## Test backdoor adjustment
path0 <- ifelse(get_projects_dir(envir = environment()) == getwd(),
projects_dir, file.path(projects_dir, "current",
"simulations", "test_bda"))
debug <- 1
## Discrete
path <- file.path(path0, "test_bda-d")
eg <- expand.grid(seed = seq_len(1e3),
r = c(0, 1, 2, 3),
n = 100 * 2^(0:5))
## Execute simulation
bcb:::test_Var_Pr(eg = eg,
path = path,
nest = 1e3,
nrep = 1e3,
clear = FALSE,
debug = debug)
## Gaussian
# Test Var(beta)
test_Var_beta <- function(eg, # grid of scenarios with seed, r, and n
nlarge = 1e5,
coefs = c(0.5, 1),
vars = c(0.5, 1),
clear = FALSE,
debug = 1){
nlarge <- min(nlarge, 1e6)
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert,
"simulating {nrow(eg)} scenarios with nlarge = {nlarge}",
.envir = environment())
folder <- file.path(path, nlarge)
## combine all saved results
compile_fn <- function(){
files <- list.files(folder)
files <- files[grepl(".rds", files)]
files <- files[!grepl("test_Var_beta", files)]
files <- file.path(folder, files)
df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(files, readRDS))
saveRDS(object = df,
file.path(path, sprintf("test_Var_beta_%s.rds", nlarge)))
error = function(err){
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert_danger,
"error: {as.character(err)}",
.envir = environment())
on.exit(compile_fn(), add = TRUE)
## function to use on.exit()
fn <- function(i){
## file setup
rds <- file.path(folder, sprintf("%s.rds", paste(eg[i,], collapse = "_")))
if (file.exists(rds)){
if (clear && is.null(readRDS(file = rds))){
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert,
"deleting file {i}",
.envir = environment())
saveRDS(object = NULL, file = rds)
on.exit(expr = { # delete if failed before completion
if (is.null(readRDS(file = rds))){
}, add = TRUE)
start_time <- Sys.time()
## simulate
list2env(eg[i,], envir = environment())
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert,
"{i}. seed = {seed}, r = {r}, n = {n}",
.envir = environment())
## generate network
bn <- bnlearn::empty.graph(nodes = sprintf("V%s", seq_len(r + 2)))
amat <- bnlearn::amat(bn)
amat[-seq_len(2), 2] <- amat[2, 1] <- 1L
amat[-seq_len(2), 1] <- sample(c(0, 1), r, # confounding
replace = TRUE)
bnlearn::amat(bn) <- amat
gnet <- bcb:::bn2gnet(bn = bn, # seed = seed,
coefs = coefs, vars = vars,
normalize = TRUE, intercept = FALSE)
nodes <- names(gnet)
others <- nodes[-c(1, 2)]
true_beta <- bcb:::bn.fit2effects(bn.fit = gnet)[2,1,1]
## generate data
yX_array_obs <- replicate(nlarge, as.matrix(bnlearn::rbn(x = gnet,
n = n)))
n_types <- 1 + length(others) * 2 # obs and {-1, 1} for each node
prob <- rep(1 / n_types, n_types)
n_split <- rmultinom(n = 1, size = n * nlarge,
prob = prob)
intervene <- c(
list(list(n = 0)),
do.call(c, lapply(others, function(node){
lapply(c(-1, 1), function(x){
temp <- list(n = 0, x)
names(temp) <- c("n",
for (j in seq_len(length(n_split))){
intervene[[j]]$n <- n_split[j]
yX_array_mix <- as.matrix(bcb::ribn(x = gnet, intervene = intervene))
yX_array_mix <- yX_array_mix[sample.int(nrow(yX_array_mix)),,
drop = FALSE]
seq_n <- seq_len(n)
yX_array_mix <- sapply(seq_len(nlarge), function(j){
yX_array_mix[seq_n + (j-1) * n,]
dim(yX_array_mix) <- dim(yX_array_obs)
## compute estimates and compile results
t_star <- qt(p = 0.975, df = n - r - 1)
data2results <- function(yX_array, method){
values <- t(apply(yX_array, 3, function(yX){
values <- numeric(5)
bcb:::lm_cpp(X = yX[, c(2, match(gnet[[2]]$parents,
nodes)), drop=F],
y = yX[, 1], values = values)
beta <- values[,1]
se_beta <- values[,2]
Var_beta <- se_beta^2
coverage <- mean(sapply(seq_len(length(beta)), function(j){
(beta[j] - t_star * se_beta[j]) < true_beta &&
true_beta < (beta[j] + t_star * se_beta[j])
}), na.rm = TRUE)
results <- data.frame(matrix(quantile(Var_beta, probs = seq(0, 1, 0.25)),
nrow = 1))
names(results) <- sprintf("quantile%s", c("000", "025", "050", "075", "100"))
results <- cbind(eg[i,], results,
data.frame(method = method,
true_beta = true_beta,
extra = sum(amat[-seq_len(2), 1]),
mean_beta = mean(beta),
sd_beta = sd(beta),
var_beta = var(beta),
mean_Var_beta = mean(Var_beta),
sd_Var_beta = sd(Var_beta),
coverage = coverage))
results <- rbind(data2results(yX_array_obs, "obs"),
data2results(yX_array_mix, "mix"))
end_time <- Sys.time()
run_time <- as.numeric(end_time - start_time, units = 'secs')
results$time <- run_time
rownames(results) <- NULL
## save results
saveRDS(object = results, file = rds)
debug_cli(debug, cli::cli_alert_success,
"completed {i} in {prettyunits::pretty_sec(run_time)}",
.envir = environment())
if (i %% 1e2 == 0 || i == nrow(eg))
null <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(eg)),
## simulation settings
path <- file.path(path0, sprintf("test_bda-g"))
eg <- expand.grid(seed = seq_len(1e3),
r = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
n = 10 * 2^(0:5))
## Execute simulation
test_Var_beta(eg = eg,
path = path,
nlarge = 1e5,
coefs = c(0.5, 1),
vars = c(0.5, 1),
clear = FALSE,
debug = debug)
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