSE`, this should
#' be plain text. If `html = TRUE`, this should be HTML text.
#' @param html Is the `body` HTML or plain text? All messages are sent in HTML;
#' this argument determines how messages are parsed.
#' @param fail Should failure cause an error?
#' @param attach Character vector of paths to files (or `NULL`)
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
notify <- function(
subject = "",
body = "",
html = FALSE,
fail = FALSE,
attach = NULL
) {
if (!is_windows()) {
msg <- paste0(
"`notify()` currently only works on Windows",
" due to dependencies on Outlook and Visual Basic"
# Check arguments
message = "`to` must be a `character` vector of email addresses"
message = "`subject` must be a string"
message = "`body` must be a `character` vector"
attach <- path_create(attach)
vec_is_empty(attach) || rlang::is_true(all(as.vector(fs::file_exists(attach)))),
message = paste0(
"`attach` must be a `character` vector of existing file paths or `NULL`"
temp_script <- fs::file_temp("script_", ext = "vbs")
on.exit(fs::file_delete(temp_script), add = TRUE)
mail_to <- paste0("mail.Recipients.Add(\"", to, "\")", collapse = "\n ")
if (html) {
body <- html_to_vb(body, collapse = " ")
} else {
body <- str_to_vb_html(body, collapse = "<br>")
mail_body <- stringr::str_glue("mail.HTMLBody = \"{body}\"")
if (vec_is_empty(attach)) {
attms_add <- ""
} else {
attach <- path_create(attach)
attms_add <- paste0(
"attms.Add \"", path_create(attach), "\"",
collapse = "\n "
script_contents <- stringr::str_glue(
"With CreateObject(\"Outlook.Application\")",
" Set mail = .CreateItem(olMailItem)",
" mail.Subject = \"{subject}\"",
" {mail_to}",
" mail.Recipients.ResolveAll()",
" {mail_body}",
" Set attms = mail.Attachments",
if (!is.null(attach)) " {attms_add}" else "",
" mail.Send()",
"End With",
.sep = "\n"
writeLines(script_contents, con = temp_script)
run_vbs <- rlang::expr({
utils::capture.output(system2("cscript.exe", temp_script)) %>%
stringr::str_remove_all("^\\[[0-9]+\\]") %>%
stringr::str_flatten("\n") %>%
rlang::inform(class = "cmd_output")
if (fail) eval(run_vbs) else try(eval(run_vbs))
#' Convert String to HTML Suitable for Inclusion in VB Script
#' @param string A character vector
#' @param collapse An optional character string to separate the results. Not
#' `NA_character_`.
#' @return An HTML string
str_to_vb_html <- function(string, collapse = NULL) {
string %>%
paste0(collapse = collapse) %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("[\r]?\n", replacement = "<br>") %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("\t", replacement = " ") %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("[\"]", replacement = "\"\"")
html_to_vb <- function(html, collapse = NULL) {
html %>%
paste0(collapse = collapse) %>%
stringr::str_squish() %>%
stringr::str_replace_all("\"", replacement = "\"\"")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.