
#' Check consistency of data in a project
#' @param project path to the project directory
#' @param nmax maximum number of problematic items to print out (50 by default)
#' @details
#' This function
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item Reads the metadata table of the project
#'   \item Lists and reads all \code{dat1.pid} files in the \code{work} directory
#'   \item Lists and reads all \code{dat1.tx} files in \code{PID_process/Pid_results/Dat1_validated} (or \code{Dat1_extracted} if the previous one is empty)
#'   \item Lists all images in the \code{PID_process/Sorted_vignettes} directory
#' }
#' Then it
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item Compares the list of samples in the metadata, \code{dat1.pid}, and \code{dat1.txt} files
#'   \item Compares the list of objects in the \code{dat1.pid}, \code{dat1.txt} files, and present as images (i.e. vignettes)
#'   \item For images present both in the \code{dat1.txt} files and as vignettes, checks that the location of a vignette (its classification) matches the last column in the \code{dat1.txt} file
#' }
#' @return
#' Returns a list (of class \code{check}) containing all problematic items (sample or object names) that can be printed with various levels of detail (depending on \code{nmax})
#' @export
check_project <- function(project) {
  project <- project_class(project)

check_project_dispatcher <- function(project) {

#' @importFrom stringr str_c str_replace str_split
#' @importFrom plyr ldply
check_project_dispatcher.zooscan <- function(project) {

  # message("CHECK SAMPLES")

  # message("Gather data")
  # list all data referencing samples
  meta <- read_meta(project)
  pid_files <- list.files(str_c(project, "/Zooscan_scan/_work"), pattern=glob2rx("*.pid"), full=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
  dat1_files <- list.files(str_c(project, "/PID_process/Pid_results/Dat1_validated"), pattern=glob2rx("*_dat1.txt"), full=TRUE)
  if (length(dat1_files) == 0) {
    dat1_files <- list.files(str_c(project, "/PID_process/Pid_results/Dat1_extracted"), pattern=glob2rx("*_dat1.txt"), full=TRUE)
    dat1_files <- dat1_files[!str_detect(dat1_files, fixed("/Analysis_"))]
  # get sample identifiers from names
  pids <- str_replace(basename(pid_files), "_dat1.pid", "")
  dat1 <- str_replace(basename(dat1_files), "_dat1.txt", "")

  in_meta_no_pid <- setdiff(meta$id, pids)
  attr(in_meta_no_pid, "message") <- "Sample in meta but no .pid file"
  in_meta_no_dat1 <- setdiff(meta$id, dat1)
  attr(in_meta_no_dat1, "message") <- "Sample in meta but no .txt file"

  pid_not_in_meta <- str_replace(pid_files[which(! pids %in% meta$id)], project, "")
  attr(pid_not_in_meta, "message") <- "Sample with .pid file but not in meta"

  dat1_not_in_meta <- str_replace(dat1_files[which(! dat1 %in% meta$id)], project, "")
  attr(dat1_not_in_meta, "message") <- "Sample with .txt file but not in meta"
  pid_no_dat1 <- setdiff(pids, dat1)
  attr(pid_no_dat1, "message") <- "Sample with .pid file but no .txt file"
  dat1_no_pid <- setdiff(dat1, pids)
  attr(dat1_no_pid, "message") <- "Sample width .txt file but no .pid file"

  # message("\nCHECK OBJECTS")
  # message("Gather data")
  # read pid and dat1 data records
  dpids <- ldply(pid_files, read_pid, .inform=TRUE)
  ddat1 <- ldply(dat1_files, read_pid, .inform=TRUE)
  # get image names from records
  dpids$img <- str_c(dpids$Label, "_", dpids$Item)
  ddat1$img <- str_c(ddat1$Label, "_", ddat1$Item)
  # get images on disk
  img_files <- list.files(str_c(project, "/PID_process/Sorted_vignettes"), pattern=glob2rx("*.jpg"), recursive=TRUE)
  imgs <- str_replace(basename(img_files), ".jpg", "")
  # Check image presence
  pid_no_img <- setdiff(dpids$img, imgs)
  attr(pid_no_img, "message") <- "Object referenced in .pid files but no vignette"

  dat1_no_img <- setdiff(ddat1$img, imgs)
  attr(dat1_no_img, "message") <- "Object referenced in .txt file but no vignette"
  img_not_in_pid <- img_files[! imgs %in% dpids$img]
  attr(img_not_in_pid, "message") <- "Vignette present but no object in .pid files"

  img_not_in_dat1 <- img_files[! imgs %in% ddat1$img]
  attr(img_not_in_dat1, "message") <- "Vignette present but no object in .txt files"

  # Check identifications
  # reduce to vignettes on disk and in dat1 (and keep order)
  ddat1_common <- ddat1[ddat1$img %in% imgs,]
  img_files_common <- img_files[match(ddat1_common$img, imgs)]
  # extract identifications
  img_ids <- str_split(img_files_common, "/")
  img_ids <- sapply(img_ids, function(x) {x[length(x)-1]})
  ids <- ddat1_common[,c("img", "Valid")]
  names(ids) <- c("object", "from_dat1")
  ids$from_img <- img_ids

  # detect problems and report them
  wrong_ids <- ids[ids$from_dat1 != ids$from_img,]
  if ( nrow(wrong_ids) > 0) {
    wrong_ids <- str_c(wrong_ids$object, " should be ", wrong_ids$from_dat1, " but vignette is in ", wrong_ids$from_img)
  } else {
    wrong_ids <- character()
  attr(wrong_ids, "message") <- "Identification mismatch between .txt files and vignette location"
  out <- list(
  class(out) <- c("checklist", class(out))

#' @importFrom plyr l_ply
#' @export
#' @rdname check_project
print.checklist <- function(x, nmax=50) {
  l_ply(x, function(X) {
    n <- length(X)
    if (n > 0) {
      title <- attr(X, "message")
      message("\n", title, " (",n ," elements)")
      if (n > nmax) {
        X <- X[1:nmax]
      X <- str_c("  ", X, collapse="\n")
      if ( n > nmax) {
       X <- str_c(X, "\nand ", (n - nmax), " others...")
jiho/zooprocessr documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:31 a.m.