
### Hook functions for package start-up

gpclibCheck <- function (fatal = TRUE)
    gpclibOK <- surveillance.options("gpclib")
    if (!gpclibOK && fatal) {
        message("Note: The gpclib license is accepted by ",
                sQuote("surveillance.options(gpclib=TRUE)"), ".")
        stop("acceptance of the gpclib license is required")

.onLoad <- function (libname, pkgname)
    ## initialize options

.onAttach <- function (libname, pkgname)
    ## Startup message
    VERSION <- packageVersion(pkgname, lib.loc=libname)
    packageStartupMessage("This is ", pkgname, " ", VERSION, ". ",
                          "For overview type ",
                          sQuote(paste0("help(", pkgname, ")")), ".")

    ## decide if we should run all examples (some take a few seconds)
    allExamples <- if (interactive()) {
    } else { # R CMD check
        ## only do all examples if a specific environment variable is set
        ## (to any value different from "")
        ## CAVE: testing for _R_CHECK_TIMINGS_ as in surveillance < 1.9-1
        ## won't necessarily skip long examples for daily checks on CRAN (see
        ## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2012-September/064812.html
        ## ). For instance, the daily Windows checks run without timings.
    surveillance.options(allExamples = allExamples)

### Little helper functions

### checking if x is scalar, i.e. a numeric vector of length 1.

isScalar <- function (x) {
    length(x) == 1L && is.vector(x, mode = "numeric")

### _c_onditional lapply, which only uses lapply() if X really is a list object
### and otherwise applies FUN to X. The result is always a list (of length 1 in
### the latter case). Used for neOffset in hhh4 models.

clapply <- function (X, FUN, ...)
    if (is.list(X)) lapply(X, FUN, ...) else list(FUN(X, ...))

### pretty p-value formatting

formatPval <- function (pv, eps = 1e-4, scientific = FALSE, ...)
    format1 <- function (p)
        format.pval(p, digits = if (p < 10*eps) 1 else 2, eps = eps,
                    nsmall = 2, scientific = scientific, ...)
    vapply(X = pv, FUN = format1, FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = TRUE)

### determines multiplicities in a matrix (or data frame)
### and returns unique rows with appended column of counts

countunique <- function (x) unique(cbind(x, COUNT = multiplicity(x)))

### generate a color vector (via the colorspace package)

hcl.colors <- function (ncolors=100, use.color=TRUE)
    GYR <- if (requireNamespace("colorspace", quietly=TRUE)) {
        ## the Zeil-ice colors 
        colorspace::heat_hcl(ncolors, h=c(0,120),
                             c=if (use.color) c(90,30) else c(0,0),
                             l=c(50,90), power=c(0.75, 1.2))
    } else {
        if (use.color) heat.colors(ncolors) else grey.colors(ncolors)

### backwards-compatibility for old class name "ah4" (<= 1.7-0)

    methods17 <- c("print", "summary", "print.summary", "terms", "logLik",
                   "coef", "fixef", "ranef", "confint", "predict",
                   "update", "plot", "simulate")
    for (generic in methods17) {
        methodname <- paste(generic, "hhh4", sep=".")
        method <- get(methodname)
        ## mark ah4-method as deprecated (as of next major release)
        ## body(method) <- as.call(append(
        ##     as.list(body(method)),
        ##     substitute(
        ##         .Deprecated(new,
        ##                     msg=c(
        ##                     "Since surveillance 1.8-0, hhh4()-results are of",
        ##                     " class \"hhh4\" instead of \"ah4\".",
        ##                     "\nOld \"ah4\"-methods will be removed.")),
        ##         list(new=methodname)),
        ##     after=1L))
        assign(paste(generic, "ah4", sep="."), method, pos=parent.frame(2L))
jimhester/surveillance documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:33 a.m.