
Defines functions PlotRaster

Documented in PlotRaster

PlotRaster <- function(grd, zcol, pts, ply, net.idxs, rm.idxs, xlim, ylim, at,
                       pal=heat.colors, contour=FALSE, label.contours=FALSE,
                       label.pts=FALSE, main="", gr.type="windows",
                       gr.file=NULL, width=7, height=NA, lo=list(),
                       ll.lines=FALSE) {

  # Transform points and polygon projection and datum
  crs <- CRS(proj4string(grd))
  if (!missing(pts))
    pts <- spTransform(pts, crs)
  if (!missing(ply))
    ply <- spTransform(ply, crs)
  for (i in seq(along=lo)) {
    if (is.list(lo[[i]]) && length(lo[[i]]) > 1) {
      obj <- lo[[i]][[2]]
      ans <- try(proj4string(obj), silent=TRUE)
      if (!inherits(ans, "try-error"))
        lo[[i]][[2]] <- spTransform(obj, crs)

  # Add points to layout
  if (!missing(pts)) {
    idxs <- 1:length(pts)
    if (!missing(net.idxs) && is.numeric(net.idxs)) {
      not.net.idxs <- idxs[-net.idxs]
    } else {
      net.idxs <- idxs
      not.net.idxs <- c()
    if (!missing(rm.idxs) && is.numeric(rm.idxs)) {
      net.idxs <- net.idxs[!net.idxs %in% rm.idxs]
    } else {
      rm.idxs <- c()
    if (length(not.net.idxs) > 0)
      lo[[length(lo) + 1L]] <- list("sp.points", pts[not.net.idxs, ], pch=21,
                                    cex=0.5, col="black", fill="light gray")
    if (length(net.idxs) > 0)
      lo[[length(lo) + 1L]] <- list("sp.points", pts[net.idxs, ], pch=21,
                                    cex=0.5, col="black", fill="white")
    if (length(rm.idxs) > 0)
      lo[[length(lo) + 1L]] <- list("sp.points", pts[rm.idxs, ], pch=4,
                                    cex=0.5, col="black", lwd=2)

  # Add point labels to layout
  labs <- NULL
  if (!missing(pts)) {
    if (is.logical(label.pts) && label.pts) {
      labs <- as.character(1:nrow(pts))
    } else if (is.character(label.pts) && label.pts %in% names(pts)) {
      labs <- as.character(pts[[label.pts]])
    if (!is.null(labs)) {
      xy <- coordinates(pts)
      n <- length(lo)
      for (i in 1:nrow(xy)) {
        lo[[n + i]] <- list("sp.text", loc=xy[i, ], txt=labs[i], cex=0.5)

  # Determine axis limits
  bbox.grd <- bbox(grd)
  if (missing(xlim))
    xlim <- range(pretty(extendrange(bbox.grd[1,]), n=7))
  if (missing(ylim))
    ylim <- range(pretty(extendrange(bbox.grd[2,]), n=7))

  # Exclude raster data outside of axis limits
  coords <- as.data.frame(coordinates(grd))
  is.in.bbox <- coords[, 1] >= xlim[1] & coords[, 1] <= xlim[2] &
                coords[, 2] >= ylim[1] & coords[, 2] <= ylim[2]
  grd[[zcol]][!is.in.bbox] <- NA

  # Exclude raster data outside of polygon
  if (!missing(ply))
    grd[[zcol]] <- grd[[zcol]] * over(as(grd, "SpatialPoints"),
                                      as(ply, "SpatialPolygons"))

  # Add polygon to layout
  if (!missing(ply))
    lo[[length(lo) + 1L]] <- list("sp.polygons", ply, col="black", first=FALSE)

  # Calculate aspect ratio, used by default in spplot
  asp <- mapasp(grd, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)

  # Set height of graphics device
  if (is.na(height))
    height <- 7
  if (inherits(asp, "numeric"))
    height <- width * asp

  # Set generic plot arguments
  colorkey <- list(width=1, space="right", labels=list(rot=-90))
  scales <- list(draw=TRUE, y=list(rot=90, tck=-1), x=list(tck=-1))

  # Set axis breakpoints
  if (missing(at))
    at <- pretty(grd[[zcol]], n=20)

  # Set color palettes
  n <- length(at) - 1L
  cols <- pal(n)

  # Add spatial scale legend to layout
  if (!is.projected(grd)) {
    x <- xlim[1] + diff(xlim) * 0.02
    y <- ylim[2] - diff(ylim) * 0.06
    dx.1 <- 1
    dm.1 <- spDistsN1(cbind(dx.1, y), c(0, y), longlat=TRUE)
    xseq <- pretty(xlim)[1:2]
    dm <- spDistsN1(cbind(xseq[2], y), c(xseq[1], y), longlat=TRUE)
    dm.2 <- pretty(c(0, dm), n=1)[2]
    dx.2 <- dm.2 / dm.1
    leg.scale <- list("SpatialPolygonsRescale", layout.scale.bar(),
                      offset=c(x, y), scale=dx.2, fill=c("white", "black"))
    txt1 <- list("sp.text", loc=c(x, y - dx.2 * 0.05), txt="0", cex=0.75)
    txt2 <- list("sp.text", loc=c(x + dx.2, y - dx.2 * 0.05),
                 txt=paste(dm.2, "km"), cex=0.75)
    lo[[length(lo) + 1L]] <- leg.scale
    lo[[length(lo) + 1L]] <- txt1
    lo[[length(lo) + 1L]] <- txt2

  # Add long-lat grid lines to layout
  if (ll.lines && is.projected(grd)) {
    obj <- SpatialPoints(cbind(xlim, ylim), proj4string=crs)
    obj.ll <- spTransform(obj, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
    easts  <- pretty(bbox(obj.ll)[1, ])
    norths <- pretty(bbox(obj.ll)[2, ])
    grd.ll <- gridlines(obj.ll, easts=easts, norths=norths, ndiscr=50)
    grd.xy <- spTransform(grd.ll, CRS(proj4string(obj)))
    lo[[length(lo) + 1L]] <- list("sp.lines", grd.xy, lty=3, first=FALSE)

  # Final check on layout components
  if (length(lo) == 0)
    lo <- NULL

  # Open graphics device
  OpenGraphicsDevice(gr.file, type=gr.type, w=width, h=height)

  # Draw plots
  p <- spplot(grd, zcol=zcol, outer=FALSE, aspect=asp,
              scales=scales, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
              col.regions=cols, at=at, main=main,
              colorkey=colorkey, sp.layout=lo,
              contour=contour, labels=label.contours,
              pretty=TRUE, col="gray")

  if (gr.type != "windows")
jfisher-usgs/ObsNetwork documentation built on Jan. 3, 2020, 4:35 p.m.