
Defines functions gamma_acceptance_rates acceptance.rate mMatrixPosteriorSummary normalizedMisclassificationMatrix rawMisclassificationMatrix getRawCSMF calibvaCSMFPosteriorSummary calibvaCSMFPosteriorSamples map_causes

Documented in calibvaCSMFPosteriorSamples calibvaCSMFPosteriorSummary gamma_acceptance_rates getRawCSMF map_causes mMatrixPosteriorSummary normalizedMisclassificationMatrix rawMisclassificationMatrix

#' Maps cause predictions to broader causes
#' @param causes Either a character vector with the single predicted cause per individual,
#' or a matrix with each row giving cause predictions for an individual. The columns
#' of this matrix must have the original cause names
#' @param cause_map A data frame, with a column \code{cause} giving the original cause,
#' and a column \code{broad_cause} giving the broader cause corresponding to the 
#' original cause
#' @return A matrix giving individual probabilities for the broad causes
#' @export
map_causes <- function(causes, cause_map) {
    ### If it's a character, assume we're using the top cause
    broad_causes <- sort(unique(cause_map$broad_cause))
    if(is.character(causes)) {
        map_index <- match(causes, cause_map$cause)
        broad_cause_map <- cause_map$broad_cause[map_index]
        cause_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(causes), ncol = length(broad_causes))
        for(i in 1:nrow(cause_mat)) {
            cause_mat[i, which(broad_causes == broad_cause_map[i])] <- 1
        colnames(cause_mat) <- broad_causes 
    } else {
        cause_mat <- causes
        colnames(cause_mat) <- cause_map$broad_cause[match(colnames(cause_mat),
        mn <- model.matrix(~ colnames(cause_mat) + 0)
        cause_mat <- cause_mat %*% mn
        colnames(cause_mat) <- gsub("colnames\\(cause_mat\\)", "",
        cause_mat <- cause_mat[,broad_causes]
        rownames(cause_mat) <- NULL

#' @title organizes the posterior samples for the CSMF parameters from
#' \code{calibva.sampler} into a tibble
#' @param calibva.samples a list returned from \code{calibva.sampler}
#' @param causes the cause vector input to CalibVA
#' @return a tibble with each row representing a draw from the posterior sample
#' of the CSMF for a given cause 
#' @importFrom ggmcmc ggs
#' @export
calibvaCSMFPosteriorSamples <- function(calibva.samples, causes) {
    C <- length(causes)
    P <- data.frame(
        Parameter = paste0("p[", 1:C, "]"),
        Label = causes
    p_tibble <- ggmcmc::ggs(calibva.samples, family = "p", par_labels = P) %>%
        rename(cause = Parameter)

#' @title collect CSMF posterior summaries from the CalibVA sampler
#' @param calibvaCSMFPosteriorSamples a tibble returned from \code{calibvaCSMFPosteriorSamples}
#' @param percentile.L the lower percentile for a credible interval. Default .025
#' @param percentile.U the upper percentile for a credible interval. Default .975
#' @return a tibble with the posterior means, and confidence intervals of the CSMF and the names of each cause, for each of the posterior samples that are obtained
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
calibvaCSMFPosteriorSummary <- function(calibvaCSMFPosteriorSamples, percentile.L = .025, percentile.U = .975) {
    p_summary <-
        calibvaCSMFPosteriorSamples %>%
        group_by(cause, ParameterOriginal) %>%
        summarize(mean = mean(value), var = var(value),
                  ci.L = quantile(value, percentile.L), ci.U = quantile(value, percentile.U)) 

#' @title Obtain raw CSMF estimates from verbal autopsy guesses
#' @param test.cod will be a vector of length N, with each entry as the estimated
#' COD (as a character)for indiv. i 
#' @param causes is a character vector with the names of the causes you are interested i
#' @return a data frame with the causes as one column and the CSMF for each cause as 
#' the second column
#' @export
getRawCSMF <- function(test.cod, causes) {
    csmf <- sapply(causes, function(c) mean(test.cod == c))
    return(data.frame(cause = causes, csmf = csmf))

#' @title obtain the raw misclassification matrix using gold standard and VA COD
#' @param calib.cod will be a vector of length N, with each entry as the estimated
#' COD (as a character) for indiv. i in the calibration set
#' @param calib.truth is a character vector with the true COD for each subject in the
#' calibration set
#' @return an integer matrix T where (i,j)th entry is the number of subjects
#' in the calibration set with gold standard COD i and VA COD j
#' @export
rawMisclassificationMatrix <- function(calib.cod, calib.truth, causes) {
    C <- length(causes)
    T.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = C, ncol = C, dimnames = list(causes, causes))
    for(i in 1:C){
        for(j in 1:C){
          T.mat[i,j] <- sum(calib.truth == causes[i] & calib.cod == causes[j])

#' @title normalize the raw misclassification matrix by row
#' @param T.mat an integer matrix produced by \code{rawMisclassificationMatrix}
#' @return A numeric matrix, where the rows are the conditional misclassification
#' probabilities
#' @export
normalizedMisclassificationMatrix <- function(T.mat) {
    C <- ncol(T.mat)
    M.mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(T.mat), ncol = ncol(T.mat))
    colnames(M.mat) <- colnames(T.mat)
    rownames(M.mat) <- rownames(T.mat)
    for(i in 1:C) {
        rowSum <- sum(T.mat[i,])
        M.mat[i,] <- T.mat[i,] / rowSum

#' @title Get the posterior mean and variance for the M matrix
#' @param calibva.samples a mcmc.list object with samples from the CalibVA sampler
#' @param causes the cause vector input to CalibVA
#' @param output.format either "matrix" or "tibble" 
#' @return Either a tibble with the entry wise posterior means or a list of matrices
#' with the posterior means stored as m_posterior_mean and the posterior variance
#' stored as m_posterior_variance 
#' @import ggmcmc
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
mMatrixPosteriorSummary <- function(calibva.samples, causes, output.format = c("matrix", "tibble")[1]) {
    if(!(output.format %in% c("matrix", "tibble"))) {
        stop("output.format must be either a matrix or tibble")
    C <- length(causes)
    P <- data.frame(
        Parameter = paste0(paste0("M[", rep(1:C, C), ","), rep(1:C, each = C), "]"),
        Label = paste0(rep(causes, C), ",", rep(causes, each = C))
    m_tibble <- ggmcmc::ggs(calibva.samples, family = "M", par_labels = P)
    m_summary <-
        m_tibble %>%
        group_by(Parameter, ParameterOriginal) %>%
        summarize(mean = mean(value), var = var(value))
    if(output.format == "tibble") {
    } else {
        mean.M <- matrix(NA, nrow = C, ncol = C, dimnames = list(causes, causes))
        var.M <- matrix(NA, nrow = C, ncol = C, dimnames = list(causes, causes))
        for(i in 1:nrow(mean.M)){
            for(j in 1:ncol(mean.M)) {
                m.entry <- filter(m_summary, ParameterOriginal == paste0("M[", i, ",", j, "]"))
                mean.M[i,j] <- m.entry$mean
                var.M[i,j] <- m.entry$var
        return(list(m_posterior_mean = mean.M, m_posterior_var = var.M))

acceptance.rate <- function(x) {
    naccept <- 0
    for(i in 2:length(x)) {
        if(x[i] != x[i-1]) {
            naccept <- naccept + 1
    return(naccept / (length(x) + 1))

#' @title computes the acceptance rates for each gamma parameter from a
#' \code{calibva.sampler} object for each chain
#' @param calibva.samples a list returned from \code{calibva.sampler}
#' @return a tibble giving the acceptance rate for each gamma parameter in a chain
#' @import ggmcmc
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
gamma_acceptance_rates <- function(calibva.samples) {
    gamma.tibble <- ggs(calibva.samples, family = "gamma")
    acceptance_rates <-
        gamma.tibble %>%
        group_by(Chain, Parameter) %>%
        summarize(rate = acceptance.rate(value))
jfiksel/CalibratedVA documentation built on Nov. 14, 2022, 2:59 p.m.