
Defines functions Predict.matrix.ar.smooth smooth.construct.ar.smooth.spec

Documented in Predict.matrix.ar.smooth smooth.construct.ar.smooth.spec

#' Autoregressive Penalty
#' The \code{ar} "basis" uses a separate coefficient for each value of
#' the variables this is a smooth function of. The coefficients are penalized
#' with an autoregressive penalty. This basis is useful when there are not very
#' many unique values of the variable, making dimension reduction unnecessary.
#' @param object a smooth specification object, generated by \code{s()},
#'   \code{te()}, \code{ti()}, or \code{t2()}, with \code{bs="ar"}. The order of
#'   the autoregressive penalty is specified using the \code{m} argument, with
#'   the default being AR(2).
#' @param data a list containing just the data (including any by variable)
#'   required by this term, with names corresponding to \code{object$term}
#'   (and \code{object$by}). The \code{by} variable is the last element.
#' @param knots a list containing any knots supplied for basis setup - in same
#'    order and with same names as \code{data}. If supplied, coefficients
#'    will be used only at the indicated knot values. If \code{NULL},
#'    all observed data values will be used.
#' @details
#' Note that the predict method needs to have the ability to evaluate the
#' basis at any point in the range of the data; this requires interpolation
#' for values between the observed data. The default is to use linear
#' interpolation to evaluate the basis at these points. Alternative
#' interpolation methods may be specified using the \code{xt} argument of the
#' function used to create \code{object} (usually \code{s()}). \code{xt="lowess"}
#' indicates lowess smoothing, and \code{xt="bspline"} indicates (unpenalized)
#' b-spline smoothing. This method will also be used in the construction of the
#' basis if the user specifies knots that are not equal to the unique data values.
#' @author Jonathan Gellar \email{JGellar@@mathematica-mpr.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link[mgcv]{smooth.construct}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats approx
#' @importFrom stats loess
#' @importFrom mgcv Predict.matrix
#' @importFrom mgcv smooth.construct

smooth.construct.ar.smooth.spec <- function(object, data, knots) {
  k <- object$bs.dim
  interp <- ifelse(is.null(object$xt), "linear", object$xt)
  knots <- knots[[object$term]]
  if (is.null(knots)) {
    knots <- unique(data[[1]])
  knots <- knots[order(knots)]
  if (k!=-1 & k!=length(knots)) {
    warning("ignoring k due to mismatch with the number of knots")
  k <- length(knots)
  # Model matrix
  X <- if (all(data[[1]] %in% knots)) {
    # No interpolation needed
    model.matrix(~factor(data[[1]], levels=knots))
  } else {
    # Requires interpolation
    f0 <- model.matrix(~factor(knots))
    sapply(1:nrow(f0), function(j) {
      if (tolower(interp)=="linear") {
        approx(knots, f0[,j], data[[1]])$y
      } else if (tolower(interp) %in% c("loess", "lowess")) {
        predict(loess(y ~ x, data=data.frame(y=f0[,j], x=knots)),
      } else if (tolower(interp)%in% c("bs", "bspline")) {
        predict(mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, bs="ps"), data=data.frame(y=f0[,j], x=knots)),
        #stop("b-spline interpolation not yet implemented")
      } else {
        stop(paste0("Interpolation method ", object$interpolation,
                    " not supported."))
  # Difference Penalty
  m <- object$p.order
  if (is.na(m)) m <- 2 # Default
  L <- diag(k)
  for (i in 1:m) L <- diff(L)
  L1 <- L[nrow(L),]
  for (i in 1:m) {
    L1 <- c(0, L1[-k])
    L <- rbind(L, L1)
  D <- t(L) %*% L
  # Modify return object
  object$X <- X
  object$S <- list(D)
  object$knots <- knots
  object$bs.dim <- k
  object$rank <- qr(D)$rank
  object$null.space.dim <- k - object$rank
  object$df <- k #need this for gamm
  object$interpolation <- interp
  class(object) <- "ar.smooth"

#' Predict.matrix method for ar basis
#' @param object a \code{ar.smooth} object created by
#'   \code{\link{smooth.construct.ar.smooth.spec}}, see
#'   \code{\link[mgcv]{smooth.construct}}
#' @param data  see \code{\link[mgcv]{smooth.construct}}
#' @return design matrix for \code{dt} terms
#' @author Jonathan Gellar
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix approx predict
Predict.matrix.ar.smooth <- function(object, data) {
  # Prediction method for parameteric ar basis
  if (all(data[[1]] %in% object$knots)) {
    # No interpolation needed
    newx <- factor(data[[1]], levels=object$knots)
  } else {
    # Requires interpolation!
    f0 <- model.matrix(~factor(object$knots))
    sapply(1:nrow(f0), function(j) {
      if (object$interpolation=="linear") {
        approx(object$knots,f0[,j], data[[1]])$y
      } else if (object$interpolation %in% c("loess", "lowess")) {
        predict(loess(y ~ x, data=data.frame(y=f0[,j], x=object$knots)),
      } else if (object$interpolation %in% c("bs", "bspline")) {
        predict(mgcv::gam(y ~ s(x, bs="ps", k=object$bs.dim, sp=0),
                    data=data.frame(y=f0[,j], x=object$knots)),
      } else {
        stop(paste0("Interpolation method ", object$interpolation,
                    " not supported."))
jgellar/mgcvTrans documentation built on Aug. 10, 2022, 4:02 p.m.