#' Read a Tabular Data File
#' `read_file` reads delimited- and Excel-type data files. The backend for
#' delimited files is \code{\link[data.table]{fread}}; the backend for Excel
#' files is \code{\link[readxl]{read_excel}}.
#' @param path A string indicating the path to the data file; will be expanded
#' if necessary
#' @param file_type A string indicating the type of file to read; only
#' "delimited" and "excel" files are supported. The default is "auto", which
#' determines the file type from the file extension.
#' @param type_convert Should `read_file()` attempt to guess the data type of
#' the columns after reading?
#' \emph{Note: The default is `TRUE` for compatibility; want to transition to
#' `vroom::vroom()` as backend and swap default to `FALSE`.}
#' @param msg A message to be displayed prior to beginning a file read; for use
#' inside other functions
#' @return A tibble containing the read data
#' @keywords internal
read_file <- function(
file_type = c("auto", "delimited", "excel"),
type_convert = TRUE,
msg = "Reading file..."
) {
# Sanitize, tidy, and expand the given path
path %<>% create_path()
# Clean up the file_type argument
file_type <- file_type[[1]] %>%
stringr::str_squish() %>%
# Guess the file type if file_type == "auto"
if (file_type == "auto") file_type <- guess_filetype(path)
# Make sure that file_type is supported
file_type %in% c("excel", "delimited"),
message = paste0(
"File type is unknown or unsupported.\n",
"If this is a delimited text file with column separators in [,\t |;:], ",
"please specify 'file_type = 'delimited''. ",
"If this is an xls or xlsx file, please specify 'file_type = 'excel''.\n",
"Other file types are not supported."
# Use data.table::fread or readxl::read_excel, depending on type
if (file_type == "delimited") {
# Display 'msg' to console
message(msg, appendLF = TRUE)
# Read, convert to tibble, and attempt to guess column types
# vroom::vroom(
# file = path,
# col_types = vroom::cols(.default = vroom::col_character()),
# na = c("", "NA", "N/A"),
# altrep = TRUE,
# progress = TRUE
# ) %>%
# standardize_dates() %>%
# purrr::when(
# rlang::is_true(type_convert) ~ . %>%
# standardize_dates() %>%
# readr::type_convert(),
# ~ .
# ) %T>%
# {message("Done.")}
file = path,
header = TRUE,
colClasses = "character",
blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
fill = TRUE,
showProgress = TRUE
) %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
rlang::is_true(type_convert) ~ eval(.) %>%
standardize_dates() %>%
~ .
) %T>%
} else if (file_type == "excel") {
# Display 'msg' to console
message(msg, appendLF = FALSE)
# Read as tibble and attempt to guess column types (using all columns)
trim_ws = TRUE,
guess_max = .Machine$integer.max %/% 100L
) %T>%
#' Efficently Read Delimited Files
#' `read_file_delim()` reads delimited files using
#' \code{\link[vroom:vroom]{vroom()}}. This allows the use of ALTREP columns,
#' which don't load data into memory until they are needed.
#' By default, `read_file_delim()` does not attempt to guess column types and
#' reads all columns as character. This can be changed by setting
#' `col_types = vroom::cols(.default = vroom::col_guess())`. If columns are
#' guessed, the default is to use all rows; this can be changed by setting
#' `guess_max` to a different value.
#' This saves a
#' significant amount of time and space when loading data with many rarely used
#' columns.`read_file_delim()` will eventually be paired with
#' `read_file_excel()` to replace the internals of
#' \code{\link[coviData:read_file]{read_file()}}.
#' @inheritParams vroom::vroom
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to \code{\link[vroom:vroom]{vroom()}}
#' @return A `tibble` if reading one file; a list of `tibble`s if reading
#' multiple
#' @export
read_file_delim <- function(
col_select = NULL,
col_types = vroom::cols(.default = vroom::col_character()),
na = c("", ".", "NA", "na", "Na", "N/A", "n/a", "N/a",
"NULL", "null", "Null"),
guess_max = .Machine$integer.max %/% 100L,
delim = NULL,
) {
file = path_create(file),
delim = delim,
col_types = col_types,
col_select = if (is.null(col_select)) vroom::everything() else col_select,
na = na,
guess_max = guess_max,
#' Read Excel Files
#' `read_file_excel()` reads Excel files using
#' \code{\link[readxl:read_excel]{read_excel()}}.
#' By default, `read_file_excel()` does not attempt to guess column types and
#' reads all columns as character. This can be changed by setting
#' `col_types = "guess"`. If columns are
#' guessed, the default is to use all rows; this can be changed by setting
#' `guess_max` to a different value.
#' Note that when reading Excel files as character, dates will be read as the
#' Excel numeric representation in character format
#' (i.e. the date 2020-01-01 will be read as `"43831"`). These dates can be
#' parsed into `Date` format using \code{\link[coviData:std_dates]{std_dates()}}
#' or any of the janitor package's date conversion functions (the most basic
#' being \code{\link[janitor:excel_numeric_to_date]{excel_numeric_to_date()}}).
#' `read_file_excel()` will eventually be paired with
#' `read_file_delim()` to replace the internals of
#' \code{\link[coviData:read_file]{read_file()}}.
#' @inheritParams readxl::read_excel
#' @param file Path to the xls/xlsx file
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to
#' \code{\link[readxl:read_excel]{read_excel()}}
#' @return A `tibble`
#' @export
read_file_excel <- function(
range = NULL,
col_types = "text",
na = c("", ".", "NA", "na", "Na", "N/A", "n/a", "N/a",
"NULL", "null", "Null"),
guess_max = .Machine$integer.max %/% 100L,
) {
path = path_create(file),
range = range,
col_types = col_types,
na = na,
guess_max = guess_max,
#' Read NBS Files
#' @description
#' `read_inv()` reads investigation data files
#' `read_pct()` reads PCR data files
#' @param date The download date of the data file to read
#' @inheritParams read_file_delim
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to
#' \code{\link[coviData:read_file_delim]{read_file_delim()}}
#' @return A `tibble`
#' @name read-nbs
#' @rdname read-nbs
#' @export
read_inv <- function(
date = NULL,
col_select = NULL,
col_types = vroom::cols(.default = vroom::col_character()),
) {
file = path_inv(date = date),
col_select = col_select,
col_types = col_types,
) %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
set_attr("date", date_inv(date))
#' @rdname read-nbs
#' @export
read_pcr <- function(
date = NULL,
col_select = NULL,
col_types = vroom::cols(.default = vroom::col_character()),
) {
file = path_pcr(date = date),
col_select = col_select,
col_types = col_types,
) %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
set_attr("date", date_inv(date))
#' Read Investigation ID by Status
#' @param date The download date of the data
#' @param status Should positive or negative IDs be returned?
#' @return A `tibble` with `character` column `inv_local_id`
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
read_inv_id <- function(date = NULL, status = c("+", "-")) {
dplyr::as_tibble(fst::read_fst(path_inv_id(date, status)))
#' Read Vaccination Data
#' @param date The download date of the data
#' @inherit read-nbs params return
#' @export
read_vac <- function(
date = NULL,
col_select = NULL,
col_types = vroom::cols(.default = vroom::col_character()),
) {
file = path_vac(date),
col_select = col_select,
col_types = col_types,
) %>%
janitor::clean_names() %>%
set_attr("date", date_vac(date))
#' Deprecated - Use `read_vac()` (now the backend of this function)
#' @param date The download date of the data
#' @param ext Deprecated
#' @param path Deprecated
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to
#' \code{\link[coviData:read_vac]{read_vac()}}
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
vac_load <- function(
date = NULL,
ext = c("csv", "xlsx"),
path = character(),
) {
if (!vec_is_empty(path)) {
"`path` is deprecated in `vac_load()`; `date` will be used instead"
ext <- rlang::arg_match(ext)[[1L]]
if (!rlang::is_true(ext == "csv")) {
"`ext` is deprecated in `vac_load()`; the csv file is always read"
read_vac(date = date, ...)
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