
Defines functions edgelist_to_bipartite_graph to_bipartite_edgelist swap_an_edge2 bipartite_edge_swap2

Documented in bipartite_edge_swap2 edgelist_to_bipartite_graph swap_an_edge2 to_bipartite_edgelist

#' Swap edges of a bipartite graph (method 2)
#' @description Run the edge swapping algorithm from Milo et al. (2003) on a
#'   bipartite graph while maintaining the separation of the nodes in two groups.
#' @param gr a tidygraph object with a node attribute called \code{type} that
#'   holds boolean values (i.e. either \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE})
#' @param Q number of permutations you are conducting; default is 20
#' @param N the number of edge swaps; default is \eqn{Q \times |E(G)|}
#' @return the graph with \eqn{N} random edge swaps with constrained marginals
#' @examples
#' set.seed(0)
#' bgr <- tidygraph::create_ring(6, directed = FALSE)
#' bgr <- tidygraph::mutate(
#'     bgr,
#'     type = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 3),
#'     name = LETTERS[1:6]
#' )
#' print(bgr)
#' print(bipartite_edge_swap2(bgr, 10))
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom tidygraph %E>% %N>%
#' @export bipartite_edge_swap2
bipartite_edge_swap2 <- function(gr, Q = 20, N = igraph::ecount(gr)*Q) {
    # check for required node attribute "type"
    check_gr(gr, "type")
    check_gr(gr, "name")

    gr_el <- to_bipartite_edgelist(gr)
    gr_el <- swap_an_edge2(gr_el, N = N, max_try = 100)

    swapped_gr <- edgelist_to_bipartite_graph(gr_el)

#' Swap a single edge (method 2)
#' @description Swap an edge of a bipartite graph while maintaining the
#'   partition
#' @param el edge list composed of a list of two vectors, one for each group of
#'   the bipartite graph
#' @param N the number of edge swaps
#' @param max_try Number of times to try to find two edges to swap. If no
#'   edges are found, the program will crash with the message "Unable to swap
#'   edges"
#' @return a tidygraph graph object with two edges swapped
#' @examples
#' set.seed(0)
#' suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tidygraph))
#' gr <- create_ring(6, directed = FALSE) %>%
#'     mutate(type = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 3),
#'            name = LETTERS[1:6])
#' el <- to_bipartite_edgelist(gr)
#' swaped_el <- swap_an_edge2(el, 10)
#' plot(bind_graphs(gr, edgelist_to_bipartite_graph(swaped_el)))
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export swap_an_edge2
swap_an_edge2 <- function(el, N, max_try = 100) {
    # check that `el` has the expected vectors
    if (!all(names(el) == c("nodes1", "nodes2"))) {
        stop(paste("'el' does not have the correctly named vectors:",

    successes <- 0
    counter <- 0
    total_attempts <- N + max_try

    # random edges to use (compute all at the beginning)
    random_edges <- sample(
        replace = TRUE

    while((successes < N) & (counter < total_attempts)) {
        counter <- counter + 1
        rand_e1 <- random_edges[[counter]]
        rand_n11 <- el$nodes1[[rand_e1]]
        rand_n12 <- el$nodes2[[rand_e1]]

        adj_n12 <- unique(unlist(el$nodes1[el$nodes2 == rand_n12]))
        adj_n11 <- unique(unlist(el$nodes2[el$nodes1 == rand_n11]))

        idx <- ((el$nodes1 %in% adj_n12) | (el$nodes2 %in% adj_n11))

        # if TRUE: the random nodes are adjacent to all other nodes
        if (!all(idx)) {
            available_edges <- which(!idx)
            if (length(available_edges) > 1) {
                rand_e2 <- sample(available_edges, 1)
            } else {
                rand_e2 <- available_edges[[1]]
            el$nodes1[[rand_e1]] <- el$nodes1[[rand_e2]]
            el$nodes1[[rand_e2]] <- rand_n11

            successes <- successes + 1

    if (successes != N) {
        message(paste("Did not reach total number of edge swaps!\n --> only", successes, "edges swapped"))


#' Transform between a bipartite graph and edge list
#' @description Turn the bipartite graph into an edge list returns a list of two
#'   vectors of the nodes for the edges, each corresponding to one of the two
#'   bipartite graph groups
#' @param bgr bipartite graph with node attributes \code{type} and \code{name}
#' @param el edge list with two vectors for the edges, one for each set of nodes
#'   in the bipartite graph
#' @param sample_list which vector in `el` corresponds to the samples
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom tidygraph %N>%
#' @name bipartite_edgelist
#' @export to_bipartite_edgelist
to_bipartite_edgelist <- function(bgr) {
    if (igraph::ecount(bgr) < 1) stop("graph has no edges")
    if (igraph::vcount(bgr) < 1) stop("graph has no vertices")

    g1 <- tidygraph::as_tibble(bgr, active = "nodes") %>%
        dplyr::filter(type) %>% dplyr::pull(name) %>% unlist()
    g2 <- tidygraph::as_tibble(bgr, active = "nodes") %>%
        dplyr::filter(!type) %>% dplyr::pull(name) %>% unlist()
    el <- igraph::as_edgelist(bgr, names = TRUE)
    v1 <- unlist(apply(el, 1, function(edge) edge[edge %in% g1]))
    v2 <- unlist(apply(el, 1, function(edge) edge[edge %in% g2]))

        "nodes1" = v1,
        "nodes2" = v2

#' @rdname bipartite_edgelist
#' @export edgelist_to_bipartite_graph
edgelist_to_bipartite_graph <- function(el, sample_list = 1) {
    if (length(el) != 2) stop(paste("'el' must have two vectors:", length(el)))
    gr <- tibble::tibble(v1 = unlist(el[1]), v2 = unlist(el[2])) %>%
        tidygraph::as_tbl_graph(directed = FALSE) %N>%
        tidygraph::mutate(type = name %in% unlist(el[sample_list]))
jhrcook/wext documentation built on May 17, 2021, 1:19 a.m.