
Defines functions biconnectedComponents

Documented in biconnectedComponents

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#' Find the biconnected components of a phylogeny
#' @title Biconnected Components
#' @description Find the biconnected components of a phylogeny
#' @param edges The `edge` matrix of a `phylo` object.
#' @param rt The root node of the phylogeny
#' @param nNode The number of nodes in the tree
#' @details biconnected components
#' @return A list with containing a vector of nodes for each biconnected component
#' @export
biconnectedComponents <- function(edges, rt, nNode) {
    .Call(`_SiPhyNetwork_biconnectedComponents`, edges, rt, nNode)
jjustison/SiPhyNetwork documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 8:58 a.m.