Man pages for jipingw/RiboDiPA
Differential pattern analysis for Ribo-seq data

binTrackVisualization: generating tracks for 'igvR' (per bin)
bpTrackVisualization: generating tracks for 'igvR' (per bp)
data.binnedAn example of binned P-sites data
DataBinningData binning
data.psiteAn example of P-site coverage data
diffPatternTestDifferential pattern analysis of Ribo-seq data
diffPatternTestExonMain function for differential pattern analysis of...
exonTrackVisualization: generating tracks for 'igvR' (per exon)
normFactorSize factors for normalization by sequencing depth
plotTestPlotting ribosome footprint data from mapped P-sites at the...
plotTrackPlotting ribosome footprint data at the mapped P-site level
psitecalP-site position of reads
PsiteMappingP-site mapping
result.exonAn example of exon-level differential pattern analysis result
result.pstAn example of differential pattern analysis result
RiboDiPAA wrapper function for the RiboDiPA pipeline
jipingw/RiboDiPA documentation built on Dec. 10, 2024, 8:46 p.m.