
#' Psychrometric chart
#' Plot psychrometric chart with or with data.
#' @param temp.db Vector of dry-bulb temperatures [degC]. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param hum.ratio Vector of humidity ratios [kg/kg]. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param temp.min Minimum value of temperature axis [degC]. Defaluts to
#'  -15 degC.
#' @param temp.max Maximum value of temperature axis [degC]. Defaluts to
#'  30 degC.
#' @param humidity.max Maximum value of humidity axis [kg/kg]. Defaults to
#'  0.020 kg/kg.
#' @param alt Vector of altitudes [m]. Defaults to 0 m (sea level).
#' @param mollier Boolean operator. Plot Mollier chart (tx-chart) or tx-chart.
#'  Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param alpha Transparancy of the data points. Defaults to 0.25.
#' @param disable.warnings Some ignorable warnings appear when plotting the
#'  chart. To see these and eventually others disable.warnings should be
#'  FALSE. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @family PsychrometricGraph
#' @import ggplot2 
#' @importFrom cowplot ggdraw
#' @importFrom weights rd
#' @return Plots the psychrometric chart. If the error
#' "TEXT_SHOW_BACKTRACE environmental variable.
#' Error in grid.Call(L_textBounds, as.graphicsAnnot(x$label), x$x, x$y,  :
#' polygon edge not found"
#' shows up. Try run psychrometric_chart() again.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' psychrometric_chart()
#' temp.db <- c(20, 23, 18, 20, 10, 27)
#' hum.ratio <- c(0.005, 0.009, 0.004, 0.011, 0.004, 0.01)
#' psychrometric_chart(temp.db, hum.ratio, alpha = 1)
#' psychrometric_chart(temp.db, hum.ratio, temp.min=5, mollier = TRUE,
#'  alpha = 1)
#' @author Christoffer Rasmussen

psychrometric_chart <- function(temp.db = NULL, hum.ratio = NULL,
                                temp.min = -15, temp.max = 30,
                                humidity.max = 0.020, alt = 0,
                                mollier = FALSE, alpha = 0.25,
                                disable.warnings = TRUE) {

  # Check for package -------------------------------------------------------
  if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("ggplot2 is needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  } else if (!requireNamespace("cowplot", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("cowplot is needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  } else if (!requireNamespace("weights", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("weights is needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  # Plot parameters ---------------------------------------------------------
  # Constants
  FONT.SCALE <- 2.834646  # Translate annotation font size to theme font size.
  LINE.MULTIPLIER <- 3  # Line size of boarders compares to rest of lines.
  N <- 2000  # Number og line segments for stat_function lines.
  # Round temperature and humidity limits
  temp.min <- my_round(temp.min, 5, "floor")
  temp.max <- my_round(temp.max, 5, "ceiling")
  humidity.max <- my_round(humidity.max, 0.005, "ceiling")
  # Temperature which RH annotation should be centered between
  temp.1 <- 20
  temp.2 <- 25
  # Aspect ratio
  if (mollier == F) {
    asp <- (humidity.max / 0.005) / ((temp.max - temp.min) / 5)
    deg <- 0
    k <- 1
  } else {
    asp <- ((temp.max - temp.min) / 5) / (humidity.max / 0.005)
    deg <- 90
    k <- -1
  # Axis to filp. Depends on chart type.
  axis.to.flip <- "y"
  # Plot parameters
  theme <- theme_parms()
  # Create base plot --------------------------------------------------------
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data.frame(x = c(temp.min, temp.max)), ggplot2::aes(x)) +
    # Add theme
    theme_climateeng_psy(asp) +
    # Axis breaks
      breaks = seq(temp.min, temp.max, 5)) +
      breaks = seq(0, humidity.max, 0.005),
      labels = weights::rd(seq(0.0, humidity.max, 0.005), digits = 3, add = F),
      position = "right") +
    # Axis titles
    ggplot2::ylab(expression("Humidity ratio ("*kg[m]*"/"*kg[da]*")")) +
    ggplot2::xlab(expression("Dry-bulb temperature ("*degree*C*")"))
  # Trim chart --------------------------------------------------------------
  x_add <- (temp.max - temp.min) * 0.003
  y_add <- (humidity.max) * 0.003
  p <- p + ggplot2::coord_cartesian(
    xlim = c(temp.min - x_add, temp.max + x_add),
    ylim = c(-y_add, humidity.max + y_add),
    expand = F)
  # Converts tx-chart to xt-chart -------------------------------------------
  if (mollier == T) {
    p <- p + ggplot2::coord_flip(
      ylim = c(-y_add, humidity.max + y_add),
      xlim = c(temp.min - x_add, temp.max + x_add),
      expand = F)
    axis.to.flip <- "x"
  # Relative humidity lines -------------------------------------------------
  for (i in seq(0, 100, 10)) {
    if (i %in% c(0, 100)) {
      # Border curve
      p <- p + ggplot2::stat_function(
        fun = hum_ratio_rel_hum,
        args = list(alt = alt,
                    rel.hum = i,
                    hum.ratio.max = humidity.max),
        n = N,
        size = theme$size.line * LINE.MULTIPLIER,
        geom = "line",
        col = theme$color.grid.major)
    } else {
      # Other RH curves
      p <- p + ggplot2::stat_function(
        fun = hum_ratio_rel_hum,
        args = list(alt = alt,
                    rel.hum = i,
                    hum.ratio.max = humidity.max),
        n = N,
        size = theme$size.line,
        geom = "line",
        col = theme$color.grid.major)
  # Absolute humidity lines -------------------------------------------------
  for (i in seq(0.005, humidity.max, 0.005)) {
    if (i == humidity.max) {
      # Border curve
      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(
        x = temp.max,
        xend = dewpoint(hum.ratio = i, alt = alt),
        y = i,
        yend = i,
        col = theme$color.grid.major,
        size = theme$size.line * LINE.MULTIPLIER)
    } else {
      # Other RH curves
      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(
        x = temp.max,
        xend = dewpoint(hum.ratio = i, alt = alt),
        y = i,
        yend = i,
        size = theme$size.line,
        col = theme$color.grid.major)
  # Dry bulb temperature lines ----------------------------------------------
  for (i in seq(temp.min, temp.max, 5)) {
    if (i %in% c(temp.min, temp.max)) {
      # Border curve
      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(
        x = i,
        xend = i,
        y = 0,
        yend = min(sat_hum_ratio(i, alt), humidity.max),
        col = theme$color.grid.major,
        size = theme$size.line * LINE.MULTIPLIER)
    } else {
      # Other RH curves
      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(
        x = i,
        xend = i,
        y = 0,
        yend = min(sat_hum_ratio(i, alt), humidity.max),
        size = theme$size.line,
        col = theme$color.grid.major)
  # Wet bulb temperature lines ----------------------------------------------
  # temp_wb_min = temp.min
  # while (wetbulb_intersect(temp_wb_min, alt) > temp.min) {
  #   temp_wb_min <- temp_wb_min - 5
  # }
  # for (i in seq(temp_wb_min, temp.max - 5, 5)) {
  #   p <- p + geom_segment(x = i,
  #                         xend = wetbulb_intersect(i, alt),
  #                         y = sat_hum_ratio(i, alt),
  #                         yend = 0,
  #                         size = theme$size.line,
  #                         lty = "dashed")
  # }
  # Enthalpy lines ----------------------------------------------------------
  start <- my_round(enthalpy(temp.min, 0), 10, "ceiling")
  end <- my_round(enthalpy(temp.max, humidity.max), 10, "floor")
  # Add lines
  for (i in seq(start, end, 10)) {
    p <- p + ggplot2::stat_function(
      fun = hum_ratio_enthalpy,
      args = list(enthalpy = i,
                  alt = alt),
      n = N,
      size = theme$size.line,
      geom = "line",
      col = theme$color.grid.major)
  # Data points -------------------------------------------------------------
  # Add data to plot if present
  if (!is.null(temp.db) | !is.null(hum.ratio)) {
    # Create data frame
    df.points <- data.frame(
      temp = temp.db,
      hum = hum.ratio)
    # Add data points
    p <- p +
      ggplot2::scale_color_gradient(low = "#3F5151", high = "#9B110E") +
        data = df.points,
        ggplot2::aes(x = temp, y = hum),
        size = 1.25,
        alpha = alpha)
  # Annotation of relative humidity lines -----------------------------------
  temp <- mean(c(temp.1, temp.2))
  if (mollier == F) {
    seq <- seq(0, 80, 20)
  } else if (mollier == T) {
    seq <- seq(20, 100, 20)
  for (i in seq) {
    # Define label
    if (i == 0) {
      label <- "Relative humidity: 0 %\n"
    } else if (i == 100) {
      label <- "Relative humidity: 100 %\n"
    } else {
      label <- paste0(i, " %\n")
    # Add label
    p <- p +
                        x = temp,
                        y = hum_ratio(i, temp),
                        size = theme$text.size.axis / FONT.SCALE,
                        label =  label,
                        angle = deg + k * slope_rel_hum(temp.1, temp.2, i),
                        col = theme$color.axis.text)
  # Annotation of enthalpy lines --------------------------------------------
  start <- my_round(enthalpy(temp.min, 0), 10, "ceiling")
  end <- my_round(enthalpy(temp.max, humidity.max), 10, "floor")
  for (i in seq(start, end, 10)) {
    # Define label
    if (enthalpy_intersect(i, alt) < temp.min + 2 |
        enthalpy_intersect(i, alt) > dewpoint(humidity.max, alt) - 0.5) {
      label <- ""
    } else if (mollier == F) {
      if (i == 40) {
        label <- paste0("Enthalpy: ", i, " kJ/kg\n\n")
      } else {
        label <- paste0(i, "\n\n")
    } else if (mollier == T) {
      if (i == 40) {
        label <- paste0("\n\nEnthalpy: ", i, " kJ/kg")
      } else {
        label <- paste0("\n\n", i)
    intersect <- enthalpy_intersect(i, alt)
    # Add label
    p <- p +
                        x = intersect,
                        y = sat_hum_ratio(intersect, alt),
                        size = theme$text.size.axis / FONT.SCALE,
                        label =  label,
                        angle = deg + k * slope_rel_hum(intersect - 0.5,
                                                        intersect + 0.5,
                        col = theme$color.axis.text)
  # Plot --------------------------------------------------------------------
jinlee86/bems_analysisr_package documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:34 a.m.