
Defines functions gitlab http_error_or_content get_rel get_next_link is.nested.list is_named is_single_row format_row json_to_flat_df call_filter_dots

Documented in gitlab

#' Request Gitlab API
#' This is gitlabr's core function to talk to Gitlab's server API via HTTP(S). Usually you will not
#' use this function directly too often, but either use gitlabr's convenience wrappers or write your
#' own. See the \code{gitlabr} vignette for more information on this.
#' Note: currently gitlab API v3 is supported. Support for Gitlab API v4 (for Gitlab version >= 9.0) will
#' be added soon.
#' @param req vector of characters that represents the call (e.g. \code{c("projects", project_id, "events")})
#' @param api_root URL where the gitlab API to request resides (e.g. \code{https://gitlab.myserver.com/api/v3/})
#' @param verb http verb to use for request in form of one of the \code{httr} functions
#' \code{\link[httr]{GET}}, \code{\link[httr]{PUT}}, \code{\link[httr]{POST}}, \code{\link[httr]{DELETE}}
#' @param auto_format whether to format the returned object automatically to a flat data.frame
#' @param debug if TRUE API URL and query will be printed, defaults to FALSE
#' @param gitlab_con function to use for issuing API requests (e.g. as returned by 
#' \code{\link{gitlab_connection}}
#' @param page number of page of API response to get; if "all" (default), all pages
#' (up to max_page parameter!) are queried successively and combined.
#' @param max_page maximum number of pages to retrieve. Defaults to 100. This is an upper limit
#' to prevent gitlabr getting stuck in retrieving an unexpectedly high number of entries (e.g. of a
#' project list). It can be set to NA/Inf to retrieve all available pages without limit, but this
#' is recommended only under controlled circumstances.
#' @param enforce_api_root if multiple pages are requested, the API root URL is ensured
#' to be the same as in the original call for all calls using the "next page" URL returned
#' by gitlab. This makes sense for security and in cases where gitlab is behind a reverse proxy
#' and ignorant about its URL from external.
#' @param argname_verb name of the argument of the verb that fields and information are passed on to
#' @param ... named parameters to pass on to gitlab API (technically: modifies query parameters of request URL),
#' may include private_token and all other parameters as documented for the Gitlab API
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @importFrom tibble data_frame as_data_frame
#' @export
#' @return the response from the Gitlab API, usually as a `data_frame` and including all pages
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' gitlab(req = "projects",
#'        api_root = "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/",
#'        private_token = "123####89")
#' gitlab(req = c("projects", 21, "issues"),
#'        state = "closed",
#'        gitlab_con = my_gitlab)
#' }
gitlab <- function(req,
                   verb = httr::GET,
                   auto_format = TRUE,
                   debug = FALSE,
                   gitlab_con = "default",
                   page = "all",
                   max_page = 100,
                   enforce_api_root = TRUE,
                   argname_verb = if (identical(verb, httr::GET) |
                                      identical(verb, httr::DELETE)) { "query" } else { "body" },
                   ...) {
  if (!is.function(gitlab_con) &&
      gitlab_con == "default" &&
      !is.null(get_gitlab_connection())) {
    gitlab_con <- get_gitlab_connection()
  if (!is.function(gitlab_con)) {
    url <- req %>%
      paste(collapse = "/") %>%
      prefix(api_root, "/") %T>%
      iff(debug, function(x) { print(paste(c("URL:", x, " "
                                             , "query:", paste(utils::capture.output(print((list(...)))), collapse = " "), " ", collapse = " "))); x })
    (if (page == "all") {list(...)} else { list(page = page, ...)}) %>%
      pipe_into(argname_verb, verb, url = url) %>%
      http_error_or_content()   -> resp
    resp$ct %>%
      iff(auto_format, json_to_flat_df) %>% ## better would be to check MIME type
      iff(debug, print) -> resp$ct
    if (page == "all") {
      private_token <- list(...)[["private_token"]]
      pages_retrieved <- 0L
      while (length(resp$nxt) > 0 && is.finite(max_page) && pages_retrieved < max_page) {
        nxt_resp <- resp$nxt %>%
          as.character() %>%
          iff(enforce_api_root, stringr::str_replace, "^.*/api/v\\d/", api_root) %>%
          paste0("&private_token=", private_token) %>%
          httr::GET() %>%
        resp$nxt <- nxt_resp$nxt
        resp$ct <- bind_rows(resp$ct, nxt_resp$ct %>%
                               iff(auto_format, json_to_flat_df))
        pages_retrieved <- pages_retrieved + 1
  } else {
    if (!missing(req)) {
      dot_args <- list(req = req)
    } else {
      dot_args <- list()
    if (!missing(api_root)) {
      dot_args <- c(dot_args, api_root = api_root)
    if (!missing(verb)) {
      dot_args <- c(dot_args, verb = verb)
    if (!missing(auto_format)) {
      dot_args <- c(dot_args, auto_format = auto_format)
    if (!missing(debug)) {
      dot_args <- c(dot_args, debug = debug)
    if (!missing(page)) {
      dot_args <- c(dot_args, page = page)
    do.call(gitlab_con, c(dot_args, gitlab_con = "self", ...)) %>%
      iff(debug, print)

http_error_or_content <- function(response,
                                  handle = httr::stop_for_status,
                                  ...) {
  if (!identical(handle(response), FALSE)) {
    ct <- httr::content(response, ...)
    nxt <- get_next_link(httr::headers(response)$link)
    list(ct = ct, nxt = nxt)

#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_split
get_rel <- function(links) {
  links %>%
    stringr::str_split(",\\s+") %>%
    getElement(1) -> strs
  tibble::data_frame(link = strs %>%
                       lapply(stringr::str_replace_all, "\\<(.+)\\>.*", "\\1") %>%
                     rel = strs %>%
                       lapply(stringr::str_replace_all, ".+rel=.(\\w+).", "\\1") %>%
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

get_next_link <- function(links) {
  if(is.null(links)) {
  } else {
    links %>%
      get_rel() %>%
      filter(rel == "next") %>%

is.nested.list <- function(l) {
  is.list(l) && any(unlist(lapply(l, is.list)))

is_named <- function(v) {

is_single_row <- function(l) {
  if (length(l) == 1 || !any(lapply(l, is.list) %>% unlist())) {
  } else {
    the_lengths <- lapply(l, length) %>% unlist()
    u_length <- unique(the_lengths)
    if (length(u_length) == 1) {
      return(u_length == 1)
    } else {
      multi_cols <- which(the_lengths > 1) %>% unlist()
      return(all(lapply(l[multi_cols], is_named) %>% unlist() &
                   !(lapply(l[multi_cols], is.nested.list) %>% unlist())))

format_row <- function(row, ...) {
  row %>%
    lapply(unlist, use.names = FALSE, ...) %>%
    tibble::as_data_frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

json_to_flat_df <- function(l) {
  l %>%
    iff(is_single_row, list) %>%
    lapply(unlist, recursive = TRUE) %>%
    lapply(format_row) %>%

call_filter_dots <- function(fun,
                             .dots = list(),
                             .dots_allowed = gitlab %>%
                               formals() %>%
                               names() %>%
                               setdiff("...") %>%
                               c("api_root", "private_token"),
                             ...) {
  do.call(fun, args = c(list(...), .dots[intersect(.dots_allowed, names(.dots))]))
jirkalewandowski/gitlabr documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:37 a.m.