
Defines functions solution2matrix solution2factor gSubDivStrat

gSubDivStrat <- function(rownames, colnames, distspec, group,
                         allow_duplicates, return_style,
                         min.cpt, max.cpt, tolerance, omit.fraction=NULL,
                         matched.distances=FALSE, replace_value)
  if (min.cpt <=0 | max.cpt<=0) {
    stop("inputs min.cpt, max.cpt must be positive")

  if (!all(rownames %in% dimnames(distspec)[[1]])) {
    stop("input \'rownames\' may only contain row names of input \'distspec\'")

  if (!all(colnames %in% dimnames(distspec)[[2]])) {
    stop("input \'rownames\' may only contain col. names of input \'distspec\'")

  # distance must have a prepareMatching object
  if (!hasMethod("prepareMatching", class(distspec))) {
    stop("Argument \'distspec\' must have a \'prepareMatching\' method")

  # convert the distspec into a cannonical matching specification with columns
  # treated, control, distance
  dm <- prepareMatching(distspec)
  dm$group <- group[as.character(dm$control)]
  dm$group <- factor(dm$group, levels = unique(dm$group))
  if (any(is.na(dm$group))) {
    stop("Missing at least one group name")

  rownames <- as.character(rownames)
  colnames <- as.character(colnames)
  rfeas <- length(unique(dm$treated))
  cfeas <- length(unique(dm$control))

  # If any controls were unmatchable, they were dropped by prepareMatching, and
  # positive `omit.fraction`'s need to be updated.
  if (cfeas < length(colnames) & is.numeric(omit.fraction) && omit.fraction >0) {
    # Denominators before and after unmatchables were removed
    if (allow_duplicates) {
      # Scenario 2: denominator is number of duplicates
      denom0 <- length(colnames)
      denom1 <- cfeas
    } else {
      # Scenario 1: denominator is number of unique controls
      denom0 <- length(unique(group[colnames]))
      denom1 <- length(unique(dm$group))

    # New omit.fraction
    original_number_to_omit <- omit.fraction * denom0
    number_implicitly_omitted_already <- denom0 - denom1
    omit.fraction <- (original_number_to_omit -
    # This can happen if the number to be omitted is less than the number of unmatchables
    if (omit.fraction <= 0) {
      omit.fraction <- NULL

  # ... and similarly in the case of negative `omit.fraction` if there were
  # treatments that couldn't be matched.
  if (rfeas < length(rownames) & is.numeric(omit.fraction) && omit.fraction <0) {
    original_number_to_omit <- -1*omit.fraction*length(rownames)
    number_implicitly_omitted_already <- length(rownames) - rfeas
    omit.fraction <- - (original_number_to_omit - number_implicitly_omitted_already)/rfeas
    # This can happen if the number to be omitted is less than the number of unmatchables
    if (omit.fraction >= 0) {
      omit.fraction <- NULL

  if (floor(min.cpt) > ceiling(max.cpt) | ceiling(1/min.cpt) < floor(1/max.cpt))
    ans <- rep("NA",length(rownames)+length(colnames))
    names(ans) <- c(rownames, colnames)
    return(list(cells=ans, maxerr=NULL, distance=NULL))

  # the next block of code, the dm <- ... is commented out as
  # dm is no longer a matrix. Completely unreachable entries may be a
  # problem later, but
  if (is.null(omit.fraction)) {
    f.ctls <- 1
    # dm <- matrix(dm[rfeas, cfeas], sum(rfeas), sum(cfeas),
    # dimnames=list(rownames[rfeas], colnames[cfeas]))
  } else {
    if (!is.numeric(omit.fraction) | omit.fraction <0 | omit.fraction > 1) {
      stop("omit.fraction must be null or between 0 and 1")

    f.ctls <- 1-omit.fraction
    # dm <- matrix(dm[rfeas,], sum(rfeas), length(colnames),
    #              dimnames=list(rownames[rfeas], colnames))

  if (any(rfeas) & any(cfeas))
    old.o <- options(warn=-1)

    if (any(dm$distance > 0)) {
      reso <- (.Machine$integer.max/64 -2)/max(dm$distance)
    } else {
      reso <- min(.Machine$integer.max/64 -2, (sum(rfeas)+sum(cfeas))/tolerance)

    if (tolerance>0 & sum(rfeas)>1 & sum(cfeas)>1) {
      reso <- min(reso, (sum(rfeas) + sum(cfeas) - 2)/tolerance)


    # gmatch returns a matrix with columns `treatment`, `control`, and `solution`
    # it also has a column `distance` with toIntFuction(dm * reso)
    .matcher <- function(toIntFunction) {
      tmp <- dm
      tmp$distance <- toIntFunction(dm$distance * reso)
      gmatch(distance = tmp, group = group, allow_duplicates = allow_duplicates,
             max.row.units = ceiling(1/min.cpt),
             max.col.units = ceiling(max.cpt),
             min.col.units = max(1, floor(min.cpt)), f=f.ctls, replace_value = replace_value)


    temp <- .matcher(floor)

    if (any(is.na(temp$solution))) {
      maxerr <- 0
    } else {
      maxerr <- sum(temp$solution * dm$distance, na.rm = TRUE) -
        sum(temp$solution * temp$distance, na.rm = TRUE) / reso +
        (sum(rfeas) > 1 & sum(cfeas) > 1) *
        (sum(rfeas) + sum(cfeas) - 2 - sum(temp$solution)) / reso

    if (maxerr > tolerance)
      temp1 <- temp
      temp2 <- .matcher(round)

      if  (sum(temp1$solution * dm$distance, na.rm = TRUE) <= sum(temp2$solution * dm$distance, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        temp <- temp1
      } else {
        temp <- temp2

      maxerr <- sum(temp$solution * dm$distance, na.rm = TRUE) -
        sum(temp1$solution * temp$distance, na.rm = TRUE)/reso +
        (max(1, sum(rfeas) - 1) + max(1, sum(cfeas) - 1) -
           (sum(rfeas) == 1 & sum(cfeas) == 1) - sum(temp1$solution)) / reso

    ### NOTE: this if statment not yet updated to new gmatch data format.
    if (matched.distances) {
      if (all(!is.na(temp$solution))) {
        dma <- max(dm[as.logical(temp$solution)])
        dist <- c(apply(temp$solution * pmin(dm, dma), 1, sum),
                  apply(temp$solution * pmin(dm, dma), 2, sum))

        dist[c(rep(FALSE, dim(temp)[1]),
               apply(temp * apply(temp, 1, sum), 2, sum) == 1)] <- NA

        dist[c(apply(temp, 1, sum) > 1, apply(temp, 2, sum) > 1)] <- NA

      } else{
        dist <- rep(NA, sum(dim(temp)))
        mode(dist) <- "numeric"
        names(dist) <- unlist(dimnames(temp))
    } else {
      dist <- 0
  } else {
    temp <- 0 ; maxerr <- 0 ; dist <- 0

  if (return_style == "vector") {
    # vector-style return object
    ans <- rep(NA,length(rownames)+length(colnames))
    names(ans) <- c(rownames, colnames)
    matches <- solution2factor(temp)
    ans[names(matches)] <- matches
  } else {
    # matrix-style return object
    ans <- solution2matrix(temp)

  return(list(cells = ans, err = maxerr))

# a small helper function to turn a solution data.frame into a factor of matches
solution2factor <- function(s) {
  s2 <- s[s$solution == 1,]

  if (dim(s2)[1] == 0) {

  # control units are labeled by the first treated unit to which they are connected
  # unlist(as.list(...)) was the best way I could find to make this into a vector, keeping names
  control.links <- unlist(as.list(by(s2, s2$control, function(x) { x[1,"treated"] })))

  # treated units are labeld by the label of the first control unit to which they are connected
  treated.links <- unlist(as.list(by(s2, s2$treated, function(x) { control.links[x[1, "control"]][1] })))

  # join the links
  return(c(treated.links, control.links))


solution2matrix <- function(s) {
  s2 <- s[s$solution == 1,]

  if (dim(s2)[1] == 0) {

  # Make matrix output
  # Aggregate data by the first column.
  # Do not apply any transformation to the data (use the identity function)
  ag <- aggregate(s2$control, FUN = identity, by = list(s2$treated))
  # Find the treated unit with maximum number of matched controls
  maxlen <- max(sapply(ag$x, length))
  if(maxlen == 1){
    res <- as.matrix(ag$x)
  } else {
    # Transform the list to a matrix
    res <- t(sapply(ag$x, function(x){c(x, rep(NA, maxlen - length(x)))}))

  row.names(res) <- ag[, 1]
  # return matrix with rownames the treated units and column entries the matched controls

  # control units are labeled by the first treated unit to which they are connected
  # unlist(as.list(...)) was the best way I could find to make this into a vector, keeping names
  # vector with control unit id as name and id of matched treated unit as value
  #control.links <- unlist(as.list(by(s2, s2$control, function(x) { x[1,"treated"] })))

  # treated units are labeld by the label of the first control unit to which they are connected
  # vector with treated unit id as name and same id as matched control units as value
  #treated.links <- unlist(as.list(by(s2, s2$treated, function(x) { control.links[x[1, "control"]][1] })))

  # join the links
  #return(c(treated.links, control.links))

jgellar/GroupMatch documentation built on Nov. 8, 2022, 10:48 p.m.