## Functions for estimating effects and standard errors
# Compute backdoor adjustment estimates
# Some parts modified from calc_bida_post()
compute_bda <- function(data,
target = NULL,
debug = 0){
t <- nrow(data)
p <- settings$nnodes
seq_p <- seq_len(p)
nodes <- settings$nodes
parents <- seq_len(settings$max_parents)
debug_cli(debug >= 2, cli::cli_alert_info,
c("computing backdoor adjustments with ",
ifelse(settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet",
"Gaussian linear model",
"discrete multinomial model")))
## initialize storage structure
if (length(rounds$bda) == 0 ||
settings$bcb_engine == "mcmc" ||
!identical(sapply(rounds$ps, nrow),
sapply(rounds$bda, function(x)
unlist(sapply(x, nrow)))[1,])){
debug_cli(debug >= 2, cli::cli_alert,
c("initializing bda",
ifelse(length(rounds$bda) == 0, "",
ifelse(settings$bcb_engine == "mcmc",
" because using MCMC",
" because dimensions changed"))))
bda <- lapply(seq_p, function(i){
temp <- lapply(seq_p, function(j) if (j != i){
## for bda estimate and joint estimate:
## last t where bda updated, effect estimate, residual sum of squared
## deviations, and mean estimates for each intervention value
i_values <- rounds$node_values[[i]]
sapply(c("t_bda", "t_int", "n_bda", "xtx", "rss",
sprintf("n_ess%g", seq_len(length(i_values))),
sprintf("mu%g_bda", seq_len(length(i_values))),
sprintf("se%g_bda", seq_len(length(i_values))),
sprintf("mu%g_est", seq_len(length(i_values))),
sprintf("se%g_est", seq_len(length(i_values)))),
function(x) rep(NA, nrow(rounds$ps[[i]])),
simplify = FALSE)
} else NULL)
names(temp) <- nodes
names(bda) <- nodes
} else{
bda <- rounds$bda
## if minimal, skip
if (settings$minimal && !grepl("bcb", settings$method)){
for (i in if (is.null(target)) seq_p else seq_p[-match(target, nodes)]){
pars <- as.matrix(rounds$ps[[i]][, parents, drop = FALSE])
temp <- bda[[i]]
i_values <- rounds$node_values[[i]]
debug_cli(debug >= 4, cli::cli_alert,
c("computing estimates for ", sum(rounds$ps[[i]][, "prob"] > 0),
" adjustment sets for node {nodes[i]}"))
for (l in rounds$ps[[i]][, "ordering"]){
## TODO: can be problematic when concentrating around a dag
## TODO: update 12-29-21: circumvented by setting threshold = 1 for mds
if (rounds$ps[[i]][l, "prob"] == 0) break
k <- pars[l, !is.na(pars[l, ])] # indices of parents
n_parents <- length(k) # number of parents
ik <- c(i, k) # predictor and parent
## i -> j
for (j in if (is.null(target)) seq_p[-i] else match(target, nodes)){
## all observational data, and interventional data
## on nodes a that do not block a path i -> a -> j
bool_data <- bool_bda(t = t, from = i, to = j,
settings = settings, rounds = rounds)
Xy <- as.matrix(data[bool_data, , drop=FALSE])
n <- nrow(Xy)
if (j %in% k){ # j -> i, so i -/-> j
## have not computed bda effect
if (is.na(temp[[j]][l, 1])){
temp[[j]][l, seq_len(ncol(temp[[j]])-5)] <- numeric(ncol(temp[[j]])-5)
temp[[j]]$t_bda[l] <- t
temp[[j]][l, c("n_bda", "n_ess1", "n_ess2")] <- n
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
temp[[j]][l, "rss"] <- sum(Xy[seq_len(settings$n_obs), j]^2)
temp[[j]][l, sprintf("se%g_bda", seq_len(length(i_values)))] <-
sqrt(temp[[j]][l, "rss"] / (settings$n_obs - 1) / settings$n_obs)
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
mu_bda <- table(Xy[,j])[settings$success] / n
temp[[j]][l, sprintf("mu%g_bda",
seq_len(length(i_values)))] <- mu_bda
temp[[j]][l, sprintf("se%g_bda",
seq_len(length(i_values)))] <- sqrt(mu_bda * (1 - mu_bda) / n)
} else{
## compute bda effect
if (is.na(temp[[j]][l, 1]) || # have not computed bda effect
any(bool_data[seq(temp[[j]][l, 1] + 1, t)]) || # have added bda-eligible data
sum(bool_data) != temp[[j]]$n_bda[l]){ ## have removed bda-eligible data
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
values <- numeric(5)
lm_cpp(X = Xy[, ik, drop = FALSE],
y = Xy[, j], values = values)
temp[[j]][l, c("beta_bda", "se1_bda",
"rss", "xtx", "n_ess1")] <- values
## redo rss
y_tilde <- Xy[, j] - temp[[j]]$beta_bda[l] * Xy[, i]
y_tilde <- y_tilde[seq_len(settings$n_obs)]
temp[[j]]$rss[l] <- sum((y_tilde - mean(y_tilde))^2)
for (b in seq_len(length(i_values))){
temp[[j]][[sprintf("mu%g_bda", b)]][l] <-
i_values[b] * temp[[j]]$beta_bda[l]
temp[[j]][[sprintf("se%g_bda", b)]][l] <-
temp[[j]][[sprintf("n_ess%g", b)]][l] <-
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
## empirical joint count table
ejct <- do.call(table, sapply(nodes[c(ik, j)],
function(x) Xy[, x, drop = TRUE],
simplify = FALSE))
for (along in which(dim(ejct) == 1)){
## add dimension with all zeroes
ejct <- abind::abind(ejct, ejct * 0, along = along)
## arrange dimension based on names
dnm <- dimnames(settings$bn.fit[[nodes[c(ik, j)][along]]]$prob)[[1]]
dimnames(ejct)[[along]][2] <- setdiff(dnm,
ejct <- abind::asub(ejct, idx = match(dimnames(ejct)[[along]], dnm),
dims = along, drop = FALSE)
names(dimnames(ejct)) <- nodes[c(ik, j)]
## empirical joint probability table, with added uniform
## prior with effective sample size 1 for smoothness
n_prior <- 1 # TODO: include smoothness input as parameter
ejpt <- (ejct + n_prior / prod(dim(ejct))) / (n + n_prior)
## empirical conditional probability table
ecpt <- query_jpt(jpt = ejpt, target = nodes[j],
given = nodes[i], adjust = nodes[k])
## estimate mu with no prior to avoid unnecessary bias
ejpt0 <- (ejct + 0 / prod(dim(ejct))) / (n + 0)
ecpt0 <- query_jpt(jpt = ejpt0, target = nodes[j],
given = nodes[i], adjust = nodes[k])
if (!is.null(attr(ecpt0, "invalid"))){
debug_cli(debug >= 4, cli::cli_alert,
"invalid ecpt; requiring n_prior = {n_prior}")
ecpt0 <- ecpt
for (b in seq_len(length(i_values))){
temp[[j]][[sprintf("mu%g_bda", b)]][l] <-
ecpt0[settings$success, b]
ep <- jpt2p(jpt = ejpt, nodes = nodes[c(j, ik)],
levels = c(settings$success, b))
temp[[j]][[sprintf("se%g_bda", b)]][l] <-
sqrt(Var_Pr(n = n + n_prior, p = ep))
## p(1-p) / (n+1) = se^2 => n = p(1-p) / se^2 - 1
## TODO: not precise because varying prior
p <- temp[[j]][[sprintf("mu%g_bda", b)]][l]
temp[[j]][[sprintf("n_ess%g", b)]][l] <-
p * (1 - p) /
temp[[j]][[sprintf("se%g_bda", b)]][l]^2 - 1
## at least 1 and at most n + n_prior
temp[[j]][[sprintf("n_ess%g", b)]][l] <-
min(n + n_prior, max(1,
temp[[j]][[sprintf("n_ess%g", b)]][l]))
temp[[j]]$t_bda[l] <- t
temp[[j]]$n_bda[l] <- n
} # END IF j -> i ELSE
## TODO: compute int quantities before looping through various k
## compute joint estimate est
if ((updated_bda <- rounds$selected$arm[t] > 0 &&
temp[[j]]$t_bda[l] == t) || # just updated bda with int data
rounds$selected$interventions[t] ==
nodes[i]){ # or most recent intervention is on i
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
a <- if (updated_bda){
which(sapply(rounds$arms, `[[`, "node") == nodes[i])[1]
} else{
value <- rounds$arms[[a]]$value
if (settings$bcb_combine == "average"){
## bda
beta_bda <- temp[[j]]$beta_bda[l]
se_bda <- temp[[j]]$se1_bda[l]
n_bda <- temp[[j]]$n_bda[l]
## int
beta_int <- rounds$mu_int[t, a] * value
se_int <- rounds$se_int[t, a]
se_int <- ifelse(!is.na(se_int), se_int,
## prior with variacne 1 and ess 2
sqrt((2 + (beta_int - beta_bda)^2) / 3))
n_int <- sum(rounds$selected$interventions == nodes[i])
## ess
n_bda <- ifelse(settings$initial_n_ess <= 0,
max(min(n_bda, n_int), 1),
min(n_bda, settings$initial_n_ess))
## est
beta_est <- (beta_bda * n_bda + beta_int * n_int) / (n_bda +
se_est <- sqrt((se_bda^2 * n_bda^2 + se_int^2 * n_int^2) /
(n_bda + n_int)^2)
} else if (settings$bcb_combine == "conjugate"){
## int
beta_int <- rounds$mu_int[t, a] * value
bool_int <- rounds$selected$interventions == nodes[i]
x_int <- as.numeric(
sapply(rounds$selected$arm[bool_int], function(x){
) * rounds$data[bool_int, settings$target]
n_int <- length(x_int)
## priors with bda
n_bda <- temp[[j]]$n_bda[l]
n_ess <- temp[[j]]$n_ess1[l]
n_ess <- ifelse(settings$initial_n_ess <= 0,
max(min(n_ess, n_int), 1),
min(n_ess, settings$initial_n_ess))
nu_0 <- n_ess
a_0 <- max(1, (settings$n_obs - length(ik) + 1) / 2)
beta_0 <- temp[[j]]$beta_bda[l]
b_0 <- ifelse((settings$n_obs - length(ik) + 1) / 2 < 1,
1, temp[[j]]$rss[l] / 2)
## posterior update
nu <- nu_0 + n_int
beta <- (nu_0 * beta_0 + n_int * beta_int) / nu
a_ <- a_0 + n_int / 2
b_ <- b_0 + 1/2 * sum((x_int - beta_int)^2) +
n_int * nu_0 / nu * (beta_int - beta_0)^2 / 2
beta_est <- beta
se_est <- sqrt(b_ / a_ / nu)
## update
temp[[j]]$beta_est[l] <- beta_est
for (b in seq_len(length(i_values))){
temp[[j]][[sprintf("mu%g_est", b)]][l] <-
i_values[b] * temp[[j]]$beta_est[l]
temp[[j]][[sprintf("se%g_est", b)]][l] <- se_est
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
## only update corresponding level
a <- rounds$selected$arm[t]
b <- rounds$arms[[a]]$value
if (settings$bcb_combine == "average"){
## bda
mu_bda <- temp[[j]][[sprintf("mu%g_bda", b)]][l]
se_bda <- temp[[j]][[sprintf("se%g_bda", b)]][l]
n_bda <- temp[[j]]$n_bda[l]
## int
mu_int <- rounds$mu_int[t, a]
se_int <- rounds$se_int[t, a]
n_int <- sum(rounds$selected$arm == a)
## ess
n_bda <- ifelse(settings$initial_n_ess <= 0,
max(min(n_bda, n_int), 1),
min(n_bda, settings$initial_n_ess))
## est
mu_est <- (mu_bda * n_bda + mu_int * n_int) / (n_bda +
se_est <- sqrt((se_bda^2 * n_bda^2 + se_int^2 * n_int^2) /
(n_bda + n_int)^2)
} else if (settings$bcb_combine == "conjugate"){
## int
mu_int <- rounds$mu_int[t, a]
n_int <- sum(rounds$selected$arm == a)
## priors with bda
n_bda <- temp[[j]]$n_bda[l]
n_ess <- temp[[j]][[sprintf("n_ess%g", b)]][l]
n_ess <- ifelse(settings$initial_n_ess <= 0,
max(min(n_ess, n_int), 1),
min(n_ess, settings$initial_n_ess))
mu_0 <- temp[[j]][[sprintf("mu%g_bda", b)]][l]
alpha_0 <- mu_0 * n_ess
beta_0 <- n_ess - alpha_0
## posterior update
alpha <- alpha_0 + n_int * mu_int
beta <- beta_0 + n_int * (1 - mu_int)
mu_est <- alpha / (alpha + beta)
se_est <- sqrt(alpha * beta / (alpha + beta)^3)
## update
temp[[j]][[sprintf("mu%g_est", b)]][l] <- mu_est
temp[[j]][[sprintf("se%g_est", b)]][l] <- se_est
temp[[j]]$t_int[l] <- t
## purely observational; no intervention yet
if (is.na(temp[[j]]$t_int[l]) ||
any(is.na(temp[[j]][l, sprintf("mu%g_est",
## take est from bda, since no int
for (b in seq_len(length(i_values))){
temp[[j]][[sprintf("mu%g_est", b)]][l] <-
temp[[j]][[sprintf("mu%g_bda", b)]][l]
temp[[j]][[sprintf("se%g_est", b)]][l] <-
temp[[j]][[sprintf("se%g_bda", b)]][l]
temp[[j]]$beta_est[l] <- temp[[j]]$beta_bda[l]
bda[[i]] <- temp
# Compute intervention effects
compute_int <- function(t,
debug = 0){
if (t <= settings$n_obs) return(rounds)
## load settings
list2env(settings[c("n_obs", "n_int", "target")],
envir = environment())
debug_cli(debug >= 3, cli::cli_alert_info,
"computing intervention effects")
rounds$mu_int[t,] <- rounds$mu_int[t-1,]
rounds$se_int[t,] <- rounds$se_int[t-1,]
a <- rounds$selected$arm[t]
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
## compute Gaussian effects
bool_int <- rounds$selected$interventions == rounds$arms[[a]]$node
x_int <- as.numeric(
sapply(rounds$selected$arm[bool_int], function(x){
) * rounds$data[bool_int, target]
## update se
beta_int <- mean(x_int)
se_int <- sd(x_int) / sqrt(length(x_int)) # s / sqrt(n)
se_int <- ifelse(is.na(se_int),
abs(beta_int), # sqrt((beta_int - 0)^2)
## update mu
for (aa in seq_len(length(rounds$arms))){
if (rounds$arms[[aa]]$node != rounds$arms[[a]]$node) next
rounds$mu_int[t, aa] <- beta_int * rounds$arms[[aa]]$value
rounds$se_int[t, aa] <- se_int
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
## compute discrete effects
bool_int <- rounds$selected$arm == a
x_int <- rounds$data[bool_int, target]
n_int <- length(x_int)
rounds$mu_int[t, a] <- mu_int <-
mean(x_int == (lvls <- levels(x_int))[settings$success])
if (mu_int %in% c(0, 1)){
p_int <- c(mu_int, 1 - mu_int)
p_int <- p_int + 1 / (2 * length(x_int))
p_int <- p_int / sum(p_int)
mu_int <- p_int[1]
n_int <- n_int + 1
rounds$se_int[t, a] <- sqrt(mu_int * (1 - mu_int) / n_int)
## TODO: optimistic
# Compute expectation over posterior mean
expect_post <- function(rounds,
dag = NULL,
from = NULL,
to = NULL,
metric = "beta",
squared = FALSE){
p <- length(rounds$bda)
seq_p <- seq_len(p)
mat <- matrix(0, p, p)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- names(rounds$bda)
metrics <- trimws(strsplit(metric, "\\+")[[1]])
nms <- names(rounds$bda[[1]][[2]])
if (!is.null(dag) && is.null(dim(dag)))
dag <- row2mat(row = dag, nodes = names(rounds$bda))
if (is.null(dag) ||
any(dag * t(dag) > 0)){ # is a pdag or skel
## concentrate posterior around pdag or skel structure
## does nothing if dag = NULL
rounds$ps <- concentrate_ps(ps = rounds$ps,
amat = dag,
exact = FALSE)
## expectation over posterior distribution
for (i in if (is.null(from)) seq_p else from){
for (j in if (is.null(to)) seq_p[-i] else to){
if (metric %in% names(rounds$bda[[i]][[j]])){
mat[i, j] <-
sum(rounds$ps[[i]][, "prob"] *
rounds$bda[[i]][[j]][[metric]]^(1 + squared), na.rm = TRUE)
} else{
## metric should be a character value evaluable
## using eval(parse(text = metric))
## load metrics into environment and evaluate
list2env(sapply(nms[sapply(nms, function(x) grepl(x, metric))],
function(x) rounds$bda[[i]][[j]][[x]], simplify = FALSE),
envir = environment())
mat[i, j] <-
sum(rounds$ps[[i]][, "prob"] *
eval(parse(text = metric))^(1 + squared), na.rm = TRUE)
} else{
## concentrate posterior around dag structure
edge_list <- as.list(sparsebnUtils::as.edgeList(dag))
for (i in if (is.null(from)) seq_p else from){
row_index <- lookup(parents = edge_list[[i]],
ps_i = rounds$ps[[i]])
if (row_index <= 0){
debug_cli(TRUE, cli::cli_warn,
"no row corresponding to parents
{paste(names(rounds$bda)[edge_list[[i]]], collapse = ',')}
for node {ifelse(is.character(i), i, names(rounds$bda)[i])}")
next # mat[i, j] = mat[j, i] = 0
for (j in if (is.null(to)) seq_p[-i] else to){
if (metric %in% names(rounds$bda[[i]][[j]])){
mat[i, j] <- rounds$bda[[i]][[j]][row_index, metric]^(1 + squared)
} else{
mat[i, j] <- sum(Reduce(`+`,
lapply(metrics, function(metric) rounds$bda[[i]][[j]][row_index, metric]))^(1 + squared))
if (!is.null(from) && !is.null(to)){
mat <- mat[from, to]
} else if (!is.null(to)){
mat <- mat[setdiff(rownames(mat), to), to, drop = TRUE]
} else if (!is.null(from)){
mat <- mat[from, setdiff(colnames(mat), from), drop = TRUE]
# Compute mu and se
compute_mu_se <- function(t,
dag = NULL,
type = c("bda", "est"), # backdoor adjustment or joint est
post = avail_bda, # posterior distr (bma or around dag)
est = post){ # where to store in rounds
type <- match.arg(type)
post <- match.arg(post)
if (post == "bma")
dag <- NULL
## E(X)
rounds[[sprintf("mu_%s", est)]][t,] <- sapply(rounds$arms, function(arm){
int_index <- match(arm$value, rounds$node_values[[arm$node]])
expect_post(rounds = rounds, dag = dag,
from = arm$node, to = target,
metric = sprintf("mu%g_%s", int_index, type))
## E(Var(X))
E_Var <- sapply(rounds$arms, function(arm){
int_index <- match(arm$value, rounds$node_values[[arm$node]])
expect_post(rounds = rounds, dag = dag,
from = arm$node, to = target,
metric = sprintf("se%g_%s", int_index, type),
squared = TRUE)
## Var(E(X)) = E(E(X)^2) - E(E(X))^2
Var_E <- if (is.null(dag)){
sapply(rounds$arms, function(arm){
int_index <- match(arm$value, rounds$node_values[[arm$node]])
expect_post(rounds = rounds, dag = dag,
from = arm$node, to = target,
metric = sprintf("mu%g_%s", int_index, type),
squared = TRUE) -
expect_post(rounds = rounds, dag = dag,
from = arm$node, to = target,
metric = sprintf("mu%g_%s", int_index, type))^2
} else{
## E(Var(X)) + Var(E(X))
rounds[[sprintf("se_%s", est)]][t,] <- sqrt(E_Var +
## General relevant functions
# Concentrate ps around a dag, pdag, or skel
concentrate_ps <- function(ps,
amat = NULL,
exact = FALSE){
if (is.null(amat))
## TODO: this is approximate
nodes <- names(ps)
if (is.null(dim(amat)))
amat <- row2mat(row = amat, nodes = nodes)
ps <- lapply(seq_len(length(ps)), function(i){
max_parents <- ncol(ps[[i]]) - 3
if (exact && !any(amat & t(amat))){ # exact dag
l <- which(apply(ps[[i]][, seq_len(max_parents),
drop = FALSE], 1, function(x){
all(amat[x[!is.na(x)], i] > 0, na.rm = TRUE)
"prob"] <- 0
"prob"] <- 1
"ordering"] <- order(ps[[i]][, "prob"], decreasing = TRUE)
} else{
for (l in ps[[i]][, "ordering"]){
if (ps[[i]][l, "prob"] == 0) break
ps[[i]][l, seq_len(max_parents)]
if (any(amat[ps[[i]][l, seq_len(max_parents)],
i] == 0, na.rm = TRUE)){
ps[[i]][l, "prob"] <- 0
ps[[i]][, "prob"] <- ps[[i]][,
"prob"] / sum(ps[[i]][, "prob"])
names(ps) <- nodes
# Indicate data rows that can be used for bda
bool_bda <- function(t,
to = settings$target,
debug = 0){
bool_data <- rep(TRUE, t)
if (t > settings$n_obs){
if (settings$type == "bn.fit.gnet"){
## add interventional data with node j such that either
## Pr(i -> j) or Pr(j -> target) is low; i.e. j does not
## block a directed path from i to target
bool_arms <- sapply(rounds$arms, function(arm){
## Pr(i -> j -> target) <= min(Pr(i -> j), Pr(j -> target))
settings$eta > 0 &&
min(rounds$arp[from, arm$node],
rounds$arp[arm$node, to]) < settings$eta
bool_data[rounds$selected$arm[seq_len(t)] > 0] <-
debug_cli(debug >= 3 && sum(bool_data) > settings$n_obs, "",
c("using {sum(bool_data) - settings$n_obs} rows of ",
"experimental data for backdoor adjustment"))
} else if (settings$type == "bn.fit.dnet"){
bool_data[seq(settings$n_obs + 1, t)] <- FALSE
# Convert bda between list and data.frame
convert_bda <- function(bda,
new_class = switch(class(bda), list = "data.frame", `data.frame` = "list")){
debug_cli(! class(bda) %in% c("list", "data.frame"), cli::cli_abort,
"bda must be a list or a data.frame")
debug_cli(! new_class %in% c("list", "data.frame"), cli::cli_abort,
"new_class must be a list or a data.frame")
if (class(bda) == new_class)
if (new_class == "data.frame"){
bda <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(lapply(names(bda), function(from){
as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(lapply(names(bda[[from]]), function(to){
if (from != to)
cbind(from = from, to = to, bda[[from]][[to]])
}), fill = TRUE))
} else if (new_class == "list"){
nodes <- unique(bda$from)
bda <- sapply(nodes, function(from){
sapply(nodes, function(to){
if (from != to){
bda_from_to <- bda[bda$from == from, names(bda) != "from"]
bda_from_to <- bda_from_to[bda_from_to$to == to, names(bda_from_to) != "to"]
rownames(bda_from_to) <- NULL
} else{
}, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
}, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
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