
Defines functions comp_comparisons

Documented in comp_comparisons

#' Make Comparisons
#' Calculates the treatment comparison portion of a table comparing relative abundances of each taxon among treatments.
#' @param otu.pc An OTU table of percentages.
#' @param otu.pc.trans An OTU table of transfromed data.
#' @param grps A vector of treatemnt groups for which to make comparisons.
#' @param p.adjust.method Adjustment method for multiple comparisons.
#' @param pool.sd A logical, whether or not to pool standard deviations.
#' @return A data frame of differences in relative abundances among treatments.
#' @export
#' @examples
comp_comparisons <- function(otu.pc, otu.pc.trans, grps, p.adjust.method = "BH", pool.sd = FALSE) {
  # Prepare comparison results matrix
  comp.sum <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(otu.pc.trans), ncol=(length(levels(grps)) + 1))
  colnames(comp.sum) <- c("Taxon", levels(grps))

  # Fill comparison result matrix
  for (i in 1:nrow(otu.pc.trans)) {
    taxrank.name <- as.character(rownames(otu.pc)[i]) # gets taxon name

    # Calculate means and standard deviations by row
    df <- data.frame(otu.pc[i, ], grps)
    colnames(df) <- c("value", "grps")
    avg <- tapply(df[ , 1], df[ , 2], mean) # calculates means
    std.dev <- tapply(df[ , 1], df[ , 2], sd) # calculates sd
    avg <- round(avg, 2)
    std.dev <- round(std.dev, 2)
    l <- paste(avg, "+/-", std.dev, sep = "")

    # Pairwise t-tests
    x <- pairwise.t.test(otu.pc.trans[ i, ], g = grps, p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method, pool.sd = pool.sd)

    # Get letter assignments for results; allow for NAs, NaNs in results
    x <- get_groups(x)$p.matrix
    x <- replace(x, is.na(x), 0)
    ltrs <- multcompLetters(x)
    ltrs <- unname(ltrs$Letters)

    # Paste results together
    comp <- paste(l, ltrs, sep="")
    comp.sum[ i, ] <- c(taxrank.name, comp)

  # Make first column rownames, then drop first column
  rownames(comp.sum) <- comp.sum[ , 1]
  comp.sum <- comp.sum[ , -1]

jfq3/QsRutils documentation built on Jan. 18, 2021, 12:40 a.m.